A cat's hair is falling out: reasons, what to do during shedding, treatment of baldness, approved medications

Hair loss in cats is a fairly common occurrence and is caused by several factors: seasonal shedding or a signal that the animal is sick. But what should you do if your cat’s fur falls out in clumps? At this time, in order not to miss anything, you should carefully monitor your pet’s behavior and examine its skin for the presence or absence of suspicious redness or sores.

Why does a cat lose hair: 9 reasons

Among the main reasons causing intense hair loss it is worth noting:

  1. Seasonal shedding - in the autumn-spring months, cats actively change the density of their fur coat. In indoor individuals, molting takes longer than in outdoor individuals, lasting 2-3 months.
  2. Pregnancy of a cat with insufficient quality and quantity of nutrition will lead to the appearance of sparse fur. Just before giving birth, the expectant mother plucks the hair around her nipples; this is normal.
  3. Old age - older animals in most cases step in the thick fur of their younger counterparts.
  4. Stress is vitality, the resistance of cats to problems is greatly exaggerated. These animals react sensitively to changes in housing, owners, the arrival of strangers in the house, etc. Experiences affect the condition of the fur coat in a negative way.
  5. Lack of vitamins. With an unbalanced diet, with a constant lack of vitamins and minerals, wool falls out profusely.
  6. Allergy. The source of problems can be inappropriate food, care products, household chemicals, etc.
  7. Helminth infestation, fleas, ticks. A large number of parasites poison the body.
  8. Hereditary disposition.
  9. Skin diseases: seborrhea, folliculitis, adenitis, etc.

Correct determination of the root cause is the result of a complete, quickest possible elimination of hair loss and restoration of the pet’s health.


The source of the disease may be a substance to which the body reacts inadequately—an allergen. There are several types of allergic dermatitis in cats:

  • Flea;
  • Atopic;
  • Contact;
  • Food.

If everything is clear with flea dermatitis, it is caused by a flea bite, then with the atopic variant of the disease everything is more complicated. Allergens include: plant pollen, microorganisms, dust, mites, mold. Contact dermatitis can occur as a reaction of the body to shampoo, ointment, “human” cosmetics and household chemicals. Food - for food products: meat, eggs, fish.

With allergic dermatitis, the area of ​​the cat's back and tail is primarily affected. Only a specialist will make the final diagnosis, and he will also announce how to further treat the pet. First, the type of disease is determined, eliminating one by one an allergy to fleas, an external allergen, or a food component. The allergen is permanently removed from the cat’s field of view (diet), put on a diet, given hormonal medications, and the fur is treated with special ointments and sprays.

Diseases that cause hair loss in cats

Skin diseases and parasites require proper treatment under the guidance of a veterinarian. Trying to cope with the situation on your own can lead to it becoming chronic. The doctor conducts an initial examination,, if necessary, prescribes tests, scrapings, and then prescribes medications.

The most common diseases leading to severe hair loss:

  • Somatic – hyperthyroidism (overactivity of the thyroid gland), hormonal imbalance, adrenal gland disorders, blood pathologies, cancer, an abundance of parasites, hypotrichosis.
  • Infectious - fungal infections, dermatitis, adenitis (pathology of the sebaceous glands), seborrhea, lichen, subcutaneous mites.

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What causes scabs to appear on a cat’s back: what kind of disease or parasites, how to treat the scabs?

In case of infection, it is necessary to isolate the pet from other pets, limit contact with children, and carefully observe personal hygiene. The patient is treated with special anti-fungal agents, shampoos, and the wounds are taken care of, preventing suppuration and infection. Treating animals with human drugs is strictly prohibited.

Care, feeding and prevention

If you identify genetic abnormalities that cannot be treated, try to limit your pet's exposure to sunlight. Follow these recommendations as preventive measures:

  1. Avoid stress. Before exciting events, use sedatives.
  2. Add vitamins to your food when feeding natural foods. Before choosing a drug, do not forget to consult your veterinarian.
  3. Treat regularly against parasites and follow the vaccination schedule. A person can carry the pathogen on their shoes or clothes. Even a homebody cat is not immune from infection.
  4. Regularly comb out dead hairs, stimulating the growth of new ones with a furminator massage.
  5. Bathe when soiled and use only veterinary hypoallergenic shampoos.
  6. Take care of the quality of your diet. Buy high-quality food of at least premium quality or fresh products.

For timely detection of hidden pathologies, veterinarians recommend taking tests every year. Elderly and weakened pets due to chronic diseases will have to visit the veterinary clinic at least 2 times a year.

