The cat yells reasons. why a cat yells after castration: we talk in detail about important things. what should owners do?

What to do if the cat screams after castration and is not even going to give up his intentions to find a partner for mating? Many owners castrate their cats to get rid of the problem with marks and rants... and you can imagine their disappointment when the pet, after recovering from anesthesia, runs to mark corners. Let's figure out why castrated cats are looking for a female and how to deal with it.

Reasons why a cat screams at night

To solve the problem of a cat yelling at night, you first need to understand the reason for its behavior. There are some pets that can vocalize around the clock, not only at night, but also in the morning. The most common reasons for such cat behavior are:

Hormonal surges

Cats that have not undergone sterilization regularly perform nightly concerts. Moreover, cats scream from such a strong desire to have offspring, which causes them physical and mental torment. A non-castrated cat experiences the same thing; when it screams, it tells its partner that it is full of strength and desire. It is impossible to combat this phenomenon in an animal that has not undergone sterilization. All that remains is to help the pet find its other half and wait out this difficult period.

Pet disease

  • If an older cat, who seems to have survived the sterilization process, screams at night, then most likely she is tormented by some kind of disease. Often, when an old animal screams, it has diseases such as Alzheimer's or some kind of nervous disorder. This is an irreversible process, which can only be alleviated with the help of a veterinarian who has prescribed medications that can alleviate the pet’s condition at least temporarily.
  • A similar reaction can be caused by acute abdominal pain, which can be determined by palpation. A healthy animal should have a soft belly that does not cause anxiety.
  • If a previously calm cat screams restlessly, then it is quite possible that helminths are bothering him.
  • When a neutered, middle-aged cat yells, this may be a sign of urolithiasis. The pain intensifies especially after visiting the toilet, therefore, at this time the animal will behave more restlessly.
  • There are cases that after sterilization a cat screams and wants a cat. This is possible if part of the ovary was left behind during sterilization. Veterinarian consultation is required.

To attract attention

When a kitten screams at night, for no apparent reason, then perhaps he just wants to attract attention or beg for the desired treat. This tricky maneuver can be understood by treating the cat with a treat.

When the reason lies in this, then the cunning person, after achieving his goal, will calm down. However, you cannot follow his lead, otherwise he will constantly terrorize the owner. Kitty, who is constantly alone, attracts attention to herself in this way; she also wants to communicate, play, and receive the necessary dose of affection.

Sense of anxiety

Cats are able to anticipate any unpleasant event or element; there have been cases when they predicted an earthquake in a similar way.

Battle for territory

Sometimes it is not enough for cats to place marks to claim their rights to the territory; they scream to declare their rights to a certain area. This is done to warn other cats so that they do not even think about entering into competition with him. Most often, a cat has to do this when moving to a new place of residence.

If a kitten screams, then this is a manifestation of longing for its mother cat. A kitten that has just appeared in the house behaves restlessly at first. You need to calm the baby down, talk to him kindly, then he will get used to it and everything will return to normal.

Folk remedies for fighting orom

The nightly concerts of pets get on the nerves so much that their owners, despairing of finding a radical remedy, are finding their own ways to calm the “singers”:

  • Spray bottle with water. It has been noticed that if you specifically spray water on a cat’s tail, its owner will have no time for songs. For some time he will be busy licking his main decoration and will calm down for a while. If after this he starts yelling again, threaten him with a spray gun. Most likely, the cat will hide in a secluded shelter and soon fall asleep.
  • A game. If your pet is not in nature and is forced to spend all his time within four walls, he has no way to relieve excess energy. Outdoor games can help with this - only, of course, not at night, but shortly before you go to bed. Having had a good run and relieved the accumulated tension, your pet will sleep without its hind legs. If you have neither the energy nor the time to play, hang two or three toys near you on strong laces - the cat, rejoicing that you are watching him, will happily catch them, and having had enough fun, he will fall sound asleep.
  • Nutrition adjustments. Save the largest portion of cat food for evening feeding. Having properly refreshed himself, the cat will sleep soundly until the morning, completely forgetting about vocal lessons.

Does the character of the operated cat change?

