Fashionable, stylish and bright nicknames of cats and cats

When you first started thinking about getting a furry pet, you probably already started choosing a beautiful nickname for it. After all, you want it to be beautiful, sonorous, and the kitten quickly learns to respond to it. Barsik, Murzik or Murka are already banal and uninteresting; today a lot of bright and modern names for cats are popular.

Sleepy cat Lulu:

Cool and funny nicknames

You can choose simple and memorable cool names for your pet:

  • Oreo;
  • Bubbles;
  • Ziggy;
  • Tiger;
  • Chucha;
  • Nova;
  • Cookies;
  • Kamala;
  • Skittles;
  • Pumka;
  • Princess;
  • Mitt;
  • Snow;
  • Baby;
  • Boots;
  • Cayenne;
  • Amber.

Nicknamed Tiger:

Names for cats are very entertaining, based on a funny play on words. Eg:

  • Kat Benatar;
  • Katsie Cline;
  • Ali-Kat;
  • Empurress;
  • Kat Middleton;
  • Meowdia;
  • Jennifurr;
  • Jennypurr;
  • Jessikat;
  • Cat-Trina;
  • Katie Puri;
  • Cleo-cat-ra;
  • Ali McCloe;
  • Puma Thurman;
  • Angelicat;
  • Katali Portman;
  • Powdrey Hepburn;
  • Demi Meaur;
  • Holly-Purry;
  • Hello Kitty;
  • Kitty Poppins;
  • Meow Cyrus;
  • Whispurr;
  • Catzilla;
  • Meow-Ra;
  • Copy-Cat;
  • Ameri-Kat;
  • Kamyau;
  • Puddy Cat;
  • Purrson;
  • Koto-Pulta;
  • Cat Chup;
  • Kit-Kat;
  • Koto-Stropha;
  • Cotillac;
  • Fuzzinator;
  • Meowsical;
  • Purrfect;
  • Domesticat;
  • Cat-Tilda;
  • Galaxy-Cat;
  • Miraclaw;
  • Boss Cat;
  • Koto-Bunga;
  • Koto-Gonia.

This is Kamyau:

How to come up with a name for a cat?

Today a very small circle can be said to be subject to superstition. However, the well-known proverb about the ship still plays a role when choosing a kitten’s name. They try to choose a name so that it affects fate only in the best way and is ideal for the pet.

This is interesting: many people consider it a bad omen to name their little cats after deceased pets or use the names of characters with a tragic story. For example, the owner of a cat named Hamlet claimed that the nickname caused his early death. Although in fact there was a mistake by the veterinarian. Coincidence or not? We can only guess.

The originality of the nickname plays no less role. This used to be a common pet name like Barsik, Manka, Leopold or Bagheera, which was kind of the norm for the majority. People simply didn’t bother choosing either common nouns or ones they loved from books, films and cartoons. Today things are different.

What kind of Murzik do you think I am, man?

But before we move on to tips on how to choose cool nicknames for cats, we offer advice from felinologists. Who else but the experts will tell you about the specifics of choosing a name for a cat, right? So:

  • Conciseness For an animal to respond to a nickname, it must be short and easy to remember. Ideally, it should consist of one or two syllables or be shortened to a digestible version.

By the way: When choosing a name for your pet, do not forget that you are unlikely to use its full form. No matter how beautiful she is. Therefore, when thinking about a florid format, immediately think about whether you will be pleased to use its abbreviation.

  • Personality Do not rush to name your ward right away. The name is a sign. In view of this, it is better to give yourself a couple of days during which you can observe the animal. Note its individual characteristics: how it eats, runs, jumps, sleeps, moves its ears or tail, how mobile it is, etc.

My name is Lightning. Noticeable, right?

  • External data It is equally important to maintain a balance between the nickname and the cat’s exterior. Dimensions, eye color, coat length, color, location of spots - all this is a compass for finding the right direction.
  • Phonetics Cats respond well to various whistling sounds. The common address “kys-kys” is proof of this. Cats are easier to remember nicknames that contain “s”, “z” or “ts”.

Interesting fact: It is precisely because of their sensitivity to whistling sounds that cats easily remember call signs like Wa[s']-ka and Mu[s']-ka. But hissing sounds, irritating the animal’s delicate hearing, will be accepted with difficulty.

