What, other than fleas, causes a cat to constantly itch and lick?

Let's try to analyze the main reasons why a cat can constantly itch and lick itself, but it does not have fleas and, perhaps, never had any. What, then, is extremely troubling to your pet?

Cats are recognized as naturally clean people; they regularly take care of their fur, diligently brushing it and licking it thoroughly. This is the instinct of a predator, inherited by our pets from predatory ancestors. Therefore, catching a cat washing itself is a common occurrence.

But if a cat often licks and scratches beyond measure, this always causes justified fears among loving, attentive owners - it means that something wrong has happened to their pet. This restless behavior is a consequence of your pet being constantly itchy, but not necessarily due to fleas.

Various factors can contribute to the occurrence of severe itching. Therefore, a symptom such as scratching and licking should be a good reason to search for the cause and eliminate it as quickly as possible. Most likely, you will need a visit to the veterinarian, where it will be found out exactly why the cat is itching, and your beauty will receive adequate treatment.

With prolonged intense scratching, wounds, bald spots, irritation and damage to the skin occur, turning into an open gate for new infections, and your cat is at risk of secondary infection, which is even more difficult to fight. This is why it is so important to address the cause of the itching early so that your cat can recover faster.

Causes of itching in cats

Fleas on an animal
The most common probable cause of your cat itching all the time is a flea attack. But if you are sure that there are no fleas at the moment, then know that an allergy to a flea bite in some four-legged animals can last up to 6 weeks. Therefore, it is not surprising that the cat continues to worry all this time, although the fleas have been gone for a long time.

But when the cat is domestic, does not leave the apartment and it really does not have fleas, then the most likely reasons for constantly scratching and licking its fur may be the following problems:

  • helminth infection;
  • skin and other bacterial inflammations;
  • ringworm and other fungal infections;
  • lice, lice, mites and other external parasites;
  • allergic manifestations of various origins;
  • psychogenic factors;
  • hormonal disorders.

Below we will take a closer look at each of the most common reasons why, in the absence of fleas, a cat is worried about severe itching, but in reality there are many more of them.

Pathological causes

Pathological causes of frequent licking and scratching in cats occur with almost the same frequency as natural ones. It is important for the owner to understand why the cat is constantly licking itself and itching; and if she has changed her behavior due to pathology, then competent therapy needs to be carried out.

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Excessive licking is mainly caused by:

  • fleas - the cat itches continuously for a long time. It is not difficult to identify the presence of insects through a simple home inspection. To do this, simply unroll the animal’s fur and carefully examine the skin. Black specks (flea feces) and, possibly, even the parasites themselves will be seen on it. Treating the animal for fleas completely eliminates the problem;
  • allergic reaction - this phenomenon is often accompanied by intense skin itching, from which the cat itches and nervously licks itself, devoting a lot of time to this. The provocateurs of the disease can be internal (food) and external (hair care products; chemicals accidentally exposed to the animal). In the summer, allergies are most often caused by bites of blood-sucking insects. Antihistamines and special medicated shampoos are used to relieve itching. To identify the causes of allergies and prescribe treatment, a veterinary examination is necessary;
  • ringworm - ringworm is more common. The disease is contagious, and the cat can transmit it to the owner. The first main signal about the possible presence of a disease is that a sick animal constantly licks the affected area, and this cannot be ignored. After an urgent visit to the veterinarian, the pet is fully treated with prescribed medications;
  • tick-borne skin lesions - parasites live in the skin and cannot be seen by eye. Itching in a cat causes it to scratch its skin. The veterinarian examines the animal and, after taking a scraping and microscopic examination, prescribes the necessary treatment depending on the type of parasite present;
  • dermatitis – occurs for a variety of reasons and leads to the appearance of scratches on the animal’s skin. The cat itches a lot and constantly licks the affected areas, injuring the skin even more. Treatment is carried out only by a veterinarian using oral medications and external medications;
  • vitamin deficiency - if a cat does not receive enough vitamins, then its skin becomes excessively dry, which provokes itching and flaking. The cat constantly itches and licks sore spots, which causes bleeding wounds that are visible to the eye. After reviewing the diet and increasing the amount of vitamins in it, the problem goes away on its own;
  • hormonal and endocrine disorders - with them, the cat, as a rule, licks especially hard and spends almost all the time doing this activity. The animal's fur quickly takes on an unkempt appearance: it is dull, disheveled and matted. You should visit a veterinarian immediately and start treatment as soon as possible. The longer it is delayed, the higher the likelihood that the animal will die;
  • otodectosis - from itching in the ears the cat itches to sores on the neck. A visit to the veterinarian is necessary.