Not all owners decide to castrate their animal, but veterinarians convince that the procedure will only be beneficial. It reduces the risk of many diseases that can threaten not only the health but also the life of the pet, and also has a positive effect on its character. In 60% of cases, the animal becomes more docile and good-natured. However, if a cat older than 14 months is subjected to manipulation, by this time his character will have already been formed, and the changes will be minimal.

When a male of the opposite sex becomes indifferent, he pays more attention to his owners and shows tenderness. Some individuals behave overly aggressively, and castration is the only way to get rid of this. Pets undergoing the procedure become more collected, remember commands well and understand what the owner requires of them. They do not want to run away from home and are calmer around other cats. Surgery to remove the testicles is necessary if the family decides to take another pet into the house - they will find a common language from the first days.

The need to mate is an instinct. Cats do not suffer from their own infertility, but they do experience discomfort if their sexual desire is not satisfied. You shouldn’t be afraid of castration or worry about your pet’s self-esteem.

Pros of surgery

If a cat marks an apartment, then owners are often inclined to treat it with castration. In fact, this will only help if the cause is sexual hunting. But territorial claims, worries about lack of attention and pain, any stress - all this can also lead to the fact that the cat begins to mark everything around. But castration is not a panacea.

What more needs to be said? The operation to remove the testicles does not lead to excess weight gain, and the animal does not become infantile and lethargic, contrary to popular belief. On the contrary, his character improves, the pet becomes more sociable, affectionate and playful. I should add that it is best to castrate young cats. If your pet has been living with you for many years, and every time during sexual heat it screams at night, tears wallpaper and furniture, then such habits will not go away immediately after castration.

What to do if a cat screams and marks after castration

How to cope with the situation if even after castration the cat continues to yell, mark and call the cat? First, let's clarify the possible reasons. If the cat is spayed rather than neutered, challenging behavior is normal because the male's hormonal levels do not change. When you choose between castration and sterilization, you need to clearly define the goals you want to achieve. If you want your pet to behave calmly, have the character of a teenager, and not mark, fight or scream, only castration is suitable.

If you castrated a cat who had not yet marked or walked, and he began to meow and scream, the reason is clearly not due to hormones. Be sure to consult a doctor, there is a high probability that the cat is screaming in pain or cannot go to the toilet

. It is worth noting that after castration the cat must be given injections of painkillers. Even if the vet insists that you don’t need to take painkillers, do it.

Most owners are faced with the fact that the cat does not sleep at night and wanders around the apartment, meowing pitifully. The owners see no compelling reason for such a nightly “concert.” But cats wander around the house at night, meowing pitifully and yelling for a reason.

There are a number of specific reasons for such behavior that is incomprehensible to the owners of the pet. Before simply screaming and scolding your furry pet, it is advisable to understand the reasons for its heart-rending scream and take appropriate measures to eliminate them.

Examination room

The doctor first finds out the symptoms and causes of the cat’s behavior . Further actions are determined from the results obtained during the inspection. If the diagnosis is obvious, if the animal is in a state of sexual desire, the veterinarian will offer one solution to the problem - sterilization. The upcoming operation only frightens the animal's owners. In fact, there is no reason for this; 95% of operations are successful and do not harm the pet. In order to stop a cat’s night cries forever, this is the best way out.

There are cases when owners do not want to castrate a cat, what to do, is there a solution?

After the examination, at the request of the owners, the doctor may prescribe hormonal injections . This approach is very different from using store-bought sex stops. The veterinarian individually selects the medicine and dosage, and also personally observes it afterwards. But even this approach does not guarantee a restful sleep. The medicine relieves physiological desire only temporarily. The most guaranteed solution is to castrate the cat.