If alopecia appears and your pet’s health gradually worsens, seek help immediately. The sooner the cause of baldness is determined, the greater the chance of preventing possible complications.

The article is for informational purposes only. Contact your veterinarian!

Your cat's fur is falling out: what to do?

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the situation, what lifestyle changes could provoke the situation: the food was changed, there was contact with other animals, potential carriers of infections, a child or another pet appeared in the house, which could cause stress, is it time for seasonal molting.

A growing kitten at 5-12 months actively changes its child's fur coat to an adult's one, this is normal. It is important to note the pet’s condition if it maintains its usual activity, is playful, eats well, its eyes and mucous membranes are healthy, clean, and there is no reason to worry.

If, along with the loss of fur, the cat experiences itching, scratches the skin until wounds, refuses to eat, the ears are red, the eyes turn sour, an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic is necessary.

Treatment of alopecia

To treat focal baldness, men are prescribed complex therapy, which consists of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. Sometimes traditional medicine recipes and alternative methods are effective.

Treatment for patchy hair loss is a long process. It involves constant use of medications. The doctor may make other appointments.

  • Immunosuppressants. These are a number of immune suppressants. These include corticosteroids, cyclosporine, methoxypsoralen. The main task of such drugs is to slow down autoimmune processes, when hair follicles are perceived by the body as foreign cells that need to be destroyed. You need to take medications strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Irritant drugs. This could be dithranol, chrysarobin, croton oil. Their task is to divert the attention of the immune system from the destruction of follicles. The technique is applicable in cases where alopecia is caused by a malfunction of the immune system.
  • Drugs that cause symptoms of contact dermatitis. Such an effect is also intended to “deceive” immune activity and change its vector.
  • Preparations based on minoxidil. The products strengthen hair due to their direct action on the follicles. The purpose of such medications is to lengthen the growth phase of the hair shaft.
  • Experimental drugs. In rare cases, your doctor may prescribe a new remedy. The medicine may be based on hormone-like peptides, cytokines or natural macrolides.

Medicines in the form of creams, ointments and gels are applied to the lesions. Injections are also given into the affected area. Treatment of this type can last 10–12 months. Tablet drugs are taken in short courses, since many of them have side effects and contraindications.

Physiotherapy is prescribed:

  • massages;
  • laser procedures;
  • mesotherapy.

What to do when your pet is shedding

Each hair is “born” from a follicle, which is in a state of activity, forming the structure of the hair. When it grows, a resting phase begins; the hair does not lengthen, but remains in place. After 4-8 months, the hair dies and falls out. The peak of fur coat change occurs in the off-season.

Walking cats become warmer for winter, and before summer their fur coat becomes thinner. Pets can change the order of “changing clothes”: in the summer the air conditioners work in the apartment, and in the winter it becomes hot.

During this period, it is necessary to scratch the cat daily with a comb suitable for the type of fur; this will reduce the amount of hair left by the pet on furniture and carpets. Long-haired breeds (Persians, Maine Coons) develop mats without regular brushing. Cats try to keep themselves tidy and groom themselves.

Fur accumulates in the stomach, which the pet will regurgitate from time to time. To prevent a large accumulation of lumps in the gastrointestinal tract and problems with intestinal obstruction, you can give your pet special food that facilitates the removal of trichobezoars, phytomins, malt paste, or plant grass for cats in a pot.

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Why does a cat constantly scratch its chin: what kind of disease is it?

Caring for a cat during shedding period

When a cat begins to shed, it needs special care. The animal needs to be combed daily. To speed up the process, you can give your cat professional grooming or use a furminator

In addition, it is important to more thoroughly clean the house from lost hair.

Why is it important to remove dead hair?

Villi that have fallen out and have not yet settled on your interior cause severe irritation and itching on the cat’s skin. The animal tries to lick off the excess fur or comb it out somehow.

Why is it dangerous:

  • Once in the stomach, hairballs cause gastrointestinal upset and can lead to intestinal obstruction.
  • Scratched wounds are entry points for infection. This can lead to various skin diseases in your pet.
  • If allergy sufferers live in the house, then fur flying around the house can trigger an allergy attack.

Tips for caring for a cat during shedding

  1. Buy everything you need to comb out excess hair: combs, brushes or brush gloves. The choice will depend on the length of the coat and the breed of “our little brothers”.
  2. During this difficult period for the animal, take care of a special product (Malt-Soft paste) that helps remove hairballs from the body of the shedding comrade.
  3. Consult with your veterinarian which vitamins are best given during the shedding period to facilitate and reduce the shedding of your animal.

Should I bathe my cat while shedding?