Finally, make sure that it is a cat in front of you. Or a cat. No matter how funny it may sound, such mistakes are not uncommon. Because of them, as if by a wave of a magic wand, the quite peace-loving Fluff turns into a warlike Fluff.

I'm not a Muse, I'm a Musician

How to choose an original nickname?

The modern world is ruled by diversity. Today, the name of a mug picked up from the street can easily become a popular meme, the nickname of a celebrity or brand, an office item, or the code number of a droid from a new science-fiction series.

A moment of inspiration: the famous makeup artist Dasha Kholodnykh has cats A4, Dog and Budlaska.

If you are going with thoughts, they ignore the meeting, but you really want to get creative, we have compiled a shortlist of categories. In it you can find original nicknames for any cat.

What's the point?Creative ideas.What's the salt?
Human names and surnames, nicknamesRapper Snoop Dogg lives with Frank Sinatra. And the kitten given to Brezhnev by the Dalai Lama was called exclusively by the title of the incarnation of the bodhisattva. Try not to use too common variants or names of family members. Otherwise, when you call “Mashka!” Not only your beloved kitty will come running to you, but also your no less beloved daughter.
Heroes of popular culture (books, films, comics, TV series, myths, legends, fairy tales, etc.).Why not call the extremely nimble cat Flash, and the mighty cat Odin or Thor? Look for similar traits in the selected characters and your friend. The answer will come, we guarantee! Take into account the characteristics of the hero, compare how similar he is to your cat. Otherwise, there is a risk of embarrassment by calling a well-fed, portly Hippopotamus in the name of Loki.
Abstract or natural phenomenaSpring, Thunderstorm, Dawn or Cloud, give way! Creativity is underway. After all, a kitten named Grunt or Halo will definitely not go unnoticed. Just remember: they called your pet Earthquake, he will definitely shake, if not the ground, then half of your apartment.
Words of foreign originOverseas languages ​​always sound exotic. Even simple words gain elegance and charm with them. For example, Madonna named her four-legged Lady Chiquitta, which means Baby in Spanish. What's not a good reason to sit down with a dictionary to find something really worthwhile? Be attentive to homonyms (words with similar sounds but different meanings), false friends of the translator, as well as variants that are poorly or strangely reproduced in your native language. It’s unlikely that many will guess that by Curva you meant the divine curves of your favorite body, and not what everyone immediately thinks about.
Interests, hobbiesHandicrafts, bookcrossing, scrapbooking, board games, yoga, esotericism, cosplay - a haven for finding a cool name. As a result, a boxing trainer may have a cat named Uppercut, a scrapbook artist Nastya will have a cat named Shabby, and a board game lover will name his kitten Meeple. It’s always like this in a hobby – you get carried away and forget what you were talking about. So, if you are looking for a suitable name in this section, put on rubber bands (hello Rubber Tabletop). Better yet, just don’t touch such tempting imperfections until the end of the search.
Kitchen utensils, dishes and foodDo you want to find a super original nickname, preferably without a gender context? Look for culinary inspiration! Yes, Peach or Tiramisu will definitely not cause surprise. But the tricks of restaurateurs like Afogato, Vichyssoise and Tagliata will blow everyone away. When looking for something very unusual, you will find everything. Even haggis is a Scottish dish made from the offal of local sheep. Not a very appetizing association, right?
IT technologiesThe progress of technology leaves its mark on our lives. Today it is simply impossible to get away from the words “Window”, “driver”, “Java” (which is java) and “pixel”. Therefore, not only IT specialists, but also ordinary people have no problem naming their cats Flash, Ubuntu, USB, Linux, Jet, Cursor, etc. Sometimes among all these nerdy things it's hard to find something that doesn't break your tongue.

Captcha...Skifcha...maybe we can choose something normal?

In addition to the listed areas, in search of a name, it is worth going to the world of cognitive dissonance, which is fashionable today. Simply put, destruction of associative series. Agree, white Snowball is boring, but the same White Snowball with a bright red color makes you raise your eyebrows in surprise. Why not an option for a creative cat name?

Interesting fact: The founder of this method can be considered John Lennon, who kept coal-black Salt and white alpine snow Pepper in his house.

Our environment is full of ideas. A successful advertising slogan, a geographical name, a random find - any little thing has every chance of pushing you towards a unique common noun for the as yet nameless Murzik. So the list of sources of inspiration is endless.

Moebius cat? Why not!