castrated cat yells

Hello! It would seem that a common problem is the cat’s talkativeness, but the fact is that the cat is neutered. I took the cat from the nursery, he is 5 months old, he is still young, very affectionate, like a dog - he follows me from room to room with his tail, and tells me something all the time, ALL THE TIME. a couple of days until I adapted, okay. I didn’t pay attention; at first he was scared of a lot of things. Now I’m used to it, but I’m terribly jealous of attention to my own person. I have guests - the cat begins to shake his rights at me, yell in a voice that is not his own and fart)) The cat's owner said that he has this peculiarity - he farts when he is scared of something)) In general, the cat only becomes silent if you constantly play with him and look only at him. if you talk to a person, and not to a cat, the cat gets hysterical. And even over the phone! Someone is calling me, and the cat is right there - keeping watch - yeah, the owner has someone besides me! and the howls begin. o_O I'll check back soon. It’s a shame, the cat is actually smart. Doesn't damage the furniture, goes to the toilet well. I gave him “cat-bayun” - somehow I don’t see the effect. still yells. and so much so that it’s already torn. if you shout or threaten, he immediately farts from fear, so that too. this is not an option o_O I would like to know - does anyone have a cat that is NEUTERED and behaves like this? I don't understand what he needs... experts

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Olga Samokhvalova

Psychologist, Emotional-imaginative therapy. Specialist from the site

Yakovleva Oksana Aleksandrovna

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Maksimov Sergey Vyacheslavovich

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Tsvetaeva Lara Alexandrovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Shakhova Alisa Anatolyevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Tropina Natalya Vladimirovna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Inna Kravtsova

Psychologist, Gestalt consultant. Specialist from the site

The most typical reasons why a cat constantly yells

If you start to figure out why the cat is yelling in the apartment, you will immediately see a lot of information on this matter. Most often, such behavior on the part of animals can be caused by the following reasons:

stress. These are animals that are also characterized by feelings; they can scream for a long time if they have to get used to a new place of residence. Or even to the most seemingly insignificant changes; limited in movement. It may be a completely banal reason for this behavior, when the animal cannot get where it wants. For example, to the owner's room. But, if you don’t want him to bother you in the bedroom, then be firm in your decision and don’t give up. Because if you show weakness at least once, the cat will understand this and will be able to manipulate you; feeling hungry or thirsty

If a cat wants to eat or drink, then with the help of his cry he tries to attract attention to himself; feels the opponent. These animals are particularly sensitive to the territorial issue.

Perhaps your pet began to smell the other cat and with this behavior makes it clear that this is his territory. desire to attract attention. Thus, the pet wants to beg more attention or treats from the owner.

Separately, something should be said about the screams of aging pets. The cries of an old animal may indicate:

pet's feeling of loneliness

Thus, the pet tries to attract the owner’s attention; health problems. Older cats often develop arthritis, which causes pain in the joints during sudden movements and jumping.

Experts say that aging pets often resemble older people in behavior: they require increased attention, scream and tantrum for various reasons. The owner of the animal should think about why an unneutered cat is yelling, and be sure to find out what’s wrong with his pet. This is the only way to restore calm to the animal and silence to your home.

Watch the video on how to tell if your cat is sick.

Veterinarian advice

You can calm a cat that regularly yells at night with the help of medications or folk remedies, but veterinarians advise not to abuse either one. It may well be that the reason for your pet’s yelling lies in adaptation to the new home, fear of strangers (if you have guests), aggression towards other four-legged residents. The best remedy against yelling in this case is affection and attention.

If you nevertheless decide to resort to a sedative, veterinarians advise:

  • do not abuse such drugs, as they are quickly addictive, and in the worst case, lead to serious health problems;
  • closely monitor your pet’s well-being - the slightest signs of illness in the form of excessive drowsiness, nausea or vomiting may indicate an atypical reaction of the body to any component;
  • Don’t buy a drug just because it helps your neighbor’s dog—the same dose will have different effects on animals of different species, sizes, and genders.

Before purchasing any sedative for your cat, be sure to consult with your veterinarian.

General information about castration

The operation to remove the testes cannot be performed on animals weakened by diseases. Therefore, before implementing it, you will have to visit the veterinarian, perhaps more than once. In addition to the external examination, he may prescribe tests. They will help identify all internal pathologies and diseases. Inexperienced owners ask: at what age are cats castrated? There is no specific criterion in this case. Typically, castration is recommended between the ages of 7 months and one year. But these terms are very arbitrary and largely depend on the development and general condition of the pet.

