TOP 10 cats that became famous throughout the country in 2022

Cats, dogs and other domestic animals will be included in the bill on mandatory labeling and registration of animals. The first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Vladimir Burmatov, reported this in an interview with Izvestia, with reference to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

According to the deputy, the ministry will prepare appropriate amendments to the document for the second reading. In its current version, we are talking only about farm animals. Initially, the standards were developed for recording and labeling, including pets, but were excluded from the document.

According to Burmatov, citizens come to him asking where the amendments on cats and dogs disappeared, since “people are waiting for their registration the most.”

Now we receive many requests from citizens who are interested in where cats and dogs disappeared from the bill. But people are waiting for their registration most of all, because there are a lot of lost animals that, if identified, would be easier to find

Vladimir BurmatovFirst Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

The parliamentarian emphasized that animal registration is necessary, in addition, it should be free, and identification of pets should be variable, “so that the owner himself chooses the method of marking the pet: it will be a tag, a brand or a chip.”

TOP 10 cats that became famous throughout the country in 2022

In Russia, the organizations FBK (Foundation for Fighting Corruption, recognized as a foreign agent), Navalny's Headquarters, National Bolshevik Party, Jehovah's Witnesses, Army of the People's Will, Russian National Union, Movement Against Illegal Immigration are recognized as extremist and banned. ", "Right Sector", UNA-UNSO, UPA, "Trizub named after. Stepan Bandera", "Misanthropic Division", "Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People", the "Artpodgotovka" movement, the all-Russian political party "Volya", AUE. Recognized as terrorist and banned: "Taliban Movement", "Caucasus Emirate", "Islamic State" (IS, ISIS), Jabhad al-Nusra, "AUM Shinrikyo", "Muslim Brotherhood", "Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb" ", "Net". In the Russian Federation, the activities of “Open Russia” and the publication “Project Media” have been recognized as undesirable. The following media are recognized as foreign agents: Dozhd TV channel, Meduza, Important Stories, Voice of America, Radio Liberty, The Insider, Mediazona, OVD-info. The society/, “Analytical Center of Yuri Levada”, Sakharov Center are recognized as foreign agents.

