When to castrate a Maine Coon - the best age for surgery

Maine Coon cats are capricious; castration is necessary to correct the animal's behavior and stop sexual estrus. In addition, with age, an uncastrated pet begins to mark in the apartment and meow heart-rendingly in the spring. At this moment, owners think about when to castrate the Maine Coon in order to avoid a serious operation and post-operative condition.

At what age should a Maine Coon be neutered?

Editorial staff of WikiPet.ru

Increasingly, owners are resorting to such an operation as castration of the Maine Coon. Why is it necessary to castrate a Maine Coon, when is the best time to do it, how is the operation performed, how to care for your pet in the postoperative period, and how does the character and behavior of a Maine Coon change after castration?

In the photo: Maine Coon. Photo: pixabay.com

Why is it necessary to neuter your Maine Coon?

Castration of a Maine Coon, performed by a specialist, is practically painless, and cats recover quite quickly from the operation. But if you are still thinking about whether to take your pet to the veterinary clinic for this procedure, we will give a number of reasons why it is necessary to neuter your Maine Coon.

  1. After castration of the Maine Coon, the unpleasant odor associated with sexual desire and marking of corners disappears.
  2. Improved health. A male who is in search of a lady is quite aggressive and tends to get involved in fights, which can end sadly. In addition, the absence of hormonal surges after castration increases the lifespan of a Maine Coon.
  3. Improved psychological state. After castration, the Maine Coon behaves calmer, does not strive to look for a sexual partner, and this has a beneficial effect on psychological well-being - not only the cat’s, but also yours.

Important Features

Unfortunately, there are many prejudices generated by ignorance around the castration (sterilization) of animals. Pet owners often wonder: is castration of a Maine Coon really necessary? Will an animal that has lost the ability to reproduce become inferior? Is the operation associated with unbearable pain?

Opponents of castration insist that this procedure is unnatural, forgetting that in the wild the reproductive cycle of animals depends on the length of daylight hours. A wild animal usually produces offspring once a year, during the most favorable period for this, and the rest of the time the female’s body recovers and prepares for the next reproductive cycle.

Useful to read: What vitamins do Maine Coons need?

After the cat became domesticated, the natural rhythms of life, tied to daylight hours, were disrupted, and the amount of food became constant regardless of the season. The animal has gained the opportunity to reproduce several times a year, which has an adverse effect on the body condition of a cat that gives birth frequently and a lot.

If a pet cannot satisfy the instinct of procreation, its life becomes endless stress. The animal begins to scream and mark its territory, which causes inconvenience to the owners, but first of all, the cats themselves suffer. The character of a “full-fledged” cat, deprived of the opportunity to mate with a cat, deteriorates - he becomes nervous, unsociable, and sometimes aggressive.

A cat, overwhelmed by the reproductive instinct, can run away, fall out of a window, get lost, or get hit by a car. If the fugitive does return home safely, he may bring not only parasites, but also infections from the street. Attempts to “calm” a pet with hormonal drugs such as “CounterSex” often lead to serious diseases, including cancer.

Optimal time for castration of a Maine Coon

Owners who have decided to undergo surgery are wondering “when to castrate a Maine Coon.” Experts, when asked at what age Maine Coons are neutered, increasingly agree that the optimal time for Maine Coon castration is between 6 and 12 months of age. At this age, the cat’s body is so formed that the Maine Coon most often experiences anesthesia and the rehabilitation period without complications.

Another advantage of castrating a Maine Coon at a young age is that the habit of marking has not yet developed, which means there is a greater chance that it will not manifest itself.

How does a Maine Coon change after castration?

Some owners fear that after castration the Maine Coon will change for the worse. How does a Maine Coon actually change after castration? For the better! After castration, the Maine Coon, as a rule, becomes more flexible and cheerful, as he develops interests that were previously blocked by the desire to procreate.

In the photo: Maine Coon. Photo: pixabay.com

A little theory about castration

Castration of a Maine Coon is carried out by removing the gonads: the ovaries in females and the testes in males. Since these organs produce hormones responsible for sexual desire, animals lose the ability to reproduce.

At the same time, their behavior is adjusted, they become calmer and less aggressive during certain periods of development.