Many people are also interested in whether it is possible to castrate a cat after a year. In the absence of any contraindications, surgery can be performed at an older age. But it should be taken into account that the expected effect from it may not be. There remains a possibility that the cat will still leave marks and scream at night.

The operation itself also requires preliminary preparation. Typically, preparing a cat for castration involves fasting. To do this, 12 hours before the planned date, the animal stops feeding; some doctors recommend using a laxative to empty the intestines. If this point is neglected, there may be some difficulties when the animal enters and exits anesthesia. This will prevent vomiting in the future. And it will alleviate the already unpleasant condition after anesthesia. In this case, you can give water to drink as usual.

The operation to remove the testes is performed under general anesthesia. Its duration, as a rule, does not exceed 20-30 minutes. After the operation, the doctor will listen to the cat’s heartbeat, after which you can go home. With the correct dose of anesthesia and compliance with all care recommendations, there are almost no complications after castration.

Caring for your cat after surgery is as follows:

  1. The animal is placed in a warm place with dim light, preferably on the floor.
  2. After waking up, the tray is placed as close to the animal as possible. In this case, it is desirable that there is no filler in it.
  3. Due to stress, a cat may relieve itself in the wrong place for the first time. You can’t scold him at this moment. After the pain subsides, he will return to his litter box on his own.

In the absence of complications, rehabilitation of the animal does not exceed 2-3 days. During it, caring for him should be especially careful.

In this case, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  1. Temperature. Even a short-term increase is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Fever is the main sign of an infection that has begun to develop.
  2. Refusal of water and food. Forced fasting for more than a day will lead to dehydration and significantly increase the rehabilitation period.
  3. Condition of the wounds. Their surface should be dry and clean without signs of suppuration. The owner should also be wary if the wound is still bleeding after a day. Normally, this should only occur in the first hours after surgery.

Recovery of a cat after castration in the absence of complications lasts no more than a week. He usually sleeps a lot during this time, especially in the first days. Also, in the postoperative period, it is necessary to provide careful wound care

It is very important to prevent them from festering. To do this, the cat must be kept in a clean room, and the tray must be washed after each use.

Some veterinarians recommend additional wound care to ensure faster recovery of damaged tissue. It involves applying brilliant green to the surrounding tissue. In this case, you should avoid getting it directly on the incision. In some cases, doctors also prescribe ointments containing antibiotics.

In total, cats recover from anesthesia within 24 hours. During this period, their condition should be closely monitored. They should not be allowed to lick the wound, otherwise bleeding may occur and infection may occur.

Find out also about the features of castrating a cat at home.

Why does a cat yell at night and what to do about it?

I spayed my Scottish cat at 9 months before she went into heat. The cat has always been musical. But at night she simply doesn’t let me sleep, she can lie on the floor and howl and meow very loudly for a long time, when I approach her, check to see if she’s purring. I don’t know what to do, I’m tired from lack of sleep. Can anyone tell me what to do? (in the evening she plays and runs around, but at night she is still active).

Cats that have not undergone sterilization regularly perform nightly concerts. Moreover, cats scream from such a strong desire to have offspring, which causes them physical and mental torment. A non-castrated cat experiences the same thing; when it screams, it tells its partner that it is full of strength and desire.

Pet disease

  • If an older cat, who seems to have survived the sterilization process, screams at night, then most likely she is tormented by some kind of disease. Often, when an old animal screams, it has diseases such as Alzheimer's or some kind of nervous disorder. This is an irreversible process, which can only be alleviated with the help of a veterinarian who has prescribed medications that can alleviate the pet’s condition at least temporarily.
  • A similar reaction can be caused by acute abdominal pain, which can be determined by palpation. A healthy animal should have a soft belly that does not cause anxiety.
  • If a previously calm cat screams restlessly, then it is quite possible that helminths are bothering him.
  • When a neutered, middle-aged cat yells, this may be a sign of urolithiasis. The pain intensifies especially after visiting the toilet, therefore, at this time the animal will behave more restlessly.
  • There are cases that after sterilization a cat screams and wants a cat. This is possible if part of the ovary was left behind during sterilization. Veterinarian consultation is required.

