How long does it take for a cat to recover from anesthesia: duration of action of the drug, effect on the animal’s body and features of care after surgery

Since ancient times, people have been surrounded by cats. They have the status of the most common pet. Pets relieve stress, give affection and warmth, amuse and make you smile. With their purring, emitted in a certain range, they treat their beloved owners. But it happens that cats themselves get sick. And then there may be a need for surgery.

Sterilization is also carried out through surgery. You can't do without anesthesia. What is the first thing an alarmed owner thinks about? Of course, about the risks, complications during anesthesia and surgery. Questions arise: how long does it take for a cat to recover from anesthesia, is it harmful to the animal?

What are the types of anesthesia?

They are as follows:

  1. Inhalation. A mask is placed on the animal's face, and the gas goes directly into the lungs. It is considered the safest for the animal. The drug is administered through the lungs and eliminated in the same way. The liver and kidneys are not stressed. If it is not possible to administer anesthesia through a mask, you have to insert an endotracheal tube into the cat's throat. If necessary, anesthesia is used. How long does it take for a cat to recover from anesthesia? He wakes up almost immediately.
  2. Parenteral. Anesthesia is injected into a vein through a pre-installed catheter. It is convenient because the dose of the drug can be accurately calculated and the amount of anesthesia administered to the cat can be controlled. Also, this method allows you to remove the animal from anesthesia smoothly, gradually reducing the dose. In this case, there is a load on the kidneys and liver, and it is these organs that will have to remove the remaining drug from the body. Technically easier to perform, because not all clinics have equipment that allows you to operate under inhalation anesthesia. The animal can sleep for several hours. In this case, both after a complex operation and after sterilization, the cat takes a long time to recover from anesthesia.

How cats recover from anesthesia after castration - features of the condition

The process of recovery from anesthesia is individual. Some pets behave aggressively, others wake up slowly and remain lethargic for a long time. An inexperienced pet owner runs the risk of being bitten or scratched.

The side effect of drugs is prolonged disorientation in space and impaired coordination of movements. To prevent the consequences of physical activity, the cat is placed in a place from which it cannot fall. The best option is to leave it in a carrier for a while, in a warm, dry place without drafts and away from heating radiators.

Be sure to read:

How to care for a cat after sterilization: blanket, diet, treatment and removal of sutures

What are the disadvantages of these types of anesthesia?

When using inhalation anesthesia, the animal's blood vessels dilate, becoming saturated with gas. There may be a risk of a sharp drop in blood pressure. You need the presence of a specialist who monitors all indicators. In addition, if an endotracheal tube rather than a mask is used, there is no possibility of direct access to the respiratory organs. Therefore, this anesthesia method is not suitable for lung operations.

Parenteral anesthesia is dangerous due to its unpredictable effect on the respiratory system. The cat is intubated. This means that during operations on the respiratory organs it is fraught with the occurrence of dangerous situations. In addition, the drugs put a strain on the liver and kidneys.

Both types of anesthesia individually are more suitable for minor operations. If there is a major surgical procedure, anesthesia will most likely be combined or mixed. The first involves using different substances in stages. In the second, more than two drugs are used at once.

Other manifestations

If you decide to undergo sterilization, then the willingness to show patience and care for your pet should be assumed a priori. Because your cat will need affection and understanding more than ever.

You should be prepared for the fact that the animal will experience involuntary drooling in the first hours after surgery. The cat may also try to crawl to a secluded dark place and hide there. Therefore, take into account her need for this when you make her bedding.

In addition, your cat may have involuntary discharge of feces or urine. Naturally, she should not be scolded for this.

And lastly: only after your pet returns to its previous lifestyle, you can leave it unattended for a long time.

What drugs are used for anesthesia?

There is a very common myth that anesthesia is harmful to animals. This is due to the fact that back in the nineties of the last century, operations on animals were carried out using heavy drugs, from which the pet might not wake up at all. The medications were from the list of narcotic substances. There was at least one accident per ten operations. Complications occurred frequently. Therefore, the attitude towards anesthesia is still wary.

Modern drugs that do not produce such severe consequences are now successfully used:

  1. Propofol, also known as diprivan and pofol. A lightweight drug that is more suitable for simple operations. The animal instantly falls asleep, sleep lasts about thirty minutes. How long does it take for a cat to recover from propofol anesthesia? Answer: after about an hour it is already quite adequate.
  2. Zoletil, he is also a domitor. Safe, induces deep sleep, no pain.
  3. Butorphanol. A drug for strong, long-term anesthesia.

Real life

The lifespan of a pet depends on many factors - living conditions, feeding, breed and frequency of reproduction of offspring (if it is a female). Too often repeating the process of childbearing shortens a cat's lifespan. In addition, several times a year owners have to solve the problem of arranging newborn babies, and there can be from 2 to 6 of them. You can, of course, approach the issue radically, but few people today would raise their hand to drown the kittens.

On average, cats live from 5 (street) to 15 (indoor) years. The courtyards walk on their own and breed as they please. The offspring grow up and join the ranks of “street children”, which is associated with diseases (including sexually transmitted diseases), death from natural causes or at the hands of child predators (which is often the case lately).

