A fairy tale about a curious kitten, experiences and experiments in the world around us on the topic
Why is it said that curiosity killed the cat? This phrase has its origins in England in
Did you know that white cats suffer from deafness?
Why are white cats deaf and how to determine the degree of hearing loss?
White cats of any breed are aristocratic, rare, and look more spectacular than cats of other colors. That's why they use it
People who love cats. Psychology of cats read the article
Pathological attachment to cats - ailurophilia
This article describes what ailurophilia is. There are many different attachments in the world that
Cat sees a ghost
Can cats see ghosts? The opinion of a cat expert from the Animal Planet TV channel
For many centuries, including today, people believe that
Why cat
Mystical abilities have been attributed to cats since ancient times. In early Christianity there was a legend according to which,
Photos and descriptions of varieties of wild cats, large and small, their life in nature
Domestic cats are descended from their wild relatives. The cat family today has 37 species. All
Why a dog doesn't like a cat - 5 main reasons for hostility
Most dogs don't like cats, and there are many different reasons for this. These homemade ones
Who is better at catching mice - a cat or a female cat, what breed, will a castrated animal hunt?
Cats have long begun to become interior items, and not dangerous predators for all living creatures.
Highland Fold: 115 cat photos, description of the breed, character traits and necessary care
Fold-eared cats leave no one indifferent. But the longhaired Highland Fold cat is something
Is it possible to pull a cat's tail?
Never play like that: why you shouldn’t pull the cat’s tail
Everyone knows that purrs are smart creatures. They are on their own minds, even though
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