Animonda cat food – not all Animonda is created equal!

Animonda food line

Since today we are looking at wet food, we will omit dry food; besides, it is of absolutely depressing quality and, to be honest, does not deserve a review.

Animonda's assortment is quite rich:

  • spiders;
  • pates in lamisters;
  • canned food;
  • pieces in sauce - and each type has many flavors.

Canned food has an excellent reputation, but don’t delude yourself – not all Animonda is equally healthy! Let's not waste time and immediately proceed to a detailed analysis of the products.

Sit back, there will be a lot of letters!

Feedback from cat owners

You can leave your reviews about Animonda cat food, they will be useful to other site users!

Yaroslava, Perm

While shopping for groceries in the supermarket, I noticed cute spiders with cat food that was new to me and bought five of them for my Vasilisa. I didn’t even expect that the new food would be such a wild success! Vasilisa kneaded the whole package in five minutes, although she usually sits for a long time over each piece, and began meowing pitifully, asking for “continuation of the banquet.” Well, how could you not please your beauty? Since then, I periodically buy Animonda food for her and treat her on the weekends - it’s a little expensive, though, but for my Vasilisa it’s a holiday.

Ksenia, Novorossiysk

I buy Animonda food for my neutered British cat. He was found to have an allergy and the veterinarian warned him that it was better not to give him food containing grains. Fortunately, among the products of the company that produces this food, there are also grain-free options - a real find for us. I also really like that the food is cut into large pieces: it’s not appropriate for such a respectable British “gentleman” like my cat to lick the mess. The price is also quite reasonable, so I try to pamper my pet more often.

Brocconis Cat – Canned Sorrow

Complete wet canned food is sold in 400 g packs; it is not found very often in Russia, and this is great.

As a filling, we see the inscription “meat and animal by-products” in the first place. Mmmm, my favorite horns and hooves! And the modest “4% beef and 4% poultry” in parentheses. Already disappointing, isn't it? Next on the list are cereals, vegetable protein extract, vitamins, minerals and “various sugars” - what kind of mysterious beast it is is not at all clear.

Guaranteed analysis of this hide-and-hoof splendor: proteins 7.5%, fats 4%, ash 2.5, moisture 81% - everything is normal, but after such a composition - thank you, the kitty’s appetite has disappeared!

Price and where to buy

You can buy food of this brand in online pet stores:

  • “Old Farm” (reference): Canned food Animonda Carny 200 g x 6 pcs - 648 rubles;
  • Canned food Animonda Carny 400 g x 6 pcs - 1026 rubles;
  • Canned food Animonda Vom Feinsten 100 g x 32 pcs - 2496 rubles;
  • Animonda Rafine spiders 100 g x 24 pcs - 2040 RUR;
  • Animonda Carny spiders 90 g x 12 pcs — RUB 1,284.
  • "UniZoo" (help).
  • "ZooPassage" (help).
  • The prices indicated are current as of early November 2022 and may change significantly over time. For the exact cost, see the pet store websites using the information above.

    Rafine – seven grain soup

    This category of food is in turn divided into Rafine Petit, Rafine Soupe Adult, Rafine Soupe Kitten.

    Rafine Petit

    Rafine Petit is a pate in a funny shaped lamister packaging with a cute cat face, weighing 85 g.
    Its average cost is about 100 rubles. per package. But is it worth the money? In the composition, in first place... yes, yes, and again “meat and products of animal origin”, and 4% of more or less real meat lurks next to it.

    Next are the laconic and unknown “oils and fats”, “minerals” and the boring “products of plant origin”. There are only three flavors: rabbit, heart and fish.

    The 4% monkfish is intriguing, but damn it, forgive the involuntary pun, I personally don’t want to pay 100 wooden ones for 4% noble fish, and I hope you don’t either.