The main thing is not to overdo it with originality. Otherwise, you’ll have to puzzle over why the kitten doesn’t respond no matter what you call. Or a natural disaster occurs in the house.

Cool Russian nicknames

It would be a good idea to pay attention to funny Russian names for cats:

  • Abracadabra, Agusha, Africa.
  • Baltika, Bohemia, Bonya, Hedwig.
  • Wax, Vorozheya, Winky.
  • Gadget, Jackdaw, Geisha, Glucose.
  • Drema, Dusya, Dosya.
  • Bully, Bully, Bunny.
  • Toffee, Ivanka.
  • Cinnamon, Kapitoshka, Klepa, Knopa.
  • Lukoshka, Lapushka, Lusha, Laska, Lavender.
  • Marfusha, Matryona, Sailor, Mazurka, Mulatto, Coin.
  • Nyusha, Nevelichka, Naida.
  • Leech, Dumpling, Pusya, Bun.
  • Chamomile, Tails, Ryushka.
  • Senora, Sonya, Stepasha, Jay.
  • Totoshka, Tyapa, Turandot, Tattoo.
  • Frosya, Furia.
  • Chimera, Halva.
  • Changa, Chucha, Cheburashka.
  • Skoda, Shpulka, Minx.
  • Yagusha, Jamaica, Yaga, Lizard.

In the photo - Tails:

Cat names in alphabetical order

When choosing a name for a cat, you can first familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular names.


  • Abba;
  • Asya;
  • Aurora;
  • Aster;
  • Harp;
  • Assol;
  • Alice.


  • Squirrel;
  • Basya;
  • Bonya;
  • Busya, Businka;
  • Bagheera;
  • Bestia;
  • Storm.


  • Varya;
  • Venya;
  • Wafer;
  • Vanilla;
  • Spring;
  • Faith;
  • Cherry;
  • Vivi.


  • Gamma;
  • Warmer;
  • Pear;
  • Ganya;
  • Greta;
  • Dream.


  • Dasha;
  • Haze;
  • Gina;
  • Jesse;
  • Dusya;
  • Jay;
  • Delta;
  • Donny.


  • Eve;
  • Enya;
  • Eska;
  • Blackberry, Hedgehog;
  • Christmas tree;
  • Yonka;
  • Yorma.


  • Zhanna;
  • Zhozha;
  • Fat;
  • Zhuzha;
  • Joly;
  • Jasmine;
  • Zinger.


  • Zara;
  • Star;
  • Winter;
  • Bunny;
  • Zaura;
  • Zina;
  • Zita;
  • Angry;
  • Zorka.

I, J:

  • Willow;
  • Ilda;
  • Irma;
  • Izya;
  • Toffee;
  • Spark;
  • Iffy;
  • Raisin;
  • Yosya;
  • Yoffie.


  • Kusya;
  • Kira;
  • Kiwi;
  • Clyde;
  • Button;
  • Doll;
  • Cuckoo;
  • Coco;
  • Klepa;
  • Kitty.


  • Lyme;
  • Lei;
  • Paw;
  • Fox;
  • Lala;
  • Blooper;
  • Lily;
  • Weasel;
  • Lara;
  • Lightya.


  • Musya;
  • Murka;
  • Mimi;
  • Maska;
  • Marina;
  • Marquise;
  • Muffy;
  • Muesla;
  • Mouse;
  • Milli;
  • Misty.


  • Nymph;
  • Nura;
  • Nyusha;
  • Nyurka;
  • Nemo;
  • Naida;
  • Nessie;
  • Not me;
  • Nancy;
  • Yum.


  • Audrey;
  • Oli;
  • Omega;
  • Osti;
  • Ocher;
  • Oxy;
  • Oddy;
  • Ostri.


  • Palm;
  • Grazing;
  • Panya;
  • Pike;
  • Pusya;
  • A gun;
  • Pushinka;
  • Prima;
  • Puma;
  • Punya.


  • Rocket;
  • Rika, Ricky;
  • Rose;
  • Remy;
  • Reilly;
  • Lynx, Lynx, Lynx;
  • Redhead;
  • Rice;
  • Rifi.


  • Tyapa;
  • Toshka;
  • Tonya;
  • Tosya, Tasya;
  • Tom;
  • Tasha;
  • Trisha;
  • Troy;
  • Cloud;
  • Fatty;
  • Tiger.


