Sleeping pills for cats: Main types and methods of use + Photos and Videos

In some cases, the cat must be put into a state of sleep, but this cannot be done without special medications. For this reason, animals are prescribed medications that have a pronounced sedative effect. Such medications should never be used without consulting a doctor, as they can provoke dangerous negative reactions.
  • 2 Types of sleeping pills for cats - table
  • 3 Which drug to choose

    3.1 When you can use sedatives and homeopathic medicines

  • 4 Contraindications and adverse reactions of sleeping pills
  • 5 Drug interactions
  • 6 Reviews about the effectiveness of drugs
  • When does a cat need sleeping pills?

    In some cases, there is a need for the cat to fall asleep. The most harmless example is grooming, especially if we are talking about a complex haircut, because, as you know, pets do not like such procedures. Sleeping pills also help if hardware diagnostics are needed, in which the pet must be completely immobilized, for example, magnetic resonance imaging.

    A short course of strong sedative medications may be required in the period following surgery, during which the animal is advised to rest completely. Also, the need for sleeping pills arises in particularly sensitive breeds that do not tolerate long journeys and changes in environment. An additional indication for taking this group of medications is severe stress in a cat, during which it becomes hyperexcitable, aggressive and restless.

    Your cat may need sleeping pills after surgery.

    Attention! All sleeping pills have a serious effect on the cat’s body. It is dangerous to use such drugs without consulting a doctor. This can cause death.

    How to carry out the procedure

    The hair on a cat's head is usually not cut.

    1. The cat is fixed on its side by its hind and front legs.
    2. If the animal is overly aggressive, a collar is put on the animal to prevent it from biting.
    3. First they cut the tangles with scissors, and then take the clipper and continue working on the sides and back.
    4. The fur on the paws is removed last, if necessary at all.
    5. When working in the abdominal area, exercise maximum caution and carefully avoid the nipples and intimate area. It is better to cut the area around with scissors in advance so that all the delicate parts are clearly visible.
    6. The hairstyle is not done on the head; in extreme cases, it can be shaped using thinning scissors.
    7. The tail is cut at will and as the hairdresser's imagination allows.

    It is important to carry out all manipulations as carefully as possible so as not to injure the animal.

    It is not always possible to completely trim an animal at once - do not be upset: even though the procedure will be carried out in several stages, but all participants in the “acting” will remain safe and sound.

    After grooming, the cat should be washed and dried with a hairdryer. Although, to avoid unnecessary stress, you can simply wipe your pet with a damp cloth or suede cloth to remove cut and stuck hairs.

    In the cool season, the trimmed miracle needs to be provided with a comfortable indoor microclimate without drafts and the possibility of hypothermia.

    Types of sleeping pills for cats - table

    Group of drugsHow does it affect a cat's body?NameWhen to useHow is the medication used?Can it be used for pregnant cats and kittens?Price
    Short acting
    • has a sedative effect;
    • relieves pain;
    • relaxes the muscles.
    XylaniteDuring diagnostic procedures.Intramuscularly or intravenously.No.From 423 rub.
    Puts the body into a state of deep sleep for no more than 15 minutes.ThiopentoneFor short-term anesthesia, as well as for convulsive seizures.Intravenously.No.From 1283 rub.
    IntravalFrom 1000 rub.
    Having an average effectIt has a hypnotic effect, accelerates the onset of sleep and increases its duration.BarbamilIndicated after surgery and severe stress.Inside.No.From 200 rub.
    • has a calming effect;
    • accelerates the onset of sleep;
    • relieves pain.
    Etaminal sodiumIt is used as an analgesic and hypnotic in the postoperative period, as well as for psychomotor agitation.Inside and intravenously.If necessary.From 150 rub.
    Barbital sodiumInside.No.Removed from sale.
    Chloral hydrateInside.No.From 50 rub.
    Long-lastingPuts the pet into a state of anesthesia, which can last from several minutes to several hours.KetamineIt is used for diagnostic surgical interventions, as well as for serious injuries as an anesthetic.Intramuscular and intravenous.No.From 1200 rub.
    FtorotanInhalation.No.From 486 rub.
    MethoxyfluraneInhalation.No.Removed from sale.
    • eliminates pain;
    • has a calming and relaxing effect.
    RompunIt is used for diagnostic manipulations, as well as dressings and treatment of postoperative scars.Intramuscular and intravenous.If necessary.From 100 rub.