Sterilization refers to gentle methods of terminating reproductive function. During the operation, the female gonads remain intact, and ligatures are applied to the fallopian tubes. At the same time, cats lose only their physical ability to bear offspring, while their behavioral instincts remain as strong as ever. For this reason, sterilization is carried out much less frequently than castration.

Caring for a Maine Coon after castration

The owner must be warned about the peculiarities of caring for a Maine Coon after castration, but we will also remind you of a few recommendations that will be useful.

  1. For the first 24 hours after castration, provide your Maine Coon with constant monitoring, as general anesthesia can affect the functioning of the animal’s body. If you notice frightening symptoms (lack of bowel movements, drowsiness and lethargy), you should consult a veterinarian.
  2. To prevent the Maine Coon from licking the seam, you should put a special blanket on it. As a rule, you need to wear it for two weeks - that’s how long it takes for the wound to heal completely.


Sterilization options

For cats, there is only one simple manipulation - an incision is made on the scrotum through which the ovaries are removed. Therefore, the appearance of a cat allows you to determine whether he is neutered or not.

The physiological characteristics of females complicate the process, because it is necessary to remove all internal genital organs - the uterus and ovaries.

  1. The traditional method involves making an incision in the abdominal cavity and removing organs through it.
  2. Endoscopic sterilization - through small punctures. The advantages are obvious - without contact of internal organs with the environment, the risk of infection is lower, the absence of stitches facilitates recovery in the postoperative period.
  3. More complex cavitary interventions require increased attention from the veterinarian during and after surgery.
  4. For cats, sterilization is also possible when the fallopian tubes are ligated. At the same time, they are deprived of the opportunity to produce offspring, but jumps in hormonal levels are present, as well as characteristic behavior during a jump in sex hormones.

At what age should a Maine Coon be neutered?

Castration of Maine Coon cats can be carried out both at a very early age, on average 8–16 weeks, and after reaching puberty.

Early castration is due to the fact that Maine cats are ready to reproduce at the age of 7-9 weeks, so breeders prefer to castrate cats as early as possible. Thus, Maine Coon kittens arrive at a new home already adapted to a new life, without bad habits of marking territory and throwing tantrums against the backdrop of a hormonal surge.

Mature age

Later castration of furry pets is carried out for various reasons, including a late decision to undergo surgery. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the animal and study the risks and contraindications, primarily for the use of anesthesia.

If the animal has reached the age of seven, the procedure is carried out only for emergency medical reasons. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult for Maine Coon cats to undergo such an intervention, but there is no prohibition on surgical intervention, you just need to conduct a more thorough examination.

Early age

It is optimal to remove the gonads at 8–16 weeks. Early surgery will be less painful, it is performed without anesthesia, and kittens recover quickly after it compared to adult cats.

This practice is common for high-level breeders to prevent the appearance of mixed-breed kittens and other non-purebred offspring. Such a kitten arrives at its new owners already neutered, which is morally easier in all respects.

A contraindication at an early age may be mainly cryptorchidism, which is an indication for abdominal surgery. The rehabilitation process in this case will take longer, so you should not rush to carry out such an intervention and wait until this deficiency in kittens goes away with age.

Preparation for surgery and postoperative care

Preparation for surgery begins with the main thing - finding an experienced surgeon who performs such operations on a regular basis. It is extremely important that the surgeon is paired with a qualified anesthesiologist, and it is ideal if this anesthesiologist has experience working specifically with Maine Coons. It is undesirable for the surgeon himself to administer anesthesia - he may simply not have enough time and hands to monitor everything.

The main problem that a Maine Coon owner may encounter is problems with the pet’s heart.

IMPORTANT! To make sure that there are no contraindications, before the operation an ultrasound and ECG of the heart is mandatory and an examination by a cardiologist is carried out.

Other studies (blood and urine tests) are carried out according to indications for a particular animal, or if the owner so desires.

IMPORTANT! Check with the anesthesiologist whether general anesthesia or a tranquilizer will be administered; If it is possible to have surgery without anesthesia, choose it.

IMPORTANT! Insist that your pet be brought out of anesthesia with medication - this will shorten the recovery time and minimize the consequences.