Non-profit organizations recognized as “foreign agents”: ANO for the implementation of socio-legal programs “Lilith”, Association for promoting the protection of the rights of conscripts, alternative servicemen and military personnel “Human rights group “Citizen.Army.Pravo””, ANO “Nizhny Novgorod Center of German and European Culture” ", Ivanovo regional public organization "Center for Gender Research", Perm regional public organization for the support and development of media projects "Fourth Sector", Non-profit organization "Fund for the Protection of Citizens' Rights "Stab", ANO "Institute of Law and Public Policy", ANO for promoting the dissemination of modern educational programs “Laboratory of Social Sciences”, Non-profit organization “Foundation for the Fight against Corruption”, Interregional Professional Union of Health Workers “Alliance of Doctors”, ANO “Center for Working with the Problem of Violence “VIOLENCE.NET””, Krasnoyarsk regional public organization “We are against AIDS”, Non-profit organization “Fund for the Protection of Citizens’ Rights”, Program-targeted Charitable Foundation “SVECHA”, St. Petersburg Charitable Foundation “Humanitarian Action”, Interregional public organization for the implementation of social and educational initiatives and educational projects “Open Petersburg”, Social oriented ANO promoting prevention and protecting the health of citizens “Phoenix PLUS”, Foundation for promoting legal education of the population “League of Voters”, Non-profit Organization “Legal Initiative” Foundation, ANO information and legal, Non-profit organization “Foundation for the Fight against Corruption”, Penza Regional Public Charitable Foundation “ Civil Union", Ingush Republican Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Red Cross", Public Organization "Saratov Regional Jewish Charitable Center "Hasdei Yerushalayim" (Mercy), Private Institution "Center for Support and Promotion of Media Development", Regional Public Organization for Assistance respect for human rights “Hotline”, Foundation “In Defense of the Rights of Prisoners”, ANO “Institute of Globalization and Social Movements”, ANO for counteracting the HIV/AIDS epidemic and protecting the health of socially vulnerable groups of the population “Center for Social and Information Initiatives Action”, Chelyabinsk Regional diabetic social movement "TOGETHER", Charitable Foundation for the protection of health and protection of the rights of citizens, Charitable Foundation for assistance to prisoners and their families, City Charitable Foundation "Togliatti Fund", Sverdlovsk Regional Public Foundation for Social Projects "New Time", Foundation for Sustainable Development "Silver Taiga", Foundation promoting the development of mass communications and legal education “Tak-Tak-Tak”, Regional public organization for promoting the education of citizens “Information and Analytical Center “Sova””, Regional public organization for helping women and children in crisis situations “Information and Methodological Center Anna” , ANO for social support of the population “Project April”, Regional Charitable Foundation “Samara Province”, Sverdlovsk Regional Public Foundation “Era of Health”, International public organization “International Historical, Educational, Charitable and Human Rights Society “Memorial””, ANO “Analytical Center of Yuri Levada” ", ANO "Publishing House "Park Gagarin", Fund for the Promotion of Health and Social Justice named after Andrei Rylkov, Charitable Foundation for Social and Legal Assistance "Sfera", Omsk regional public organization "Center for Health and Social Protection "SIBALT"", Chelyabinsk regional authority public amateur activities "Ural Human Rights Group", Chelyabinsk regional body of public amateur activities - women's public association "Women of Eurasia", City public organization "Ryazan Historical, Educational and Human Rights Society "Memorial" (Ryazan Memorial)", City public organization "Ekaterinburg Society "MEMORIAL" “”, ANO “Institute of Human Rights”, Non-profit organization “Glasnost Defense Foundation”, Regional public scientific and information institution, Union of public associations “Russian Research Center for Human Rights”, ANO “Far Eastern Center for the Development of Civil Initiatives and Social Partnership”, Public organization "Perm Regional Human Rights Defender", ANO "Center for Independent Sociological Research", Sverdlovsk regional public organization "Sutyazhnik", NOU of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists "Academy of Human Rights", Private institution in Kaliningrad for administrative support for the implementation of programs and projects of the Council Ministers of the Northern Countries, Interregional Charitable Public Organization "Center for the Development of Non-Profit Organizations", Regional Public Charitable Organization for Assistance to Refugees and Migrants "Civic Assistance", Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiatives "Transparency International-R"", Regional Foundation "Center for Protection media rights", NP "Press Development Institute - Siberia", "Private institution in St. Petersburg for administrative support for the implementation of programs and projects of the Council of Ministers of the Nordic Countries", Interregional public organization Information and Educational, Press Freedom Support Foundation, St. Petersburg public human rights organization "Civil Control", Interregional public human rights organization "Man and the Law", Regional public organization "Public Commission for the Preservation of the Heritage of Academician Sakharov", Private institution "Information Agency MEMO.RU", NP "Institute of Regional Press", Foundation " Institute for the Development of Freedom of Information", Interregional public organization Human Rights, Kaliningrad regional public organization "Ecodefense!-Women's Council", Foundation for Assistance to the Protection of Rights and Freedoms of Citizens "Public Verdict", Eurasian Antimonopoly Association. Media recognized as “foreign agents”: Voice of America, Idel.Realii, Kavkaz.Realii, Crimea.Realii, Present Time TV Channel, Tatar-Bashkir Service of Radio Liberty (Azatliq Radiosi), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (PCE/PC ), Siberia.Realii, Factographer, North.Realii, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty LLC, Czech news agency "MEDIUM-ORIENT", Meduza, First Anti-Corruption Media LLC, VTimes Internet resource, The Insider, TV Channel LLC Rain, Legal entity Istories fonds, Altair 2021 LLC, Daisies monolith LLC, Chief Editor 2021 LLC, Vega 2021 LLC, Important Foreign Agents LLC, ZP LLC, Zona Prava LLC, LLC “JOURNALIST- FOREIGN AGENT”, LLC “MEMO”, “Mason GES Anonymous Foundation” (USA), which is the owner of the online publication, ANO for the protection of human rights and informing the population “Yakutia - Our Opinion” ", LLC "Moscow Digital Media", JSC "RS-Balt", LLC "As if Inagent", Foundation for the Development of Book Culture "Irkutsk Union of Bibliophiles", LLC "Honest Elections", LLC "Nobel Appeal". Individuals recognized by the media - “foreign agents”: Gelman Marat Aleksandrovich, Shenderovich Viktor Anatolyevich, Belyaev Ivan Mikhailovich, Vladykina Elena Sergeevna, Bekbulatova Taisiya Lvovna, Tolokonnikova Nadezhda Andreevna, Nikulshina Veronika Yuryevna, Alekseev Andrey Viktorovich, Ponomarev Lev Aleks Seeval , Markelov Sergey Evgenievich, Kamalyagin Denis Nikolaevich, Apakhonchich Daria Alexandrovna, Badanin Roman Sergeevich, Glikin Maxim Alexandrovich, Manyakhin Petr Borisovich, Yarosh Yulia Petrovna, Churakova Olga Vladimirovna, Zheleznova Maria Mikhailovna, Lukyanova Yulia Sergeevna, Maetnaya Elizaveta Vitalievna, Rubin Mikhail Arkadievich , Groysman Sofya Romanovna, Rozhdestvensky Ilya Dmitrievich, Apukhtina Yulia Vladimirovna, Posternak Alexey Evgenievich, Petrov Stepan Yurievich, Shmagun Olesya Valentinovna, Marokhovskaya Alesya Alekseevna, Dolinina Irina Nikolaevna, Shleinov Roman Yurievich, Anin Roman Alexandrovich, Velikovsky Dmitry Alexandrovich, Katkova Veronika V Yacheslavovna, Karezina Inna Pavlovna , Kuzmina Lyudmila Gavrilovna, Kostyleva Polina Vladimirovna, Lyutov Alexander Ivanovich, Zhilkin Vladimir Vladimirovich, Zhilinsky Vladimir Alexandrovich, Tikhonov Mikhail Sergeevich, Piskunov Sergey Evgenievich, Kovin Vitaly Sergeevich, Kiltau Ekaterina Viktorovna, Lyubarev Arkady Efimovich, Gurman Yuri Albertovich, G Rezev Alexander Viktorovich, Vazhenkov Artem Valerievich, Ivanova Sofia Yuryevna, Pigalkin Ilya Valerievich, Petrov Alexey Viktorovich, Egorov Vladimir Vladimirovich, Gusev Andrey Yuryevich, Smirnov Sergey Sergeevich, Verzilov Peter Yuryevich, Voltskaya Tatyana Anatolyevna, Klepikovskaya Ekaterina Dmitrievna, Sotnikov Daniil Vladimirovich, Zakharov Andre y Vyacheslavovich, Simonov Evgeniy Alekseevich , Surnacheva Elizaveta Dmitrievna, Solovyova Elena Anatolyevna, Arapova Galina Yuryevna, Pearl Roman Alexandrovich, Conspiracy Maxim Alexandrovich, Vetoshkina Valeria Valerievna, Pavlov Ivan Yurievich, Skvortsova Elena Sergeevna, Olenichev Maxim Vladimirovich, Kochetkov Igor Viktorovich, Elanchik Oleg Alexandrovich, Gri Gor'eva Alina Aleksandrovna, Grigoriev Andrey Valerievich, Regina Emilevna Gimalova, Regina Faritovna Khisamova, Unregistered public associations recognized as “foreign agents”: Far Eastern public movement “Mayak”, St. Petersburg LGBT initiative group “Coming Out”, LGBT+ initiative group “Reverse”, All-Russian public movement in defense of the rights of voters “Voice”, Media project “OVD-Info”, Interregional public movement “Russian LGBT Network”.