    One of the main reasons why cats are cut is due to matting and matting. In this regard, the main purpose of a haircut is to relieve the animal of the unpleasant sensations that arise as a result of the skin being pulled together by matted hair.

    Long-haired cats suffer from this especially often, as these troubles happen very often. Once you skip brushing, the animal begins to experience noticeable discomfort and become very nervous. Moreover, blood circulation in tight skin is impaired, resulting in unbearable itching.

    An equally important reason for cutting excess hair is too hot a climate, as well as an increase in room temperatures in summer and winter. It can be very difficult for animals, especially long-haired ones, to tolerate air temperatures above 35 degrees, so it is simply necessary to alleviate the pet’s condition in such cases. Another common problem with wool cats is contamination of their long fur with excrement while going to the litter box.

    In this case, there can be two ways out of the situation: constantly washing the contaminated area or cutting off the hair around the anus.

    In addition to the hygienic component, there is also an aesthetic aspect to cat grooming. A properly trimmed pet looks very beautiful and well-groomed, attracting the attention of others and pleasing the eyes of its owners. In addition, intensively shedding animals also require trimming, otherwise they will literally fill the house with their hair.

    Which drug to choose

    In order to calm the animal at home, you can use short-acting drugs. Most often, homeopathic medicines are used for these purposes, which do not have a negative effect on the cat’s body. Medicinal and long-acting medications are used only as prescribed by a doctor, most often in a hospital setting. Such medications can provoke a number of adverse reactions and worsen the pet’s health. Using them uncontrollably is not only impossible, but dangerous, especially for kittens.

    Giving sleeping pills to kittens is dangerous

    Attention! Frequent use of sleeping pills leads to addiction and withdrawal syndrome, after which the animal’s behavior changes and sleep may be disturbed.

    When can you use sedatives and homeopathic medicines?

    If the cat faces a long journey, a move, or a visit to the veterinarian, then it is quite possible to get by with light sedatives and homeopathic medications. These same drugs are recommended for use if it is necessary to add another pet, as well as during exhibitions. The most popular medicine in this line is considered to be Kot Bayun, which is available in the form of tinctures and tablets for oral administration. Contains medicinal herbs and has a moderate sedative effect.

    Cat Bayun has a mild calming effect

    A similar medication is Stop Stress. It also calms the animal, eliminating the effects of nervous overload. The composition includes herbal extracts such as mint, motherwort, hops and others. Thanks to the content of medicinal plants, the drug acts gently and gradually.

    Stop Stress normalizes your pet's sleep

    To improve the condition of the pet's nervous system, as well as to normalize sleep and calm, use Fitex, containing valerian, hops and motherwort. The medication is available in the form of drops for oral administration.

    Fitex normalizes the functioning of the nervous system

    Herbal sedatives are the best non-addictive option for cats.

    I gave the cat a herbal sedative because she slept very poorly at night. I didn’t notice much improvement, but there were no adverse reactions either. My mistake was that herbal medicines need to be given over a long period of time as they work gradually. I expected instant results, so I finished the therapy ahead of schedule. However, I was afraid to give the cat anything more serious.

    Reception features

    When choosing a sleeping pill, you should carefully study the instructions and composition of the medicine. In order not to harm your pet, you should definitely consult a veterinarian about the use of the medicine. The doctor will tell you about the possible side effects of the drug and how to eliminate them. An experienced veterinarian should prescribe treatment with sleeping pills; in no case should you increase the dose of the drug yourself.

    If your pet needs a haircut and the journey, for example, to the groomer, does not take much time, you should not give him sleeping pills. In any case, it has a negative effect on the animal’s body, especially on cardiac activity. To pacify the animal, it is better to use herbal-based sedatives that are harmless to the cat’s body: Fitex, Kot Bayun, Stop-Stress and others.

    Drugs intended for humans should not be used for cats. This may cause various side effects.