    Guaranteed analysis: proteins 10.5%, fats 6.8%, ash 1.8%, moisture 79.5% - considering that proteins and fats are boiled from unknown husks and boots, we will simply close our eyes to it and move on to next product.

    Rafine Soupe Kitten

    Rafine Soupe Kitten meat “sticks” for kittens in 85 g packets. It is rare in Russia, but the average price is about 80 rubles.

    Includes only two flavors: poultry cocktail with shrimp and turkey with heart and carrots.

    The composition, in general, doesn’t make you want to rip your hair out: meat and meat by-products (the key word is “meat”), a decent amount of meat products (for example, 15% chicken, 15% turkey, 8% duck + 4% shrimp) , but again, further “no name” cereals and cereals with minerals.

    Guaranteed analysis: proteins 8%, fats 8%, ash 2.5%, moisture 80%. Overall - better than Royal Canin, and the money is the same.

    Rafine Soupe Adult

    Rafine Soupe Adult pouches, packaged in 85 g, which are mouth-watering pieces in Schleck sauce. The average cost is approximately 75-80 rubles.

    With the composition, the story is more interesting. In first place is “meat and meat by-products.” Please note that the offal is meat, which means that not skins and intestines were used, but valuable liver.

    Meat products with animal origin are already in more decent quantities: 20% duck, chicken, pork (8-10%) veal, rabbit, goose. There are also delicacies (4-8%): cheese, ham and mortadella. There is an option containing 4% paste, and even 0.1% curry!

    But, sadly, the next ingredient is an unidentified “plant product” or “grain”, and that ruins the mood created by mortadella. “Minerals” are also shrouded in a veil of terrible secrecy.

    Guaranteed analysis is in order: proteins 8%, fats 5%, moisture 81%.

    Our verdict: if the store already has a promotion on these spiders or all the chezir in the world has run out, buying a couple of packages will not be a crime, especially if you choose the option with more meat. The quality of such spiders is clearly superior to any premium-class moisturizer. But overall, better pay attention to the following two products!

    Animonda food class

    The German one has been operating since 1913. Their products are presented in two versions: dry food and canned food. Studies have shown that it meets all quality standards and belongs to the premium class. To understand which class of Animond food to choose, it is important to analyze the existing advantages and disadvantages.

    1. Thanks to the rich assortment of flavors, you can choose the appropriate option for your pet, taking into account his taste preferences.
    2. The composition of Animonda cat food is selected so that it will take care of your pet's health.
    3. Dry briquettes are designed to stimulate jaw activity without damaging the membranes.
    4. The products produced contain proteins and fats of exclusive animal origin.
    5. Such food is well absorbed in the body, normalizes digestion and quickly relieves hunger.
    6. The presented product line has an age division, so you can choose the appropriate option for both a kitten and an adult pet.

    It remains to consider the disadvantages, but there are much fewer of them than the advantages, which is good news.

    1. Animonda cat food contains carbohydrates, which, if consumed in large quantities, can cause obesity. Keeping your pet active will help you avoid this problem, so make him run and play periodically.
    2. For many, the high price tag will be a significant drawback, but it fully justifies the high quality of the products and the use of natural raw materials.
    3. Animonda's cat food is not available in all pet stores, but it can be ordered online.
    4. The composition includes by-products, but it is worth noting that only high-quality raw materials are used: liver, heart and kidneys.
    5. The line of dry food is presented in insufficient quantities.

    Animonda Carny – in my next life I want to be a cat that is fed Animonda Carny!

    This is where you can (and should) start reading, because Animonda Carney is truly a cat’s culinary art!
    Animonda Carny includes several delicious lines: Carny Senior, Carny Ocean, Carny Exotic, Carny Kitten, Carny Adult Fischmenue, Carny Adult - rather, let’s look at each in more detail!

    Carny Senior

    Carny Senior is a complete canned food designed specifically for mature cats over 7 years old. Packaged in 200 g jars, approximate cost 110-120 rubles.