It is quite difficult to independently identify the cause of obsessive scratching and licking in a cat, which is why, in any case, it is very advisable to consult a veterinarian.

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Infection with helminths as a cause of itching


Helminths, if not regularly combated, can significantly annoy your pet, undermining its health from the inside.

The consequences of the vital activity and reproduction of worms in a cat’s body can be many troubles that bring suffering to your pet no less than fleas:

  • The cat feels discomfort in the anus, itches and licks it;
  • her stool and digestion are disrupted, her appetite is distorted;
  • the coat becomes dull and the skin becomes dry and flaky;
  • eyes turn sour;
  • behavior becomes abnormal: apathetic or, on the contrary, excited.

Even the smallest kitten can suffer from worms if it is infected from its mother.

To prevent infection with worms, regularly clean with anti-helminth medications.

Prevention measures

  1. Limit your indoor cat's contact with street animals. At the same time, do not deprive her of fresh air: you can let your pet out onto the balcony or into a fenced-in space, for example, in the country.
  2. Timely treat your pet against external (fleas, ticks) and internal (helminths) parasites.
  3. Inspect the animal's fur and skin.
  4. Provide a balanced diet and avoid consuming foods that cause allergic reactions.
  5. Cats feel the manifestation of love and care from humans. You should not allow your pet to experience stress. Any worries and neuroses are the first step towards the development of diseases.
  6. Regular visits to the veterinary clinic.

Skin and other inflammations in cats caused by bacteria

Here we will touch only on those processes that provoke itching in different parts of the body and force the animal to scratch itself regularly.


This is a severe bacterial infection of the superficial, or less often deeper, layer of the skin. The consequences of pyoderma are:

  • the cat may go bald;
  • become covered with pustules and crusts;
  • the animal finds no peace, constantly itches furiously and meows.

Cats of all breeds are equally susceptible to infection, but the risk of complications is more often observed in animals with folds on the body, so the owners of such beauties have to be especially careful.

If the lesion has not affected the deeper layers and there are no complications, then recovery occurs quickly at home, but under veterinary supervision.

Ear infection

Symptoms of otitis media in a cat

Otitis in cats can provoke, in addition to severe pain and depression, a desire to scratch the sore ear with a paw.

The need to eliminate itching by frequent scratching results in the appearance of wounds and cuts, because the cat’s claws are sharp! Complete or partial baldness around the affected ear is also possible.

Treatment depends on whether the otitis media is caused by ear mites or bacteria. Therefore, it is better to visit a veterinarian, he will do a scraping for analysis and prescribe the necessary type of treatment.

Is it normal for a cat to itch, chew on itself, and lick itself constantly?

Any cat washes and scratches regularly, but an attentive owner will probably notice the difference between the usual procedure and nervous licking and scratching.

When is this normal?

Absolutely all cats are pathological cleanliness. They wash after sleep and before bed, after eating and after a walk, and sometimes just like that, when there is time free from games, sleep and food. Cats take self-care very seriously, devoting a lot of time to washing and approaching the process with the utmost care.


So, if a cat occasionally itches (usually after sleep) and licks itself several times a day, this is a normal situation and you should not worry about it.

Signs of a pathological condition of an animal

If a cat is itchy, its behavior changes. The disease state can be inferred from a number of symptoms:

  • the animal becomes lethargic or nervous and restless, meows pitifully;
  • the cat itches a lot, does it much more often than usual and much more sharply and intensely;
  • periodically the pet tries to bite something out from under the skin;
  • visually noticeable deterioration in the condition of the coat - it becomes brittle, dull, and may fall out;
  • scratches, sores, rashes or spots are noticeable on the skin of cats;
  • dandruff appears;
  • If you part the fur, you can see parasites and their excrement.

When examining your pet for the presence of fleas, first of all you need to pay attention to the withers, back and stomach, this is where the parasites are localized.

Ringworm and other fungal skin infections in cats

Trichophytosis (ringworm)

Take a close look at the areas where your cat scratches most frequently. If there is no hair there, and the bald patch resembles a circle, then it is ringworm.

Important! The disease is caused by a fungal infection. Is contagious to people! Be sure to start treatment as soon as possible!

At home, lichen can be easily and quickly treated in cats, but in people infected from a sick cat, treatment is more difficult.


Fungal and yeast infections of the skin and fur of cats lead to similar symptoms that greatly annoy your pet.