Sense of anxiety

Cats are able to anticipate any unpleasant event or element; there have been cases when they predicted an earthquake in a similar way.

Battle for territory

Sometimes it is not enough for cats to place marks to claim their rights to the territory; they scream to declare their rights to a certain area. This is done to warn other cats so that they do not even think about entering into competition with him. Most often, a cat has to do this when moving to a new place of residence.

If a kitten screams, then this is a manifestation of longing for its mother cat. A kitten that has just appeared in the house behaves restlessly at first. You need to calm the baby down, talk to him kindly, then he will get used to it and everything will return to normal.

  • If a non-neutered cat screams day and night and wants a girlfriend, then it would be better to let him go for a walk. Of course, for animals that have not been sterilized, there are hormonal drugs that help relieve the desire to procreate. But their use is justified only in the rarest cases, since they cause irreparable damage to the health of the pet. After the cat has calmed down and satisfied its needs, you can think about castration.
  • There are times when a neutered cat continues to scream at night. When an animal has been castrated recently, this means that the hormones have not yet completed their effect. You will have to be patient a little, in the future everything will pass and the pet will calm down.
  • When a sterilized cat screams, you need to understand that the hunter’s instinct is still strong and it is better to try to satisfy it with play. Active games and imitation of hunting will help keep the kitten busy during the day, so at night he will need rest.
  • If the kitten played well during the day and subsequently ate meat, then another instinct will work for him - a sound sleep. It’s good if the kitten eats heavy food at night, the digestion of which will require more energy. But a castrated cat should not eat meat at night, as he is prone to obesity.
  • As soon as the kitten appears in the house, you need to teach it to sleep in its place from the very first day, so that later there will be no problems with the night cry of the animal demanding to be let into the owner’s bedroom.
  • In especially severe cases, when an animal that has survived the sterilization procedure continues to torment its owner with its screaming, you can give it the drug Kot Bayun or Feliway. These are products made from plant materials and will not harm your pet. But before giving them, you need to be sure that the cat is not suffering from any disease, so a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory.

By giving your animal anthelmintic drugs, you can forget about the problem of nighttime crying. It is possible that the kitten, due to the presence of parasites, constantly felt hungry.

Why do kittens constantly meow?

All owners who have at least once kept a cat that has fallen asleep know firsthand how infant kittens scream. It is extremely difficult to calm them down and you certainly won’t be able to reason with them “in an adult way.” Hence the need arises to look for the reasons for the true behavior of the animal. There are several aspects that cause kittens to meow. Among them is a change of scenery. Perhaps you recently moved to a new apartment or took your baby away from your mother cat. The kitten, accordingly, begins a period of adaptation. Babies are especially sensitive to smell. When moving, the kitten no longer smells its mother; all objects in the house smell new. He is trying to get used to the changes by meowing tirelessly

If the pet owner shows affection, love and attention, the baby will soon calm down and get used to it. The kitten may be crying because it is dehydrated. Be sure to place a bowl of clean drinking water next to the food and change it every 4 hours

We are not talking about milk, it must be water. Otherwise, the kitten’s body will gradually become exhausted. When a little four-legged friend gets into an unfamiliar trap (a gap between a sofa and a wall, for example), he will try to get out. From here a strong cry will begin to be heard. The owner needs to provide timely assistance and get the pet out of the trap. Another fairly common reason for kittens meowing is a basic lack of tenderness and care. In this case, it is enough to lull the kitten to sleep, scratch it behind the ear, show attention and be nearby as often as possible. A small kitten should never be left at home alone.