  • Ursa;
  • Urry;
  • Ulyana, Ulya;
  • Umka;
  • You have;
  • Uska;
  • Unya;
  • Ulma;
  • Ushanka;
  • Hilarious.


  • Felya;
  • Fenya;
  • Fanya;
  • Freya;
  • Frida;
  • Frosya;
  • Fleur;
  • Flora;
  • Fairy;
  • Fluffy.


  • Chloe;
  • Piggy;
  • Helga;
  • Hemmy;
  • Heidi;
  • Harry;
  • Ponytail;
  • Hannah.


  • Cissy;
  • Chick;
  • Ciri;
  • Tsea;
  • Tsutsa;
  • Zinnia;
  • Cyana;
  • Tsonni.


  • Chunya;
  • Gull;
  • Chelsea;
  • Chara;
  • Chewie;
  • Chucha, Chuchundra;
  • Chica;
  • Tea;
  • Chacha;
  • Chibi.


  • Sherry;
  • Shirley;
  • Shirya;
  • Tire;
  • Shusha;
  • Shumka;
  • Cone;
  • Skoda;
  • Shady;
  • Shipulya, Fizzy;
  • Thorn.


  • Elsa;
  • Annie;
  • Emma;
  • Amy;
  • Ellie;
  • Esther;
  • Elf;
  • Early;
  • Ezra;
  • Edna.


  • Yusya, Yuzya;
  • Yuna;
  • Utah;
  • Yucca;
  • Yurma.


  • Yasya;
  • Berry;
  • Yarka;
  • Yashka;
  • Yanka;
  • Yassi;
  • Yalta;
  • Yauza;
  • Yanika;
  • Yagusya.

Funny foreign nicknames

Pay attention to these interesting foreign cat names:

  • Oprah Whisker is the name of a cat that deserves her own talk show.
  • Queen Meow - for royalty, the lovable domestic dictator.
  • Patrick Swayze - for fans of Dirty Dancing.
  • Chewie-Bacca is a nickname for a very shaggy and fluffy cat.
  • Shakspurr - “to purr or not to purr.”
  • Kitty-Bang - for warlike and combative cats.
  • Katie Purry is a cat with a Californian character.
  • Brad Kitt - for a cat that resembles a popular actor.
  • Genghis Kit is a nickname for a clever hunter and conqueror.
  • Demi Meaur is a real cougar.
  • Klyau-Som is simply the coolest cat.
  • Zhast-Kitten - “just a kitten.”
  • Ping Pong is a nickname for an unusually jumping cat.
  • Wicca - if the pet has a somewhat witchy character.
  • Godzilla is a “terrorist” cat that doesn’t allow its owners to sleep peacefully at night.

This is Wicca:

  • Kverti - for those who like to take a nap on the keyboard.
  • Ninja - when there is a suspicion that the cat knows martial arts.
  • Tofu is soft, sweet and snow-white.
  • Calypso is a reference to the powerful goddess from Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • Buddha - for pets who have reached Nirvana.
  • Electra - when the cat looks like an electric discharge.
  • McQueen is the name of a royal person.
  • Coco Chanel - for the most stylish and beautiful person.
  • Ozzy is for mousetrap cats (at one of his concerts, Ozzy Osbourne bit off the head of a bat).
  • Icy-Disi - if your cat loves rock music.
  • Marshmallow is airy, snow-white and soft.
  • Kila (Kilimanjaro) - for conquerors of heights, cabinets and cornices.
  • Buttercup - for a somewhat angry cat.
  • Tinkerbell - “bell”; cat with a musical voice.
  • Munchkin is a small pet.
  • Pumpkin is a kitten the color of a ripe pumpkin.
  • Daisy - when a cat is as modest and gentle as a daisy.
  • Simba - after the famous cartoon lion cub.

British Calypso:

A huge variety of English nicknames can be found in popular films, books and cartoons:

  • Baloo - The Jungle Book.
  • Bambi is a Disney cartoon of the same name.
  • Dobby - Harry Potter.
  • Elmo - Sesame Street.
  • Ewok is a bear from Star Wars.
  • Khaleesi - Game of Thrones.
  • Meow - "Pokemon".
  • Pikachu - "Pokemon".
  • Winnie - "Winnie the Pooh".
  • Xena - the Queen of Warriors".
  • Yoda - Star Wars.