Pet registration

Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed introducing registration of domestic and stray animals in May last year. He instructed the government to prepare a corresponding bill by December 1.

Keeping records of pets, monitoring the condition of animal populations without owners (including vaccinated and sterilized) and adopting uniform methods; regulation of activities for keeping and breeding domestic and wild animals


Russian legislators also proposed fining careless owners who threw their pets onto the street. Last summer, the head of the Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, Vladimir Burmatov, and the Chairman of the Committee on State Construction and Legislation, Pavel Krasheninnikov, submitted to the State Duma a bill introducing various fines for violating the conditions of keeping animals.

Thus, a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles is imposed for violating the rules for keeping animals in circuses, in shelters - up to 50 thousand rubles. For cruelty to pets - up to 100 thousand rubles, and for those who throw animals into the street - up to 30 thousand. They also propose to fine those who own animals that are prohibited from being kept at home. In this case, a fine of up to 150 thousand rubles is provided.

According to Senator Alexander Bashkin, who also came up with a similar initiative, fines for improper maintenance of pets should not be considered as punishment.

This is simply compensation for the callousness and the damage that is caused to society, to people facing the threat posed by stray dogs

Alexander Bashkin Deputy of the Federation Council of Russia

The money collected from fines should be used to catch stray animals, sterilize them and keep them in shelters, Bashkin believes.

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