We recommend reading: Why the Kitten Constantly Vomits

  1. It is worth taking seriously why your pet is yelling for no apparent reason. If you delve deeper and think, you can come to the conclusion that this behavior of a cat can be due to most reasons. At first glance, it may seem that the animal simply requires attention, but this is not always the case.
  2. A cat may scream due to the onset of heat. This phenomenon does not have to occur in the spring. An animal's menstrual cycle occurs at any time of the year. During such a period, a pet simply begins to go crazy in the absence of a partner. The cat wants love, hence this behavior. To resolve the problem, you can pair the cat with a male or visit a veterinarian.
  3. Otherwise, the cause of the pet’s inappropriate behavior may be improper upbringing. Here the owner is directly to blame, since he did not pay due attention to the animal at the time.
  4. There is no need to indulge your cat in everything at an early age. It happens that an animal flatly refuses to eat new food. Hence the indecent behavior and shouting. It is better to give in to the animal and give him what he wants. Otherwise, a stubborn cat may suffer from exhaustion. If your upbringing is incorrect, it is already too late to change anything.
  5. Often, a cat may scream and demand attention. This behavior occurs if you get another animal and spend all your free time with it. When a cat starts meowing and yelling, she is trying to convey to you that she also needs affection and care. Often, an animal may require to play with it at night; cats’ bodies are structured differently.

Diseases, pain

So, a baby cat will not meow without a reason. There is always a reason for this, but it can be difficult to recognize it, identify it accurately and eliminate it alone. So, if a young furry has become a member of your family, then you should always have a good veterinarian who can help.

A small kitten is primarily a growing organism that may encounter some problems

If the baby shows concern, you, as the owner, should immediately pay attention to this. Often breeders are faced with the question, why does a kitten constantly meow? In this article you will find the answer to it

There may be several reasons for this behavior; as soon as you figure out which one applies to your pet, you will be able to quickly find a solution.

1. Difficult adaptation Moving to a new home is stressful for a kitten. If you have just taken him away from his mother and other kittens, then he may meow for this very reason. Very young kittens, which are not yet two months old, are especially susceptible to this stress. The solution to the problem is not difficult - you need to create conditions for him similar to those in which he lived with his mother cat. Prepare a warm heating pad for him, wrapped in a soft cloth, preferably fluffy. This way he will feel warmth similar to his mother’s and will be able to quickly fall asleep. Give him as much attention as possible, and then he will understand that instead of his mother, she has a new breadwinner and protector - a person. As a rule, it takes several days to a week to adapt, then the kitten will be able to completely relax and understand that he is at home.

2. Lack of attention If the kitten has been living with you for more than a week, but still shows signs of anxiety and constantly meows, this is a reason to think about whether you are paying enough attention to it. Domestic cats are mostly social creatures; they constantly need to feel that they are not alone. Play with the kitten more, talk to it, make contact, even if it is a little afraid of you. In the latter situation, you should not be zealous and communicate with the kitten only when he himself shows interest in you. Buy or make toys for him so that he can have fun when you are not at home. Cats need very little to be happy!

3.Health problems As sad as it may be, such restless behavior may indicate health problems. The kitten feels bad and wants to somehow show it to the owner to the best of his ability. You need to observe your pet, first of all, paying attention to how regularly he eats and goes to the toilet. If the kitten is active, eats with appetite, and goes to the toilet regularly, then most likely health problems are not your case, carefully re-read the first two points again. Most often, kittens “complain” about problems with digestion, because in the new home he has switched to new food, and the body needs to somehow get used to it. Stroke the kitten's tummy often, just as the mother cat did when she licked him. This massage perfectly stimulates the digestive system.

When a long-awaited mewing creature appears in the house, in addition to joy, many worries emerge. One of which is why does the kitten constantly meow? Most owners become concerned when the timbre of the voice changes or if the pet begins to meow at night. Zoologists say that a change in timbre may indicate that the animal is hungry or is bothered by something, or wants to go to the toilet. In our article we will talk about what to do if a cat constantly meows, and how the owner should react to this.

The reasons why kittens meow are different from why adult cats meow:

Sometimes he says that he is stressed, especially if he has just been taken into the house. In this case, you need to let the animal get used to it and leave it alone. A common reason if a kitten has just been taken into the home is that it is feeling hungry.

The fact is that the animal does not know where the bowl or toilet is; the baby is not yet accustomed to the location. When a kitten meows, it means that you need to play with it, as if in this way it attracts attention. If kittens meow outside the door at night, then you shouldn’t indulge them in this. Otherwise, it may become a habit, he will understand that he is being played with

Then the cat will react in a similar way. Most of all, it is an expression of love.