Vinny dances:

TOP aristocratic nicknames

Among European nicknames, noble names stand out that have long won the love of pet owners. Elegant and beautiful-sounding nicknames are suitable not only for purebred “fluffies”; they can add shine to any four-legged animal. This group includes the names of royalty, noble nobles, aristocrats, and famous historical figures.

Male names:

  • Alpin;
  • Arthur;
  • Aron;
  • Benjamin;
  • Bismarck;
  • Harold;
  • Henry;
  • James;
  • George;;
  • Damian;
  • Ethan;
  • Irvine;
  • Cromwell;
  • Lawrence;
  • Lincoln;
  • Lancelot;
  • Nelson;
  • Oliver;
  • Roosevelt;
  • Rudolf;
  • Somerset;
  • Telman;
  • Winston;
  • William;
  • Philip;
  • Ferdinand;
  • Friedrich;
  • Franz;
  • Churchill;
  • Edward;
  • Edison;
  • Eugene.

Franz's eyes are magnificent
Female names:

  • Henrietta;
  • Antoinette;
  • Beatrice;
  • Victoria;
  • Henrietta;
  • Hydrangea;
  • Diana;
  • Georgiana;
  • Josephine;
  • Isabel;
  • Caroline;
  • Caroline;
  • Clotilde;
  • Leticia;
  • Lorelia;
  • Margaret;
  • Olivia;
  • Patricia;
  • Stephanie;
  • Charlotte;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Eulalia;
  • Eugenia.

Beatrice is the very embodiment of grace
Meet Harold, one of the representatives of the Maine Coon breed. An intelligent and quick-witted boy, he has a very affectionate and friendly character; his family adores him and affectionately calls him Gasenka. This handsome man with a luxurious appearance and a “positive” disposition is undoubtedly worthy of his noble and aristocratic name.

View this post on Instagram

Posted by Harold – Scientist Cat (@garoldnn)

Nicknames by color

You can look at the color of the cat’s fur and choose an appropriate nickname for her.

Names for black cats:

  • Inca - ink, darkness.
  • Jett is a synonym for the English word "black".
  • Ebony - ebony.
  • Midnight is midnight.
  • Liquorice is a candy made from black licorice.

Names for the red-haired pet:

  • Laranja means “orange” in Portuguese.
  • Mango is an orange-colored tropical fruit.
  • Papaya is a red-orange tropical fruit.
  • Kara - in honor of the orange variety Kara-Kara.
  • Amber is amber in color.

Tricolor kitten Kara:

Nicknames for striped pets:

  • Checkers - checkers, a game with black and white pieces.
  • Ice - multi-colored ice cream.
  • The panda is a cute animal with a funny two-tone color.
  • Dottie - for cats with speckled or polka dots.
  • Orca is a ferocious black and white whale.

Name options for a gray cat:

  • The fee is “silver” in Spanish.
  • Ashley is ash-colored.
  • Paloma means “dove” in Spanish.
  • Smoky is a smoky-colored pet.
  • Dusk is the gray color of the sky during twilight.

Smoky Smokey:

Nicknames for white cats:

  • Blanca means “white” in Spanish.
  • Milka is milky in color.
  • Snow is snow-white.
  • Shuga is white sugar.
  • Lumi means “snow” in Finnish.

Names with meaning

In this category, you can also choose a suitable nickname based on your pet’s color, character, and habits:

  • Bella – “beautiful” (Italian, Spanish);
  • Blanca (from Spanish “white”);
  • Blanche - in French. language also means “white”;
  • Grigio (from Italian - “gray”);
  • Jett ("black");
  • Zoe (from Greek - “life”);
  • Lily (Lily is the name of a flower that is very poisonous to cats);
  • Lumi - from Finnish. "snow";
  • Nero - translated from Italian. - "black";
  • Paloma (from Spanish “dove”);
  • Plateau (Spanish: Plata means “silver”);
  • Riley - translated from Irish as “courageous”;
  • Roxy (from Persian - “dawn”);
  • Sophie (from the Greek “wisdom”);
  • Stella – “star”;
  • Trixie - from lat. "the one that brings happiness."

Grigio - smoky handsome:

We have given you many options, one of which could be a great choice for your pet. And if fluffy happiness has already settled in your home, tell us in the comments what its name is and why you gave your kitten that name.