There is an opinion that during the period of changing the cat’s fur, it is necessary to wash it so that it does not develop an allergy. After all, the main allergen is not wool, but particles of saliva remaining after the procedure of washing oneself with the tongue. They dry out and spread along with the dust. And washing helps speed up the process of replacing an old fur coat with a new one.

A cat's hair is falling out in clumps to the point of bald patches: what to do?

When shedding, the hair falls out evenly; if bald spots appear, this is an alarming signal, often accompanied by:

  • runny nose;
  • lacrimation;
  • poor appetite;
  • loss of body weight with a normal diet;
  • peeling of bare skin;
  • itching, anxiety, irritability;
  • elevated temperature;
  • bowel disorders.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude all possible causes of dermatitis: change the diet, choose a different type of tray filler, limit the use of household chemicals and be sure to show the animal to a doctor.

One area of ​​the body is going bald

Baldness in the area of ​​the hind legs most often occurs with liver lesions.

If only one area is balding and there are no visible reasons for this, you should urgently consult a doctor for a full comprehensive examination.

Possible factors causing alopecia:

  • allergic reaction to medications, food, dangerous contacts;
  • damaged hair follicles;
  • injuries;
  • stress;
  • failure of endocrine processes;
  • liver diseases;
  • avitaminosis.


For normal functioning, the cat's body requires a complex of vitamins.

For normal functioning, the cat’s body, like the human body, requires the entire complex of vitamins and minerals, and the lack of them provokes various pathological processes. A lack of vitamins of a certain group is manifested by specific symptoms characteristic of this particular pathology.


A lack of B vitamins in the body can cause periodic vomiting in a cat.

  1. Along with the main symptom, there is a disorder of the digestive system in the form of periodic vomiting.
  2. Signs of dysfunction of the nervous and muscular systems appear.
  3. The animal is weak, lethargic, has an unsteady gait, and a sharp loss of weight.
  4. Global deficiency of vitamin B1 is expressed by paralysis and convulsions.
  5. Eliminated by eating more raw meat, bone meal, and yeast.
  6. Among other things, replenishment is required through the use of special vitamin preparations.
  7. Deficiency of vitamins B2 and B5 is manifested by cracks in the mucous membranes, slower growth of babies, decreased heart rate and body temperature.
  8. Eliminated by consuming dairy products and foods of plant origin.
  9. A lack of vitamin B12 manifests itself in more serious complications such as constipation, urination problems, enlarged liver and spleen, and intestinal colic.

Help only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Liver cirrhosis in a cat.

As a result, a malfunction occurs, and subsequently a complete failure of all functions of the organ. There are several reasons for the appearance of this pathology.

Primary factors

Primary factors are most often caused by gradual intoxication of the body and, as a result, a large accumulation of toxins in the liver. Another reason that led to cirrhosis is hypovitaminosis of group B. With this pathology, symptoms appear after some time, as a result of the action of some aggressive factor. Provoking factors are also the failure of metabolic processes and hereditary predisposition.

Lack of food containing B vitamins can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

Secondary factors

Infectious or invasive diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system act as secondary aggressors.

Infectious diseases can cause cirrhosis.


  1. For a long time, the only sign of cirrhosis may be the pet’s baldness in the abdomen and hind legs.
  2. Further, as the disease progresses, the abdomen becomes enlarged, which may indicate ascites.
  3. The cat looks tired, shows apathy and aggressive reactions to any attempts at contact.
  4. Decreased appetite, weight loss, and severe thirst.
  5. Frequent urination.
  6. In the final stages, convulsions, loss of coordination, and decreased vision are noted.

An enlarged abdomen may indicate ascites.

The cat is losing hair in clumps and has sores on the skin: causes and treatment

When a fungal infection occurs, the body becomes covered with small bald spots with round skin flakes. Ringworm is contagious to people; self-medication is strictly prohibited; laboratory tests will determine exactly what treatment will relieve the cat of the disease.

With seborrhea, the skin acquires an unpleasant odor, increased oiliness, and becomes inflamed. A scraping and blood test will help diagnose it. Erythema multiforme appears as a side pathology in oncology and other diseases. Ulcers, depression, watery blisters in the groin, armpits, profuse hair loss are its signs.

Solar dermatosis is more common in white-eared individuals; the skin turns red, peels, and later wounds appear.

Sores in a cat due to hair loss can occur when:

  • alopecia areata;
  • psychogenic, injection alopecia;
  • folliculitis;
  • sweat gland cysts.

It is not possible to diagnose the correct cause on your own; in any case, you need to consult a specialist, examine your skin and blood.