The actual preparation for surgery on a healthy cat is that the animal is not fed 12 hours before surgery and the water is removed 4 hours before. If kittens are spayed before 12 weeks of age, the fasting period is reduced to 4 hours.

Postoperative care largely depends on the method of sterilization: with the endometrial method and sterilization of the cat, it is practically absent; with the traditional method, you will have to monitor the condition of the sutures and occasionally treat them. If attempts to lick the seams do not stop, you need to put a special collar on your pet. However, the need for a collar arises extremely rarely; usually the most difficult period of postoperative care is recovery from anesthesia, especially if no medication was taken.

Life and character of the animal after castration

Research data allows us to draw conclusions about the obvious benefits of surgical intervention for Maine cats:

  1. The life expectancy of an animal that has been castrated is on average one and a half times longer due to the absence of constant stress and possible internal diseases, for example, ruptures after childbirth.
  2. Neutered cats are larger in size and require fewer calories than breeding cats, and they gain height rather than weight.
  3. Special foods reduce the risk of urolithiasis in Maine cats after they have been neutered.
  4. Neutered Maine Coons are less at risk of cancer, the development of cysts, fibroids, and other inflammatory processes in internal organs.
  5. Their character changes for the better; such cats are playful, friendly, calm and affectionate.
  6. Timely castration of a furry pet will help him get rid of the effects of stress associated with increasing physiological needs and the inability to fulfill them.
  7. Proper feeding and daily routine will allow your Maine Coon to avoid unwanted consequences such as obesity after surgery. Neutered cats look more well-groomed, grow larger, they are affectionate, calm and more focused on communicating with their owner.
  8. After all the incisions and stitches have healed, the pet moves on to a new stage of life. He is calmer, does not mark territory, does not fight with other cats, and is more prone to contact with people.

Benefits of spaying your cat at home

Do not put off the issue of sterilizing your cat for too long. Moreover, nowadays you can call a veterinarian at any time convenient for you and spend a minimum of time on it. In addition, you save yourself the headache of transporting your cat to the clinic and relieve the animal from additional stress. An experienced veterinarian will come to your home at the time you have appointed, thoroughly prepare your cat for surgery, carry out sterilization as soon as possible and carry out the whole range of postoperative measures to quickly recover your cat from anesthesia. The use of modern drugs for premedication (preparation) and general anesthesia allows us to reduce the surgical risk for the animal to a minimum. You will also receive detailed recommendations on postoperative care for your animal and will be able to ask all your questions about feeding and caring for your animal. Take care of your pet in advance and it will delight you with good health and good mood for a long time.

Has a charming cat appeared in your home? The cute kitten will soon grow up and become an adult cat, which - yes, yes - will need a cat. And if you are not ready to take your pet on “dates” with gentlemen several times a year, get ready to listen to heartbreaking concerts. At the same time, you will have to put up with damaged furniture and manifestations of aggression on the part of the animal during the period of heat. Sterilization will help correct the situation, as well as alleviate the suffering of the animal during a hormonal explosion.

Neutering a cat is an operation to remove the ovaries, in some cases along with the uterus, in order to suppress the natural instinct to reproduce. Most often it is performed surgically in a veterinary clinic after the cat reaches sexual maturity.

When is it better to neuter your pet?

Having brought a small fluffy ball to your home, it is difficult to imagine a large and fluffy cat, its needs and desires. An adult, uncastrated pet living in a home apartment can become a real disaster. His natural desire to express himself and leave offspring can manifest itself in many ways:

  • Cat concerts during a period of increased hormonal levels can infuriate the most patient owner.
  • Tags with a strong odor.
  • Changes in behavior occur due to stress under the influence of hormones. The animal becomes aggressive, may convulse, and urinate in unintended places.
  • Escaping is a common occurrence for cats and kittens experiencing increased sexual desire.
  • A pet that is regularly exposed to the attack of sex hormones is more susceptible to infections and tumor diseases.

Timely castration is the responsibility of the responsible owner of a purebred animal not intended for breeding. This measure allows you to preserve the pet’s health for a long time and take care of the best preservation of the breed.