Gastronomic nicknames

A win-win idea for a funny cat name - in honor of the owner’s favorite dish or the pet itself:

  • Angus;
  • Bacon;
  • Bean;
  • Biscuit;
  • Chalupa;
  • Cookies;
  • Cupcake;
  • Frito;
  • Jelly Bean;
  • Kit Kat;
  • Mai-Tai;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Meatball;
  • Nacha;
  • Oreo;
  • Pickle;
  • Pudin;
  • Skittles;
  • Snickers;
  • Taco;
  • Tootsie;
  • Twinkies;
  • Waffles.

Funny Tootsie:

Nicknames from literature and folklore

Fans of folk and literary art often name their pets after fictional characters: heroes of novels, stories, fairy tales, poems and epics. Follow their example!

Popular options:

  • Assol;
  • Berendey;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Bayun;
  • Grant;
  • Gerda;
  • Gorynych;
  • Guidon;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Dadon;
  • Kashchei;
  • Karagöz;
  • Kai;
  • Nesmeyana;
  • Saltan;
  • Urfin;
  • Yaga;
  • Iago.


Fantastic nicknames

In this section you can recall the following names:

  • Bella;
  • Lily;
  • Kitty;
  • Callie;
  • Chloe;
  • Sophie;
  • Zoe;
  • Cleo;
  • Molly;
  • Lola;
  • Mia;
  • Gracie;
  • A penny;
  • Kiki;
  • Pepper;
  • Rosie;
  • Ellie;
  • Maggie;
  • Piper;
  • Lulu;
  • Sadie;
  • Izzy;
  • Ginger;
  • Abby;
  • Sasha;
  • Ruby;
  • Milli;
  • Roxy;
  • Minnie;
  • Fiona;
  • Sassy;
  • Penelope;
  • Charlie.

Photo of Molly:

Nicknames from contemporary art

Images of popular movie and cartoon characters are often used as “prototypes” when choosing cat names. We present to you the most “rated” options, including, of course, the names of famous cats.

We recommend watching: 377+ names for dogs with meaning and meaning

Popular “screen” nicknames:

  • Ariel;
  • Berlioz;
  • Bond;
  • Waffy;
  • Woland;
  • Hermione;
  • Golum;
  • Gobs;
  • Gandalf;
  • Daisy;
  • Duncan;
  • Dolittle;
  • Xena;
  • Conan;
  • Clyde;
  • Leopold;
  • Matroskin;
  • Meloni;
  • Rocky;
  • Rufus;
  • Fiona;
  • Flint;
  • Cheshire;
  • Sherkhan;
  • Schindler;
  • Shrek;
  • Alvin;
  • Ellie.


Space nicknames

Very beautiful and original space names for cats:

  • Galli, Galaxy;
  • Twilight;
  • Aurora;
  • Urza;
  • Helena;
  • Cosmo;
  • Phoebe;
  • Oberon;
  • Bianca;
  • Comet;
  • Selena;
  • Harlow;
  • Prospero;
  • Leo;
  • Phoenix;
  • Umber;
  • Stella;
  • Mars;
  • Virgo;
  • Orio;
  • Rhea;
  • Belinda;
  • Libra;
  • FireFly;
  • Zeta;
  • Gamma;
  • Eclipse;
  • Nebula;
  • Draco;
  • Lyra;
  • Cassiopeia;
  • Andromeda;
  • Moon;
  • Sora;
  • Aster;
  • Ariel;
  • Halo;
  • Serenity;
  • Aster;
  • Nasa;
  • Pluto;
  • Lida;
  • Toucan;
  • Flair;
  • Sky.

Funny Russian names

Our life is developing rapidly. Almost every day new objects appear in it, which were previously unknown and without them humanity existed freely, but now cannot live a single day. And if it is possible to call little Russian girls, for example, Matrix Ivanovna, what can we say about how cool, but at the same time strange, cat names can be.

The kitty can be called Galaxy, Spami, Winda, Acer, Smska, Skype, ICQ, Nokia, Klava, Simka, Flash drive and other names associated with the development of nanotechnology. Car enthusiasts can give their pet a nickname based on their favorite brand and model of vehicle: Ferrari, Bugatti, Bentley, Audi, Lada-Kalini, Infiniti, Mercedes, Mazda, Toyota and others. Sports fans may have a pet named after their favorite: Ronaldin, Kournikova, Sharapova, Tayce, Fourcade, Ship, Koka.