    Contraindications and adverse reactions of sleeping pills

    Sleeping pills should not be used for cardiac disorders in animals, as well as for diseases of the respiratory tract, liver and kidneys. During lactation this group of drugs is contraindicated. The following symptoms may occur during therapy with sleeping pills:

    • weakness;
    • hallucinations;
    • sleep disorders;
    • breathing problems;
    • impaired coordination of movements;
    • decreased blood pressure;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • constipation;
    • drowsiness.

    Nursing cats should not be given sleeping pills

    After using long-acting sleeping pills, it may take more than 24 hours for your pet to regain consciousness. At the same time, the animal eats poorly and moves little.

    Cat grooming at home by professionals

    If you are hesitant to start grooming yourself, you can call in professionals. What is attractive about grooming at home with the help of specialists?

    • your pet does not experience the stress associated with being in an unfamiliar environment;
    • a professional will cope with the task faster and better;
    • there is no need to purchase the necessary tools:
    • you get rid of unnecessary hassle and save time.
    • It is possible to trim several animals quickly and at a reasonable price.

    Professionals will give your pet a haircut quickly and at a high level; this is more convenient and practical than cutting the animal’s hair yourself. In addition, they can offer custom haircuts for your pet.

    • Haircut "Dragon". This haircut is different in that a mohawk remains on the cat’s back, and the rest of the hair except the head is completely removed.
    • Puma haircut. In this case, only the hair from the back surface of the body is removed. The head, paws and tail are not cut.
    • Haircut "Lion". After shearing, the animal really looks like a lion, as it is left with only the “mane” and fur at the tip of its tail.

    Sleep aids

    Sometimes it is not enough to simply calm your pet. A long flight or other transportation will be frightening and nerve-wracking, even in a relatively calm state. In this situation, it is advisable to give a sleeping pill designed specifically for cats. After an intramuscular injection, tablets or drops, they fall into a deep, restful sleep.

    The dosage of the drug should be selected by the doctor based on the weight, breed and individual health characteristics of the pet. Such manipulation is a last resort, and an overdose is deadly.

    According to the duration of action, sleeping pills are divided into:

    • Gentle, short-acting, which puts the cat to sleep for 2-3 hours. They can be taken for transport or grooming.
    • Medium-term muscle relaxants, analgesics and sedatives indicated in the treatment of seizures, borderline mental states or in preparation for deep anesthesia. Their effect lasts about five hours.
    • Long-term narcotic drugs used in surgery and veterinary procedures. These substances are available only with a doctor's prescription and are not suitable for home use. During anesthesia, the cat must be observed by a specialist in order to prevent possible respiratory or cardiac arrest in time.

    Indications for the use of sedatives

    Sedatives should be given as prescribed by a doctor, who will select the ideal medicine taking into account the breed and personal characteristics of the pet. Since cats, like other living beings, may have individual intolerance and contraindications to taking certain sedatives. And besides this, each pet has a distinctive psycho-emotional background.

    According to veterinarians and animal psychologists, the prescription of sedatives for cats is possible in the following cases:

    When to use medications

    Sedatives and sleeping pills for cats are prescribed for anxious behavior with obvious disturbances in nervous activity. In addition, you cannot do without sedatives in the following situations:

    • medical intervention - wound treatment, examination, vaccination;
    • long journey – during transportation the animal often panics;
    • adaptation to the situation - a new place of residence causes aggression;
    • nervous disorders - obsessive actions, increased nervousness;
    • mental disorders - fear, phobias, anxiety, aggression;
    • marking the territory - excitement, hormonal surge, increased sexual desire;
    • aggression in the presence of strangers;
    • visiting salons, exhibitions, groomers.

    When a cat tries to take a dominant position, there is no need to punish the animal by indicating “its place.” You can relieve nervous tension and aggression by using a herbal preparation with a mild sedative property.

    Mental abnormalities are noticeable by the following signs:

    • hunting for a non-existent target;
    • constant licking of oneself, leading to the formation of wounds and hair loss;
    • self-directed aggression;
    • twitching of limbs, head, jumping.

    Mental disorders manifest themselves in different ways; if you notice unusual behavior in your pet, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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