Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something?

Cats are extremely curious - they walk in and around the house, exploring everything that comes along the way. Their excellent sense of smell allows them to navigate their surroundings and receive information about other animals.

From time to time, you may notice how, after sniffing an object, your pet leaves his mouth open for a few seconds. He also wrinkles his nose and raises his upper lip (usually people do this when they smell an unpleasant odor). However, after the initial sniffing and grimacing, the cat may fall into a trance-like state. From a human point of view, the animal's behavior looks very strange.

What's really going on? Does the cat have an aversion to the smell, is she traumatized, or is the reason for something completely different?

It turns out that sniffing with an open mouth is caused by the so-called Flehmen reaction (smile) and is a completely normal phenomenon. Inside the cat's mouth, on the palate behind the teeth, there is a vomeronasal organ (also known as Jacobson's organ). It is small in size and consists of two fluid-filled sacs connected to the nasal cavity. By leaving the mouth open after sniffing the object, the animal draws in air, which enters the vomeronasal organ, and examines the aroma more carefully. This information enters the brain. Thanks to its specific olfactory system, cats are 14 times more sensitive to odors than humans. Additional sniffing allows pets to form a more complete picture of the world around them.

Jacobson's organs

Jacobson's organs, or vomeronasal organs, are located between the roof of the mouth and the nasal septum. The Jacobson's organs are connected to the hypothalamus in the brain, which serves as a kind of switchboard for sending information to other areas.

Tiny ducts connect them to the openings behind the cat's teeth in the roof of the mouth.

The Jacobson's organ is named after Ludwig Levin Jacobson, the Danish physician who discovered it in 1811. Cats are not the only animals with Jacobson's organs. Oddly enough, even people have them.

According to Dr. Anne-Marie Helmenstein, although humans do not exhibit the Flehmen reaction, recent research has shown that the Jacobson's organ, like those of other mammals, detects pheromones and tastes low concentrations of certain non-human chemicals in the air.

There are indications that Jacobson's organ may be stimulated in pregnant women, perhaps partly explaining the improved sense of smell during pregnancy and possibly playing a role in morning sickness.

Probably the most famous animal with a Jacobson's organ, other than cats, is the common snake, which is, of course, a reptile.

Why do cats have a keen sense of smell?

Why does a cat lie on a person?

Such a keen sense of smell is due to evolution. Kittens are born completely blind, and can only find their way to food by using their sense of smell. Further, cats, as natural predators, must be able to recognize whether they have come across fresh or stale meat, whether their relatives are sick, or whether it is dangerous to be indoors. There are hundreds of cases where cats warned unsuspecting owners about a gas leak or burning wiring.

The main sense of cats is their sense of smell.

While most people's primary sense is sight, cats' primary sense is smell, including that of humans. In fact, most cats identify their owners by smell, so it makes sense that most cats enjoy sniffing their owner's mouths since the owner's mouth will emit a strong, unique scent that their cat will associate with them.

Cats are believed to sniff their owner's mouths when they are comforted by the unique scent of their breath. So if you come home from work and find your cat climbing onto your lap and trying to smell your mouth and saliva, you should be flattered as your cat has obviously missed you and wants to feel comfortable being in your presence.

Cats communicate using scent

Cats do not express their feelings in words, do not hug or shake hands, but evaluate each other. When cats meet, they often sniff each other first. Some may exchange a slight headbutt. When a cat rubs its head against another cat, it releases pheromones from glands on its face.

The pheromones released during this exchange will reveal a lot about both cats. So, instead of using their voice, cats use smell and scent as a tool to communicate.

The main compounds used for chemical bonding between cats are called amines and acids. Amines and acids produce aromas that only cats can smell. These smells can tell a cat about another cat's mood and even what she likes to eat.

A cat can tell whether another cat is calm or aggressive, male or female, healthy or sick, weak or strong. A quick sniff of the head gives the cat some information about friend or foe. However, stronger scents are required to obtain detailed information, so they sniff each other's butts.