A cat can get a soccer name even though it's a girl

Movie and pop celebrities and television stars can also inspire names for pets. The owner of charisma and outstanding appearance can be called Anfisa Chekhova, Renata Litvinova, Chloe Sevigny, Yolka, Cher, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Marilyn Monroe. It will also be nice to have a cat in your home nicknamed Pink, Adele, Katy Perry, Electra, Beyonce, Bianca.

Memorable day as a nickname

If there are no options for how to name a female cat, then as a name you can take the name of the month when she was born, or when she entered a new home:

  • summer names - Juna, Yuna, Julia, Augustina;
  • autumn - Oktyabrina, Noyabrina, a derivative of them - Rina;
  • winter - Christie, Ice, Snow;
  • spring - Martha, Maya, April, Spring, Freckle.

Large heavy breeds need significant weighty names

The most common Old Russian names

Have you decided to choose an old Russian name? Below is a list of the most popular ones. Such variants of names are coming back into fashion, because they sound quite original.

  • Agidel - the one born in the fire element
  • Agnia, Aika, Alatyrka
  • Aldona - the one born in the water element
  • Anisya, Auda, Achima
  • Bana, Bezhana, Bielana, Belava
  • Varna, Vedana, Veya, Vetrana
  • Vereya – attractive
  • Gata, Gita, Gordyana, Gorinka
  • Dimiya, Dobrodeya
  • Edviga, Elya
  • Fun
  • Iria, Inga
  • Kupava
  • Laza
  • Leda, Lepa
  • Pavlina, Pelageya
  • Solokha, Slawomir
  • Yara, Yasmina

Names for girls kittens

It may sound strange, but your kitten's name can tell a lot about you. It will show how you see him, your relationship with him and even your feelings. Therefore, many owners take a long time to select the most suitable name so that it shows the cat as a whole, its personality and temperament. However, nevertheless, a suitable name or nickname most often comes to mind, and sometimes you just need a little imagination. Just go through the list of popular names and nicknames for kittens for girls, and, hopefully, with its help you will choose the ideal option, and you will no longer have the question of what to name your kitten.

Asya, Aliska, Agatha, Alpha, Anfisa, Aurora, Alexa, Amurka, Alicia, Assol, Arisha, Ariel, Ivy, Astra, Aiza, Akira, Aphrodite, Abbi, Aisha, Amelia, Anet, Aelita, Aqua, Adriana, Azura, Agasha, Artemis, Anika, Azalya, Adetta, Arabica, Alistair, Amika, Alliya, Adelia, Aira, Atika, Almira, Arizona.

Bagheera, Basya, Businka, Squirrel, Betty, Buffy, Bless, Basya, Bella, Buska, Bessie, Becky, Barbie, Bonita, Bosya, Britney, Brandy, Barbara, Beta, Baby, Bambucha, Bentley, Snow White, Baileys, Barca, Bohemia.

Vasilisa, Vesta, Varvara, Victoria, Whiskey, Varya, Vanessa, Wendy, Vanlka, Vlada, Vita, Violetta, Verona, Vilda, Viusha, Vitoria, Vilana, Veronica, Valencia, Vesya, Mitten, Vikki, Vivien, Valli, Vasta, Vega, Villa, Virianna, Vorsinka, Viol, Vlasa.

Gerda, Grace, Glasha, Hermione, Gata, Gretta, Gelya, Gray, Hera, Gadget, Gloria, Grace, Countess, Grenka, Harmony, Grunya, Gala, Gadget, Giza, Gothic, Glaze, Greya, Gella, Gucci, Gerta, Goldie, Gaia, Gemera, Gulya, Gaitana.

Jessie, Dusya, Duska, Dunya, Juliet, Judy, Jessica, Daisy, Jenny, Julie, Dushka, Diva, Diana, Duffy, Dosya, Dessie, Dolka, Jane, Georgia, Dixie, Daria, Jennifer, Jess, Daniel, Dolores.

Eva, Elis, Enya, Efimiya, Efseya, Evelina, Yenny, Emmi, Elka, Yesenia, .

Zhuzha, Giselle, Julie, Jasmine, Jacqueline, Jeannette, Juliet, Zhelka, Zhelka, Zhmurka, Geneva, Joly, Zhuzhuka, Zhucha, Julianna.

Zosya, Zarina, Zaya, Zafira, Goldilocks, Zulya, Zemfira, Zita, Zena, Zabava, Zlata, Cinderella.