    It has two flavors: chicken and cheese, beef and turkey heart.

    And here my soul as a cat lady sheds tears of gratitude, because there is a lot of meat, the composition is detailed and there are no ballast components.

    • In first place are meat and beef by-products, 47% and 54%. The list of by-products is indicated in brackets; skins and hooves, of course, are not there!
    • Next comes a decent amount of broth - 31%, which is ideal for a light-drinking adult animal.
    • Follow the broth with meat ingredients again (chicken liver and meat and turkey heart).
    • Finally, calcium carbonate is indicated - an important element for the health of an adult cat, equalizing the calcium-phosphorus ratio.

    The guaranteed analysis is ideal: proteins 11%, fats 4.5%, ash 1.4%, moisture 80%. Definitely tasty and healthy!

    Carny Ocean

    Carny Ocean positioned as additional nutrition. This is a delicious, light dish for fish lovers. In Russia, unfortunately, it is rare, but it does occur. Packaged in 80 g jars, average price 95-120 rubles.

    Available in six flavor variations. The composition is exclusively meat, with a large content of fish. 4% of incomprehensible “vegetables” are found in only one form. In first place are from 45% to 96% seafood such as tuna and salmon, followed by auxiliary ingredients (from 4% to 24%): sardines, shrimp, squid, cod, beef and even quail eggs. There are two types of broth listed in the composition. The guaranteed analysis is pleasing: proteins 11%, fats 1%, ash 2%, moisture 83%. An excellent food to pamper your fur seal without compromising his figure.

    Carny Exotic

    Carny Exotic is a complete wet food that is more like a juicy pate than regular spider contents. It will pamper the taste buds of furry gourmets for only 115-120 rubles per 85 g pouch.

    The line includes three flavors: buffalo, kangaroo and ostrich. We can’t live like this, of course, let’s look at it in more detail.

    Tasty and healthy beef comes first, its content in the feed is 48-59%. It is not indicated that this is beef meat and not an udder, you will have to take our word for it. Next comes 31% broth - a good source of life-giving moisture for the prevention of urolithiasis. There is not much exotic in the composition, but maybe for the better: 20% kangaroo and buffalo each and 11% ostrich. Calcium carbonate is indicated as a mineral additive. Guaranteed analysis: proteins 11%, fats 5%, ash 2%, moisture 81%. The food is intriguing, tasty and will perfectly fill your cat's need for water.

    Carny Kitten

    Carny Kitten - your kitten will grow up big, healthy and strong on such tasty, complete canned food, you can be sure.
    A 200 gram jar costs from 105 to 125 rubles. The kitten line has four flavors: beef and turkey heart, chicken and rabbit, poultry cocktail, veal and chicken.

    In all options, beef comes first - from 42 to 54%. The list of used meat by-products is indicated in parentheses and does not contain any crime, because high-quality by-products are also important in a cat’s diet.

    After the beef comes 31% broth and then secondary, meat ingredients like rabbit and duck heart in small quantities.

    Guaranteed analysis reads: protein 11%, fat 5.5%, ash 1.5%, moisture 80%. During the period of active growth, such canned food will serve well in the diet of a little gourmet.

    Carny Adult Fischmenue

    Carny Adult Fischmenue is an additional canned food for adult cats, which is whole, uncrushed fish in jelly. It is found mainly in Ukraine, but is rare in Russia. Average cost 55-62 UAH. (approximately 150 rubles). Packaged in 400 g jars.

    Contains only two flavors: fish menu in jelly and tuna in salmon jelly. In the first place is a high fish content: 47-68%, followed by broth and auxiliary meat elements such as shrimp and herring.

    Guaranteed analysis: proteins 12%, fats 2%, ash 3%, moisture 82%. It seems a little strange to me to pack treats (since this is an additional food, not a complete diet) in such large containers, especially considering that not every cat wants to eat canned food left open in the refrigerator. Well, okay, who will sort them out - these Germans.