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Why does a cat open its mouth when it sniffs?

Cats usually breathe through their nose and open their mouth only for something specific: to eat, drink, meow or bite someone.

But one day you notice that your cat is sniffing something, and then freezes, his mouth slightly open. You might think this is an expression of surprise or disgust. But in fact, there is a simple scientific explanation for this behavior.



1 Flehmen reaction

2 Not only cats

3 Why does a cat breathe through its mouth?

Flehmen's reaction

Every cat has a tiny scent detector in the roof of the mouth behind its front teeth - the Jacobson's organ or vomeronasal organ. Odor molecules enter it through the nasopalatine canals - two small fluid-filled ducts located in the roof of the mouth.

By opening its mouth, the cat uses this tool to better explore an interesting smell. This usually concerns the pheromones of another cat, but it may also be interested in the smell of another animal, the aroma of valerian, and even the owner’s worn-out clothes.

Not just cats

The vomeronasal organ is especially important for territory marking, mating, and intraspecific communication. Therefore, it is not surprising that not only domestic pets, but also their wild counterparts (lions, tigers, etc.) sniff with their mouths open. This behavior is not limited to felines; it is used by a wide variety of animals: zebras, moose, giraffes, llamas, rhinoceroses and even dogs. However, it is in cats that the vomeronasal organs are well developed. While a hound dog has 9 types of receptors, a cat has as many as 30!

Why does a cat breathe through its mouth?

Your cat greets you upon returning home, sniffs you and suddenly freezes with a strange expression on his face. His mouth is open, he inhales the air with bared teeth and seems to be grimacing. In this case, there is no need to worry: the pet smelled an interesting smell.

But if a cat holds its mouth open for more than a few seconds at a time and breathes through its mouth, it may indicate a medical problem. It could be anything:

  • Bacterial or viral infection
  • Allergy
  • Tumor in the nasal cavity
  • Stomatitis
  • Gingivitis
  • Any disease that affects the lungs
  • Injury (bruise) of the cat's chest
  • Feline infectious peritonitis

Pay attention to other symptoms that may indicate a problem, especially:

  • Swelling on or around the face
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Excessive sleepiness or any other change in your cat's behavior
  • Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
  • Head down and elbows out to the sides
  • Cough
  • Bluish gums (indicates low oxygen levels in the blood)

If you notice any of the above, remain calm and try to calm your cat, as stress can make the situation worse. Carefully place your pet in the carrier and rush to the vet.

Cats are forward-thinking

Cats have difficulty seeing objects near them. Instead of using sight, they rely on their sense of smell and touch to determine what is nearby. You may have noticed this when your cat cautiously approaches a new object.

Not only does a new object, person, or cat appear large and blurry to the cat when they are nearby, but their scent is also unfamiliar. Consequently, it either flees the scene or sniffs around until it detects an unfamiliar object or is safe.


In fact, tartar is the same plaque, which is a colony of microorganisms that has only undergone calcification. It is quite strong and hard, has a brownish tint and is capable of growing.


  • Finding dark yellow or brown growths on your cat's teeth.
  • The appearance of bad breath.
  • Bleeding and inflammation of the gums.
  • Soreness may appear, the cat may begin to eat poorly, or even lose its appetite.


1. Grinding of teeth with a special paste. Used at the initial stage of the disease.

2. Tartar removal: mechanical or ultrasonic.


Cats can smell what their owners ate

Another reason many cats love to sniff human mouths is that cats can actually smell human saliva and can pinpoint what they've eaten in the last couple of hours. If your cat is a mouth sniffer, there is a high chance that she will try to sniff the mouth of anyone in your home to see if they have eaten any food recently.

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If your cat then learns that the person they are sniffing has eaten one of their favorite foods, your cat may try to befriend that person in hopes that they might have more of the food they recently ate to share with the hungry cat.

Why does a cat chew and lick wool sweaters?