Toffee, Isabella, Ishka, Isolde, Irma, Willow, Easy, Iyulka, Evie, Ithaca, Ingrid, Indiana, Illyana, Infinity, Irma, Indira.

Caramel, Cleopatra, Button, Kisa, Kira, Cassie, Droplet, Calypso, Tiny, Kitty, Kasya, Carolina, Kisulya, Baby, Kat, Chris, Kaira, Comet, Kerry, Candy, Kiwi, Katherine.

Lucky, Lisa, Weasel, Luna, Lily, Lapusya, Lucy, Lilu, Lyuska, Lesta, Sweetheart, Lulu, Laima, Lucy, Lilia, Lara, Fox, Lilya, Latifa, Lusik, Lapulya, Lindsay, Lilith, Lesya, Laura, Leila, Legend.

Musya, Masya, Muska, Margot, Maya, Melissa, Marquise, Milka, Malta, Mila, Mura, Monica, Mia, Mint, Miley, Maggie, Malibu, Muse, Musick, Margosha, Mickey, Merelin, Margarita.

Nyusha, Nika, Nicole, Knox (goddess of the night), Nyashka, Nora, Nirvana, Nadine, Neko, Nyuta, Navi, Nyura, Niagara, Neylin, Novella, Nefertiti, Nevada, Nice.

Olivia, Audrey, Orchid, Pancake, Ornette, Odyssey, Otrada, Mistletoe, Orinoco, Ophelia, Ollie.

Pusya, Princess, Perseus, Pandora, Pushinka, Pushilda, Panther, Panda, Pinky, Polly, Patricia, Pamela, Foam, Persia, Ponochka, Punya, Puffy.

Roxy, Rose, Lynx, Ricci, Runa, Rada, Ressi, Lynx, Raina, Rusya, Rebecca, Riana, Roxana, Rosalia, Rommie, Rufi, Mermaid.

Sonya, Simka, Simone, Sophie, Sarah, Simba, Sonechka, Snezhka, Sandra, Smetanka, Sally, Stella, Simochka, Silva, Sofia, Sandy, Solnyshka, Stephanie, Sylvia, Susie, Stasya, Stasya, Sofochka, Semmi, Serafima, Selena, Stacy, Sony, Salma, Strelka.

Tisha, Tasya, Tasha, Tessie, Tiffany, Toska, Tuchka, Tosya, Tensi, Tina, Tia, Tesla, Tess, Tori, Tootsie, Tara, Tatosha, Tracy, Tequila, Trinity, Taya, Terra, Taisiya, Teona, Teyla, Tamil.

Name and behavior

Attention! When choosing a name for a cat, many owners base it on the kitten’s behavior.

Kittens, like people, are all different and behave differently too. When buying or adopting an animal, you need to take a closer look: some pets run around and make noise, others sit quietly and modestly in a basket near their mother, others are curious and omnipresent, and others rub themselves around the bowl in the hope of getting an extra snack.

When purchasing a kitten in a nursery or at the market, or taking a stray one into your home, before giving it a name, it is worth observing it for a while. What is the cat doing? How is he behaving? Is she brave or a coward? Active and mobile, or prefers to sleep on the sofa? Playful or food lover?

Cats and cats hear and perceive whistling and hissing sounds perfectly.

Having studied the character of the new pet a little, the owner understands what name a girl cat can be called, based on associations:

  • Murka is a traditional Russian nickname, suitable for a cheerful cat without lordly manners;
  • Anfisa is inquisitive and keeps up everywhere;
  • Bagheera – calm, a little lazy;
  • Busya, Basya, Kusya - a small active cat;
  • Dusya, Punya, Pyshka are lovers of food.

Many cat owners, without thinking twice, call the new family member a derivative of the word “cat,” and there are many of them: Kat, Katie, Kusya, Kutya, Kysya, Katsy, Kisa, Kitty, and also Pusya. “Meowing” names are in demand: Musya, Myauushka, Myatka, Musien, Missy, Murchella.

What is a beautiful name for a female domestic cat?

“Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail!” These words apply not only to swimming equipment. It is known that the name has a huge influence on the character and fate of not only a person, but also a pet. When bringing a furry pet into your home and choosing what to name a female cat, you should think carefully - after all, this name will determine her life and behavior.

It takes about a month for any feline to get used to a nickname

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