Unfortunately, although in Western nurseries it is the breeder’s responsibility to castrate a Maine cat not intended for breeding, in Russian realities you can sometimes see stray Maine kittens walking along the city streets.

Diet of a neutered pet

There is a myth that castration leads to the development of urolithiasis. This is not entirely true. The appearance of stones and sand in the kidneys is caused by poor nutrition, the predominance of phosphorus- and magnesium-containing foods in the diet, as well as lack of physical activity and insufficient drinking regimen.

Urolithiasis can also occur in an uncastrated cat. It has been noticed that operated animals love to eat more and suffer from obesity. And this is precisely what increases the risk of developing urolithiasis in castrates. The disease can be provoked by castration at an early age (up to 6-7 months), due to which the lumen of the urethra narrows and deposit crystals cannot come out with urine.

In order to prevent ICD and keep your pet healthy, you should:

  • Do not overfeed, giving in to the immediate desire to please your pet.
  • Feed in portions with special food for castrated animals. They contain substances that can reduce the acidity of urine.
  • In a normal diet, exclude fish, as well as foods high in phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.
  • Give preference to wet food.
  • Maintain drinking regime.
  • Give vitamins regularly.
  • Be examined in a clinic to prevent urolithiasis.

What is castration?

Castration of cats allows you to completely eliminate the appearance of offspring in your pet and reduce hormonal surges that affect his behavior. After the operation, the Maine Coon cat becomes calmer, does not yell during the mating season and damages the furniture less. Neutered animals are more attached to humans and have a sociable character.

Animals of both sexes are subject to castration. During the operation, hormone-producing organs are removed. For cats, the operation is simpler: the testicles are removed through a small incision in the scrotum. Based on the appearance of a castrated cat, it is difficult for a non-specialist to determine whether the animal is castrated: in a furry animal, the testicles are determined only by palpating the genitals.

Important! Castration can be carried out both after reaching puberty and at an early age of 8-16 weeks. The second option is common among Western breeders.

For a cat, the operation is more complicated, since internal organs - the ovaries and uterus - are removed. The operation can be performed traditionally, with an incision in the abdominal cavity, or endoscopically, through small punctures. The second option is more preferable. Advantages of endoscopic castration of cats:

  • there is no direct contact between internal organs and the environment;
  • painless incision;
  • there is no need for a special postoperative period;
  • no seams.

Castration of cats and female cats is carried out under anesthesia. For cats, the operation is more complex, so you should be more careful when choosing a veterinarian. Sometimes sterilization is offered for cats, which involves ligating the fallopian tubes. However, it is worth considering that although sterilized cats cannot have offspring, they still experience hormonal fluctuations.

Can I be spayed during heat?

Can a cat be spayed while in heat? This question is perhaps the most discussed on the Internet. It is raised with enviable consistency by both doctors and animal owners. Moreover, there is no consensus in any camp. Half say it’s possible. Half is impossible.

What to do? The cat screams constantly, or every 3 weeks. Or she “flowed” in such a way that the white light was not pleasant either to herself or to the people next to her. The answer is clear: if your cat does not have breeding value and you do not want offspring from her, feel free to sterilize her. We, our team, have been laparoscopically sterilizing cats in completely different conditions for many years, and have not observed a single case of complications.

A couple of years ago we asked this question at an international veterinary forum: “Is it possible to sterilize cats during heat? And why?". About 200 specialists from all over the world responded to us.

The comments of Western experts agreed on approximately one thing - it is possible to sterilize, regardless of the presence of estrus, but the operation itself should be carried out on a clinically healthy animal, within the recommended age range, and would not have any abnormalities in the anamnesis (allergies to medications, etc.)

The comments of Russian veterinarians were somewhat varied and were distributed approximately as follows: half argued that it is possible to sterilize, period. Those who were against sterilization during estrus argued their positions as follows: the majority pointed to the increased risk of bleeding during surgery on the “current” uterus. A number of doctors are at risk of hormonal imbalance. There were also some rather unusual answers. For example:". during estrus, the ovaries are functionally active and when they are removed, there is a risk of dropping a piece of this organ into the abdominal cavity, where it will take root and begin to act like a real ovary. "


What are the options?