Not dangerous for people. They are treated with specific therapy, which is prescribed by a veterinarian after examination.

Natural reasons for itching and licking

Increased licking for natural reasons is observed in cats that have reached sexual maturity and have not been sterilized. So, the animal intensively cleanses the genital area if it is in heat. In this case, washing is necessary to remove bloody discharge in a timely manner. As soon as the heat is over, the problem will go away on its own.

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A pregnant cat also intensively licks this area a few days before giving birth. She strives to clear it of fur so that it is easier for the kittens to get out and not get confused. This also helps the female herself, as it reduces the risk of infection spreading from the fur into the uterus, which, after the babies are born, is a continuous wound surface.

The following natural causes can also cause increased licking and scratching::

  • dampness outside - if a cat walks freely, then in bad weather, to keep its fur clean, it licks itself much more often and more intensely;
  • an abundance of animals in the house - the cat is very clean, and if there are other pets in the house, she licks herself especially often to get rid of their smell, which is transmitted through common sleeping areas;
  • boredom - not all cats, but some of them begin to lick and scratch vigorously if they are bored. So they take time. The appearance of a second cat or dog in the house solves the problem;
  • shedding - to get rid of old, outdated fur, animals lick themselves vigorously. After the molting is over, everything quickly returns to normal;
  • The kitten's teeth itch - sometimes this causes him to rub and scratch his face. This is an age-related phenomenon and goes away quickly.

If licking is of a natural nature, then the owner does not have to worry about the health of his pet and does not take any measures to eliminate the phenomenon.

Lice, lice, mites and other external parasites that cause itching

These unpleasant “guests,” including fleas, are called ectoparasites. All of them provoke severe itching, flaking of the skin, and hair loss.

The cat is forced to literally scratch its skin, injuring local and large areas.

If treatment is not started in time, secondary inflammation, suppuration, sepsis and baldness may occur.

The most dangerous and difficult for cats are:

  • ear scabies - a mite that settles in the external auditory canal;
  • sarcoptic mange, which affects various parts of the cat's body;
  • notoedrosis, localized mainly on the face.

The animal is experiencing serious suffering, so it is better to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Possible disease


This is a common disease, but it is not immediately diagnosed. The main signs include: hair loss, dandruff, otitis media, unpleasant odor from the mouth and hair, scabies, sores, wet armpits. At the same time, the cat chews its paws, rubs its nose, and vigorously licks itself.

Causes of allergies:

  • dust, mold, pollen;
  • Food;
  • flea remedies;
  • medical supplies;
  • hygiene products;
  • infection;
  • insect bites;
  • reaction after vaccination;
  • low-quality material (toys, bedding, drinking bowl);
  • breed tendency.

When introducing a new product into the diet or skin and coat care products, it is necessary to monitor the pet's behavior. Food allergies manifest as inflammation around the head, anus, and ears. Vomiting and diarrhea occur.

Allergic manifestations that cause itching

The cause of an immune attack in the form of dermatitis can be many factors, so identifying the allergen is easier to do by exclusion.

Nutritional factor

The most common complaint is itching. Here the easiest way is to identify the “culprit” by eliminating one of the components from the diet one by one. It’s better to remember and analyze when the problem arose and what it might be related to. Perhaps it was a transition to a new food.

Contact factor

When the influence of food and all of the above reasons is excluded, and the cat continues to itch intensely, he may be allergic to pollen from indoor plants, dust, air freshener, washing powder or soap, or shampoo.

Drug factor

If your pet is currently or recently on medication or has had a vaccination, stop treatment and wait. Drug dermatitis will go away on its own.

Hormonal imbalances that cause scratching

In fact, there are few of them, but some are not so rare. Therefore, it is better to have an idea about them when analyzing the causes of excessive itching.

Thyroid dysfunction

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism cause baldness, dandruff, itching, and tangled fur in cats.

Cushing's syndrome

Disruption of the adrenal cortex in the direction of intensification. Provokes alopecia on the sides and back. The skin becomes thinner, loses elasticity and strength. Visible comedones appear.


The main task in diagnosis is to determine why the cat is itching. Sometimes it is possible to identify the cause during the examination, in other cases additional research is necessary.

These may include:

  • Examination of skin scrapings and ear smears to identify parasites and pathological cells.
  • Bacterial seeding of material to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics and antifungals.
  • Cytological and histological examination.
  • General and clinical blood test.
  • Carrying out an allergy test.
  • Elimination diagnostic diet to identify the product causing hypersensitivity.
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