    Carny Adult

    Carny Adult is a complete canned food for adult cats. Available in 200, 400 and 800 g packs. The average cost of a 400 gram jar is approximately 170 rubles. A bit pricey, but definitely worth it!

    The line contains eight different flavors. The basis of any of the feeds is beef (from 40 to 60%), beef by-products are scrupulously listed in parentheses. All Carni Adult canned foods contain 31% broth. The following additional toppings were used: game meat, chicken meat and meat by-products, duck heart, turkey, shrimp, rabbit meat. Guaranteed analysis: proteins 11.5%, fats 5%, ash 1.4%, moisture 79%. The meat content in Carni Adult is high and varied, which will allow the animal to receive all the necessary nutrients and microelements.

    Veterinarians' opinion

    Surprisingly, the products are almost never criticized not only by buyers, but even by veterinarians.

    This is what the vet writes about this food. doctor Marina G.:

    Animonda wet food can be safely classified as a super premium food. It is perfectly balanced, contains vitamins and microelements that a cat needs. This food is especially useful for animals recovering strength after surgery or a serious illness, as well as for those who need to lose excess weight. It is not at all necessary to give it to your pets every day. But as a treat used to reward cats for exemplary behavior (for example, after an injection or a bathing procedure that cats don’t like), it is irreplaceable.

    However, not all veterinarians speak positively about the food. Many people note that cats may develop bad breath after eating wet food. It is also not recommended to buy food that contains grains. They are not suitable for cats with allergies.

    In general, reviews of Animonda food are favorable, especially for grain-free food intended for castrated animals.

    Experts advise combining feeding cats with dry and wet food. This is especially true for those cats that drink little water. Feeding them only dry food can provoke the development of urolithiasis and other serious consequences for the body as a whole. Wet food containing a large amount of broth prevents the animal's body from suffering from dehydration. Moreover, if your cat does not drink water at all, preferring milk or fermented milk products, eating wet food will completely cover the cat's fluid needs.

    Vom Feinsten – cat foie gras or an incomprehensible mess?

    In general, the Vom Feinsten line is represented by a variety of pates in aluminum cuvettes (or lamisters). The range includes: Vom Feinsten Baby, Vom Feinsten Kitten, Vom Feinsten Senior, Vom Feinsten for castrated Cats, Vom Feinsten Adult and Vom Feinsten Select spiders.

    Vom Feinsten Baby

    Vom Feinsten Baby – intended for kittens from 4 weeks of age. Packaged in lamisters of 100 grams, approximate cost from 80 to 100 rubles. The delicate creamy texture of the pate is undoubtedly the best option for an easy and painless transition from mother's milk to full-fledged food. But what about the composition?

    And immediately disappointment. In first place is “meat and animal by-products,” with 25% beef and 8% chicken in parentheses. I would like to hope that German pedantry will not allow beaks and hooves to be put into kitten pate, but alas, friends, these are only hopes. In second place are “vitamins and minerals.” Guaranteed analysis: proteins 10%, fats 6%, ash 2%, moisture 81%.

    I’m glad that there are no grains or any plant nonsense, but somehow, you know, it’s suspicious that such a vague composition is for kids. I won't advise.

    Vom Feinsten Kitten

    Vom Feinsten Kitten is a complete pate for kittens from 2 months. Packed in lamisters of 100 g. The price is the same as the previous product.

    It comes in three flavors: beef, chicken and lamb. Similar to the previous product, the composition does not shine: 63% meat and animal products, then slaughtered animals are listed in brackets. The composition contains broth, but its percentage is not indicated, and minerals of unknown origin. Guaranteed analysis: proteins 10%, fats 7%, ash 2%, moisture 80%.

    Overall better than premium.

    Vom Feinsten Senior

    Vom Feinsten Senior is a pate in lamisters, created for picky adult cats from 7 years old. Packages of 100 grams, cost around 80-100 rubles.