Often, compassionate owners strive to preserve their pet’s opportunity to experience the joys of sex and motherhood and reject castration. Such sentimental measures make everyone suffer, because there is not much to solve the issue of creating humane conditions for an animal suffering from hormonal desire:

  1. You can try organizing a date with your furry friend. After this, it will be necessary to take care of providing a place of residence for new coons or just outbred kittens.
  2. Use special veterinary medications. These can be herbal tinctures or hormonal contraceptives. Herbal remedies become addictive very quickly, and the use of chemicals is stressful for cats and can lead to a decrease in the animal’s immunity.

Important! The use of feline contraceptives disrupts the endocrine system and provokes cancer.

Castration allows you to maintain the health of the pet and the nerves of the owner. The operation, performed under general anesthesia, does not bring suffering to the animal, and the cessation of hormonal attacks has a beneficial effect on the animal’s body.

Many owners who initially resisted the idea of ​​castration and then decided to do it as a last resort under the influence of the animal’s screams note how much the Maine Coon’s character has improved.

Best age

When is the best time to neuter a coon? The operation depends on the age of the pet. Maine cats are fully ready to reproduce after reaching the age of 7-9 months. Castration at this age is the best solution, as it prevents the animal from developing “adult” habits of marking territory and yelling in anticipation of meetings with the opposite sex.

Castration of mature cats

Often castration is performed at a later age for various reasons. Before the operation, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary examination of the animal. For a healthy animal, surgery occurs without complications, since the main risks are associated with the use of anesthesia.

Early castration

At what age to sterilize a cat, the owner decides independently. One of the available options is removal of the gonads at the age of 8-16 months. Advantages of early surgery:

  • carried out without anesthesia;
  • rapid recovery of kittens compared to adults;
  • The breeder carries out such an operation before handing the baby over to the owner, so it is easier to bear mentally.

New life for a cat

After the operation, when all the stitches on the soul and body of the coon have healed, a new stage in the pet’s life together with its owner begins. If the animal was castrated as an adult, sexual behavior may still be observed for some time. Its cause is now habit, not sex hormones.

Timely surgery greatly simplifies the life of your furry companion, allowing him to live peacefully without unnecessary suffering from unfulfilled physiological needs.

The tendency of neutered cats to become extremely obese has been greatly exaggerated. If the owner pays attention to the pet’s nutrition and creates conditions for the coon’s physical activity, excess fat does not accumulate.

When choosing food and portion sizes, you must take into account that your pet's metabolic rate has slowed down somewhat, and he needs to reduce his caloric intake by a third. It is acceptable to use special food for feeding cats.

How to care for your pet after surgery

For a quick recovery after castration and a full life in the future, you need to know how to care for your pet correctly. If the operation was performed in a clinic, the animal remains there for some time. This is very important, the veterinarian must make sure that everything goes according to plan. After this time, the cat can be taken home, but it must be taken into account that for the next 2-3 hours there will be general weakness, dizziness and nausea. In the first week, it is necessary to monitor the operating area and constantly inspect it so as not to miss bleeding or infection of the wound. To make the stitches heal faster, it is recommended to treat them with antiseptics and, if there is redness, lubricate them with Lekomekol ointment. There should always be fresh water next to the bed. On the first day, the pet will not have time to eat. You should not force him to eat, as this can lead to irritation and vomiting. Your appetite will appear later and most likely it will be increased. You need to watch your diet to avoid obesity in the future. If the animal does not eat after 2 days, you should contact a veterinarian. When the cat starts to get up and move around, you need to place a tray nearby. It is recommended to use a light-colored filler so you can immediately see if there is any bleeding or pus.

Possible complications

Healthy pets calmly tolerate castration and recovery takes place without deterioration of their condition. However, there are times when health problems arise and you should always be prepared for them. Early complications appear during surgery. Your pet may experience bleeding or prolapse of testes. Late complications arise some time after the operation. The cause may be infection in the wound if an unsterile instrument is used or the surgical area is poorly treated. If the following symptoms appear, contact your veterinarian immediately:

  1. Purulent discharge from the wound.
  2. Refusal to eat.
  3. Pain when palpating or walking (gait changes).
  4. Problems going to the toilet.
  5. Sneezing, nasal discharge.
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