What is the reason for strange cat behavior?
This actually happens periodically. Some owners suggest that the cat simply lacks some nutrients that it finds on the surface of the owner's sweater. However, scientists say that most likely the reason for such actions lies in something else. Some cats just have an impulsive urge to chew, suck, or lick things. In most cases, these are woolen items, however, some individuals prefer human hair, shoe laces, cardboard or plastic bags. And if your cat eats a high-quality diet, if she exhibits high energy levels, and if she has a shiny coat and healthy skin, then it is very unlikely that the behavior is due to nutritional deficiencies. However, certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or anemia, can cause this behavior. Therefore, if your cat begins to lick or chew sweaters, it would be a good idea to take her to a veterinarian, who could give an accurate answer to the question about the suspected health problems.

Curious sniffers

If you see your pet with his mouth open, sniffing around with a funny "facial expression", don't worry - he's just exploring his surroundings and getting to know his neighbors who have left their scent.

Cats are multifaceted creatures: everyone knows this. These are magnificent hunters, desperate fighters, ardent lovers, caring parents, and affectionate pets. This is not a complete list of cat talents. There are many others, which hardly anyone can list.

However, in addition to quite obvious talents, cats have no less number of oddities, some of which science has at least explained, but no less of which remains mysterious. And just as in the case of cat talents, few would dare to list all the cat’s oddities, all the inexplicable or poorly explained details of its behavior. We will look at some of them in this article.

The cat pulls out hair

Sometimes the cat just plays by pulling your hair, which can be quite painful. In this case, you must give a tough rebuff, because if you ignore it, the pet will get used to it and will continue to torment you. In this case, you need to shush the cat, hiss, tell him a forbidding word, or, ultimately, kick him out of bed.

You can do the following experiment: as soon as the cat starts making pretzel tricks with your head, he needs to forbid it with words, but if he doesn’t listen, kick him out of the bedroom. After a few times, he will develop a conditioned reflex that playing with his hair will be followed by being completely removed from your body. Then, perhaps, some time will pass and the cat will stop hurting you, understanding the consequences.

What other strange behavior do cats have?

Why can a domestic cat be aggressive?

Sometimes furry pets rub the side of their muzzle against a person’s palm. This is due to the fact that they are trying to “stake out” this person for themselves, leaving their scent on him. In this way, they make it clear to other cats and animals that the person is busy and there is no point in meddling with him.

Sometimes cats may lick their owner's hair or skin. This indicates an extreme degree of affection, because the pet, by licking the other, shows its care.

Owners of mustachioed cats often notice another oddity - cats “bury” various things, even a cup of their morning coffee. In this way, animals make it clear that they do not like what they are burying.

Flehmen reaction and urine markings

A pet exploring the space around the house with its mouth open is most likely “collecting” the smells of other animals. Because Flemen's smile often appears when sniffing urine; it is quite possible that someone else's cat has left its marks near your home.

When members of the cat family make urine marks, they explain to their relatives that the territory belongs to them. The desire to mark objects is typical for non-castrated cats, which thus communicate their readiness to mate. Animals that are stressed or anxious may mark furniture; it gives them a feeling of security because... the smell scares away strangers and reminds you of being in a familiar place. A change in the environment in the house, a move, or the arrival of a new family member can cause a negative psychological state in a cat.

If your furry friend often relieves himself in the wrong place, ignoring the litter box, you should contact your veterinarian; Your pet may be suffering from urinary problems associated with some medical condition.

Possible reasons

If a cat sits with its mouth open after intense play with long runs and rapid jumps, then there is absolutely nothing to worry about, since the animal is simply hot. There are no sweat glands on the skin of cats, and breathing through an open mouth can be a protective complex reaction of the body. Time will pass, the pet will cool its body by opening its mouth and will begin to breathe again, as befits all representatives of its species.

Stressful situation. Many meowing pets have a hard time traveling by transport, even in a comfortable car, and staying in unfamiliar, foreign places. Stress causes the animal's temperature to rise, its heart rate to increase, and it opens its mouth to cool itself.