    Three flavors: beef, poultry, lamb, but the list of products begins again with a disappointing 63% of “meat and animal products.” Next in the composition are broth and minerals. The guaranteed analysis is as always in order: proteins 10%, fats 4%, ash 1.4%, moisture 82%.

    Well, you understand.

    Vom Feinsten for castrated Cats

    Vom Feinsten for castrated Cats - compared to the previous three products, it undoubtedly wins in the quality of meat products.
    These pates are created specifically for neutered cats - they need tasty food with a reduced calorie content. Packaged in lamisters of 100 g, the cost is similar to all Vom Feinsten products. There are five flavors available: turkey+cheese, turkey+trout, turkey+tomato, turkey+salmon and natural turkey.

    • In first place, of course, is turkey - it is not specified what exactly: fillet or even just meat, but not “animal products” either, which is good news.
    • Next is the broth and an auxiliary ingredient (trout, cheese, tomatoes, etc.).
    • Calcium carbonate and sodium chloride are also listed.

    The presence of salt in food can be confusing, but it is not as scary as it is made out to be - after all, sodium chloride is an extremely important component for all living organisms, which is present in most products (not necessarily those that taste salty). Salt is added to animal feed as a flavor enhancer and also encourages the animal to drink more water.

    Guaranteed analysis: proteins 12%, fats 4.4%, ash 1.8%, moisture 80%.

    In general, pates for neutered cats are of decent quality.

    Vom Feinsten Adult

    Vom Feinsten Adult - here we come to the “pearl” of the line, a complete pate for adult cats. Packaging and cost are similar to all Vom Feinsten products.

    In short: this is high-quality nutrition, presented in nine mouth-watering variations, with detailed composition. In the first place is meat and meat products and then the ingredients are listed in parentheses, for example, 23% beef, 10% lamb, turkey, chicken, rabbit, pork. There are no intestines or bones in the pate, since all products are meat. Next is a “side dish” (pasta, potatoes) or an additional meat ingredient (shrimp, ocean fish). All types contain broth and, of course, minerals.

    Guaranteed analysis: proteins 11.5%, fats 4.7%, ash 1.6%, moisture 80.5%. You can give these pates to your pet without any worries.

    Vom Feinsten Select

    Well, let's move on to the final delicacy - Vom Feinsten Select. These are no longer pates, but 85-gram pouches in six variations with whole pieces of meat costing from 80 to 100 rubles.

    Its composition is excellent: the main ingredient is chicken breast 49%, followed by broth and an additional ingredient that gives the dish a “zest”: cheese, ham, white tuna, shellfish, eggs, aloe vera and sea bass.

    Guaranteed analysis: proteins 12%, fats 1%, ash 1%, moisture 83%. As an addition to dry food - simply wonderful, and without harming the cat's waistline.

    Advantages and disadvantages


    An important advantage of the food produced is that on each package the buyer can find reliable information about its composition. If the food contains a certain amount of by-products, this is written openly, without hiding.

    By the way, there is also a lot of meat in these foods. It is not pre-frozen, but is used fresh, remaining not only tasty, but also healthy.

    And you will also have one less responsibility: you won’t have to keep in mind when your cat should take vitamins. All the substances animals need are already present in the feed.

    Does your pussy prefer dry food or, on the contrary, does it gobble up wet food with appetite? Among the company's products there is something to suit her taste.

    And, perhaps, the most important question: where to buy? It is not always possible, or even the desire, to wait a long time for something ordered on the Internet. With Animonda food you don't have to worry about this either: it is sold in any supermarket.


    For some owners, it is fundamentally important that the food they buy for their pets contains only meat. Then Animonda is not for them. In this food, most of the meat is replaced by offal. But for cats who were previously kept on a natural diet and missed kidneys or minced meat from the heart and lungs, it will be pleasant to remember their taste.

    Another disadvantage of this food is its rather high cost.

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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