Fighting breeds of cats There are many different breeds in nature, among which it is worth highlighting the most aggressive
Absolutely any person who has a cat at home wants their pet to always be
The cause of the appearance of crusts may be injury - the thin sensitive skin of a cat's nose is easily injured.
The life and health of kittens directly depends on its owner. One of the dangers is
In ancient times, people considered cats to be magical creatures. Black cats were valued for their skill
The science of breeding cats is involved in breeding a new cat breed or improving the qualities of each type.
Cats are cute creatures, but they not only purr and cuddle, but also scratch.
How to drip Otipax The medicine should be dripped into the external auditory canal of the ear. An adult will
A urethrostomy is performed in a cat if stones are stuck in the urethral meatus due to
Kidney disease in cats is one of the most dangerous pathological conditions that indirectly affects