Flehman's reaction to other animal species

Unless you are a zookeeper or regular visitor to a sanctuary, your cat's first reaction to the smell of fleas will likely be quite surprising. However, domestic cats are not the only species that can curl their lips when a certain smell piques their interest. Other species that have this ability are also known:

  • Horses
  • Buffaloes
  • Giraffes
  • Hedgehogs
  • Pandas
  • Tigers
  • Rhinoceroses
  • Hippos
  • Llamas

In the animal world, this flea reaction would not exist if it were not for scent communication. All of the above animal species send chemical messages (pheromone deposits) when they urinate in an open space. This “marking” behavior allows animals to signal that they are ready to mate or claim a certain territory. The emerging flehmen is a way to “read” the signal.

Despite this common reflex and the ability to communicate through smell, scientists have yet to determine whether the flemen response is cross-species. That is, can a cat, for example, dissect and understand the pheromones of a panda (or a tiger and a rhinoceros). Although this skill has no evolutionary purpose, it would be interesting.

Fragrant traces

Whether it's a person, a cat bed, or a cardboard box, if a cat rubs against it, it's claiming ownership. Cats leave behind scents when they rub against objects. That's why cats sniff everything. If a cat smells another cat on an object, it will know that it is in the other cat's territory.

Scent mapping also helps cats navigate. Scenting objects around the house helps cats understand where they are and how to move around. If you have a cat that goes outside, she will use her scent map to find her way home.

Article Author: Richard Parker I'm Richard, I have experience in all matters related to feline health, behavior, grooming techniques and general pet care. Richard graduated with a degree in journalism in 2008. He is the proud owner of 5 adult cats (all adopted stray breeds), including an older cat who is now 20 years old.

Why are cats attracted to specific smells?

Attentive owners of furry pets may have noticed that cats show special interest in smells that are unusual, in human opinion. For example, cats love the smell of dirty clothes, unwashed socks or sweaty armpits. Thus, some kittens and adult pets like to sleep on unwashed linen, put their muzzles in shoes or enjoy “poking” into the armpits, while preferring more male ones. What causes this behavior, why do cats lick their armpits?

First of all, don’t be scared and think that your pet has gone crazy. The thing is that representatives of the cat family have a much better developed sense of smell than humans. Cats can detect odors and aromas that are not sensitive to our noses and at the same time feel them much more strongly.

Through new scents, cats navigate in space and adapt to environmental conditions.

Smells can attract or, conversely, repel cats. For example, cats simply adore human sweat. Animals like the smell of their owner's clothes and shoes. It is worth noting that such “scents” attract more adult cats than kittens. Babies show less interest in strong aromas and use their owner's clothes or socks as new toys.

The smell of a cat's owner's sweat is perceived as a guarantee of protection.

A pet ends up in a person’s home, usually as a small kitten. Of course, the new environment becomes stressful for him. Everything around is new, everything is scary. And the owner is the only thing you can rely on - he will protect and feed. Therefore, the owner’s smell is associated with positivity and calm.

Naturally, the cat will choose the most “fragrant” places, and sweat concentrates where the sweat glands are located. Moreover, cats like the natural smell of sweat, without soap, deodorants and other chemicals. That is why, the stronger the smell of sweat from a person or from clothing, the more the cat likes it.

Cats regard the smell of their owner's sweat as the sweetest aroma in their lives. They prefer the sweat of a man, because it contains a certain emphasis that indicates the male and his strength. Of all the whiskers, cats are the ones that are most attracted to the smell of their owner's sweat. And if the cat is pregnant, then she will be incredibly happy just to have her owner return home.

The cat is trying to understand your general health

Some veterinarians believe that cats are trying to smell human mouths because human saliva smells different than cats do when people are healthy versus when people have a cold. Such veterinarians put forward the idea that when a cat sniffs its owner's mouth, they are actually trying to see whether the owner is healthy or sick.

For example, if your cat sniffs your mouth and senses that you have a cold, she may try to bring you a small gift, such as a half-dead mouse or bird, to increase your strength. After all, your cat may believe that by feeding you, you will get better faster.

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