Volunteers are trying to solve the problem of uncontrolled reproduction of stray animals through sterilization. But this is a drop in the bucket...

Preparing your pet for surgery correctly

Before surgery, the veterinarian will examine the animal. Blood and urine tests will be required, and the cat will also be weighed and measured. You will need to indicate the pet’s age and the presence of any congenital diseases. You may have to visit the ultrasound room and have an ECHO of the heart.

Lighter and planned operations are scheduled for the morning. The cat's owner will have to reconsider his daily routine to ensure proper care for her after surgery. This is especially true on the first day. Everything will depend on how long it takes the cat to recover from anesthesia.

Before the operation, food is removed 12 hours, water is excluded 10 hours before anesthesia. This is necessary to prevent aspiration of vomit. In principle, the same requirements are presented to people before surgery. It is safer to perform surgery in a clinic. Take care in advance of transporting the animal home. If the cat cannot be taken to a veterinary hospital, veterinarians can come to your home. However, you cannot bring all the equipment, and sterility at home will not be at the proper level.

How long does it take for a cat to come to its senses?

As a rule, after surgery the cat can sleep for up to 3-5 hours. This is fine. Then she will be unsteady, she will have other oddities (she will refuse the treats that she loves very much, she will drink a lot). However, your favorite mustachioed beauty will come to her senses around the second or third day.


Until the cat returns to its previous life activities, it should under no circumstances be left unattended!

What will you need to prepare?

  1. Carrying is good before surgery. After this, you will not be able to place the animal there without harming it. A box will come in handy. The bottom should be covered with diapers, preferably absorbent ones.
  2. During the operation, the cat lies with its eyes open. Don’t worry, she doesn’t see or feel anything, it’s just how her body works. Special eye drops will come in handy to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out.
  3. If the season is cold, prepare a blanket. Wrap the box in it when you go home.

Be sure to ask your veterinarian how long it will take for your cat to recover from anesthesia in your particular case!

It is believed that after surgery it is advisable to leave the pet in the veterinary clinic overnight under the supervision of specialists. But if the doctors are sure that everything is in order and the animal feels more or less normal, after a few hours you can go home. The veterinarian will give recommendations for care.


You should not try to feed your cat as soon as she wakes up. The body is still in a sluggish state, so food that is not properly digested can cause constipation. The cat should not be allowed to strain while going to the litter box, as this may cause the seams to come apart.

At first, the cat will not be interested in food. This is fine. Don't try to force feed her. A weakened body will not be hindered by a day of hunger strike.

Feeding can begin only then. When signs of impaired coordination of movements disappear. The first food a cat eats should be liquid. It is important not to offer your cat unfamiliar food after surgery. This should be your usual food at room temperature.

The best option is a lump of pate, which can be offered to the cat by bringing it to its face. For the first time, half a teaspoon will be enough.

The cat will begin to feel hungry and ask for food only the next day. You need to feed her semi-liquid food in small quantities.

You only need to worry if on the third day after the operation the cat does not eat anything. In this case, you need to consult with the veterinarian who performed the procedure.

What you should be prepared for

After surgery, a blanket is placed on the cat. It serves as protection against infections and prevents the animal from reaching the stitches. The blanket restricts movement; the cat is already weakened by the operation. Therefore, do not allow your pet to be on high objects - chairs, sofas, and so on. If the cat tries to jump, it may hit the floor and damage the seams. Place a basket or box on the floor and let it sit there.

The animal may be aggressive. Mood swings are common, no matter how long it takes a cat to recover from anesthesia. Provide your pet with peace and quiet so as not to provoke aggression. Children should not approach animals - you don’t want to take care of a child who has been bitten and scratched, do you?

Treat and lubricate the seams, give injections, do everything that the veterinarian prescribed. Failure to follow the recommendations is fraught with unpleasant complications.

The cat may refuse to eat or drink. You can wait a while with food; your pet may even feel sick. But a long-term lack of water in the diet can result in dehydration. Try giving your cat small amounts of water through a syringe.

Proper care and compliance with the doctor’s instructions will help you and your pet cope with the postoperative period. May your pets not get sick and always be healthy!

How to behave when a cat recovers from anesthesia, what to do?

The first three days of the pet should not be lost sight of. You need to monitor the healing process and do not let the cat lick the wound. Otherwise, infection and purulent inflammation are possible. To prevent licking, wear an Elizabethan collar. The seams are treated with products recommended by the veterinarian. If the cat quickly came to his senses, the wounds do not bother him, and they should not be treated again.

Clean water should be nearby at all times. If the animal wants to drink, but cannot do it, you need to wet the mouth with a syringe or pipette, but do not inject it forcibly. You cannot feed your pet on the first day.

An empty tray without filler is placed next to the convalescent person so that the animal does not clog the wound. The toilet should be cleaned daily, or even better after each visit. If the first bowel movements do not occur in the tray, there is no need to punish. It may be painful for a cat to climb. When the condition returns to normal, the habit of going to the toilet will be restored.

If a cat is soiled with urine, it should not be bathed. You should use refreshing wipes.

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