How to help a cat

Treatment is selected taking into account the general health of the pet and the factors that provoked baldness.


After determining the cause of baldness, certain groups of drugs are prescribed:

  1. Allergy. Immunostimulating and antihistamines are prescribed.
  2. Parasites. They resort to the use of antiparasitic drugs.
  3. Infection. Antibiotics are used, for example Amoxicillin.
  4. Stress. Drugs that have a sedative effect are used.
  5. Lichen. Antifungal agents are prescribed. The most commonly used are Ketoconazole or Griseofulvin. In addition, agents are used that stimulate metabolic processes and support immunity.
  6. Endocrine system disorders. Hormonal medications are indicated.

Traditional medicine

Resorting to the use of folk remedies is strongly discouraged. Often, when using them, there is a deterioration in the animal’s condition.

In addition to drug therapy, it is worth excluding potential allergens from your pet’s menu and providing him with peace. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.


Removing parasites is the first step to fluffy, beautiful fur. First, an insecticidal treatment is carried out aimed at exterminating lice, fleas, and ticks. For this purpose, drops, sprays, and shampoos are purchased at the zoological pharmacy. They should be used strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the concentration, dosage, or procedure time, so as not to poison the pet.

Be sure to read:

Bald patches in a cat near the ears and above the eyes: reasons, what to do, how to distinguish normality from pathology

The use of dichlorvos and other chemicals not intended for cats is strictly prohibited. If there are a large number of fleas, the treatment is repeated after 7-10 days. Suprastin and diazolin in the dosage recommended by the veterinarian will help relieve itching.

3-7 days after treating the external parasites, a drug is given to remove helminths. The tablet is taken in the morning, along with food, the required dose is calculated according to the cat’s weight. If worms are found in the stool after this, you need to repeat taking the drug after 10-14 days.

Examination by a veterinarian and diagnosis

The effectiveness of treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis. As mentioned above, you should definitely contact a special clinic. Prescribing medications yourself is very dangerous. From such “treatment” the cat may lose all its fur.

At the veterinary hospital, your pet will be able to undergo the necessary examinations. One of the main tests is a trichogram. Thanks to it, they receive information about the condition of the coat, making the first conclusions about the causes of the disease.

To care for a cat, you need to know what a furminator is for, whether cats need clothes, everything about mating cats, how to choose a comfortable carrier, whether you need to sterilize a cat, how to trim a cat’s claws, how to make toys for a cat with your own hands, how to give birth to a cat how to make a scratching post.

Did you know? Smuggling cats from ancient Egypt was punishable by death.

Fungal infection (ringworm)

Although there is a “worm” in this disease, it is actually a fungal infection that can be easily transmitted to people. Cats usually become ill from contact with other infected animals. From there, the infection spreads and can wreak havoc on your home, whether you have a cat or a kitten.

Hair loss in clumps is the most common symptom. A ringworm infection causes the hair to become quite brittle so it breaks, leaving behind clumps. The areas most commonly affected are around the feet, ears and face.

The skin will also show signs of infection; The ears, feet and parts of the face may appear slightly reddish, and there may also be white or gray crusts. In general, hairless skin will appear dry and flaky.

Looking for an answer to the question, why does my cat's fur fall out in clumps? this infection seemed like the biggest red flag to me. Since my cat was leaving clumps of fur behind her and some of the hairless parts were quite dry to the touch, I had to confirm the diagnosis with a vet.

Fortunately, the cat recovered quickly. To confirm the infection, the veterinarian tested a fungal skin culture. Treatment included the use of various antifungal agents such as shampoos, sprays and creams. Treatment may also include oral medications, but they were not necessary in our case.


However, it's not just fleas that cat owners have to worry about. Mites are common on most mammals and when their populations increase dramatically, they can cause severe itching, skin lesions, and hair loss in clumps, among other things.

Mite infestations usually occur when a cat's immune system is not functioning properly. Because of this, it is not uncommon for stressed cats or felines to already have some other disease. Additionally, if hormone levels rise or the cat begins to produce excess oil, a common consequence is an outbreak of Demodex mites, and the end result is a condition called mange.

In most cases, mite infestations are evident around the cat's eyelids, flanks, head and neck. In addition to missing hairballs, his skin will also be scaly, with lesions and scabs.

To confirm the presence and determine the type of mite causing the problem, the veterinarian will scrape the skin. Sometimes hair analysis can also help in identification. You may also need to do a urine test to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms.

The good news is that in 90% of cases, demodectic scabies goes away on its own with time. However, if it is severe, long-term medications and lime-sulfur sauces may be needed to control the condition and help the cat recover.

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