kittens hugging
Depends on the breed, upbringing and more: do cats like hugs and how to hug them correctly
People who love cats say that nothing else lifts their spirits
How long do kittens sleep and what does their healthy sleep depend on?
(Be the first to vote!) 5589564 12/03/2021 owner reviews As a parent, you have a responsibility to take the utmost care of your
What is catnip and how does it affect cats?
Hello, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about the benefits and harms of catnip for humans. Catnip
How to make friends between a cat and a dog: advice from animal psychologists 
There are many people who love cats and dogs at the same time. And these pets, as you know,
Catnip (catnip): description of the plant and application, where it grows
Contraindications and restrictions Veterinarians do not recommend giving catnip to pregnant females. Under the influence of essential oil
Cats and Dogs Seeing Ghosts: Top 5 Signs, Facts and Stories
Experiments by Luciano Boccone Wait a minute, you romantically minded people! Of course, cats are absolutely divine animals,
TOP 25: The cutest animals you didn't even know existed
Every person finds something cute and unusual in animals. These could be kittens, puppies,
The cat is friends with the dog
Project “My Kitten’s Habits” project (1st grade) on the topic
How to do a project on “My Pets” in a workbook (example) In the second
Dry nose in a cat: the main reasons, why a dry nose is dangerous, treatment options and tips for caring for the animal (100 photos and videos)
Pets, and not only them, often get sick, and many of their diseases
Average life expectancy of cats and cats: how to make your pet long-lived
Author: GEvpatoriya June 30, 2022 22:00 Community: Animals Tags: cat veterinary useful articles
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