A pet is a living creature

The situation in our home is always under our control, so it seems to us. If you wanted to have a pet - once you eat, you have to go to bed - everyone should shut up. But cats don’t adapt to their owner’s wishes; they also have their own desires, needs, and even their own mood.

The surrounding residents are unhappy, the cat’s behavior is strange, and the screams at night are unreasonable. What to do in such a situation, after all, do not throw it out into the street?

The main thing is, if this happened and the cat started yelling, find out the reasons based on the symptoms. Indeed, you need to understand what is behind these symptoms.

A hormonal surge is the first and main reason for such behavior in a pet.

The beginning of March, a famous time in the world of cats, who hasn’t heard of it? Modern windows save residents of the first floors of apartment buildings; close the window - no problem, silence. In private houses they also install such windows, but when a cat is yelling in the next room, what should you do? They just scream like that, cats have the same rules.

The greatest likelihood of such a cry is sexual hunting. In a situation where the cat is not sterilized, such a “concert” will be repeated regularly. He is not shouting out of arrogance or harmfulness, his time has come.

He shows the world around him his strength and readiness to reproduce. This is all in the hope that his other half will hear him and respond to his songs. This is one of the most powerful instincts in animals and attempts to suppress it will lead nowhere. All you have to do is wait it out.

We’ll touch on what to do and what to do, but now let’s remind you about what not to do.

Just tie it once and everything will go away

The first thing comrades or colleagues say about kittens crying at night:

- Everything is fine, the cat is fine. This is a natural process. Bring him a cat and everything will be fine.

Most cat owners are confident that for normal health their pet needs to become a kitten dad. But that's not true. Life experience shows that everything will get even worse.

Spring is the only period of the year that interests an untied cat. If you tie it only once, everything changes. The cat begins to rush around the room, rush outside, look for something and mark the territory, causing nothing but trouble for the owner.

Agree, one partner per year is much less than two or three per month, which is exactly what a cat needs. If the domestic cat is not a breeding cat, do not untie it, less worries. But if he is a breeder, then provide him with the necessary needs.

Why cats meow: possible reasons

Lifestyle Animals and nature

Why cats meow will help you understand the nature of the sounds they make. Our selection describes different causes of cat meowing.

The meowing of cats becomes one of the attractive features of their pets for many of their owners. The opportunity to sit next to each other, stroking the fur of this “eternal motor”, enjoying his or her company sounds calming. If the sounds emitted by a fluffy ball are sharp, loud, piercing, you want to understand why cats meow in order to make efforts to eliminate the problem that has arisen, if there is one. It wouldn't hurt for people to know what's behind the meowing in a particular case.

Optimal age for castration

It is difficult to say what age is optimal for castration, since each cat breed has individual characteristics. Statistics show that it is quite possible to have time to get all the vaccinations, prepare the cat and have time to castrate before the marks appear at the age of 7–9 months. However, do not forget that some breeds are considered late maturing. For example, Maine Coons up to 1.2–2 years old may not show signs of sexual heat and remain indifferent to females.

Up to 6 months of age, the formation of the cat, its skeleton and internal organs is influenced by hormones secreted by the testicles (testicles). All this is very logical...but has already been disputed by veterinarians in Europe and the USA. In large, modern clinics and even shelters in America, early castration and sterilization of animals has been practiced for several years. Kittens are operated on at 6–8 weeks of age. Cats have their testicles removed (neutered), and cats have either their ovaries or uterus removed. Usually the uterus is removed, which does not protect the cat from hormonal imbalances and cancer. At the age of 9 weeks, females are already castrated.

Perhaps this approach still looks controversial and unusual, but 5–10 years ago, it was believed that a cat needed to give birth for health (and to mate the cat). Today, this statement is disputed by all specialists who follow the development of veterinary medicine.

Attempt to attract attention

At times the pet walks and screams for no reason

Why does he do this? Animals are trying to attract attention. Adults are clearly aware that people respond to loud meows and do everything to achieve what they want.

In some cases, with the help of an ora, a cat begs for a treat or food. If the reason for the scream is not clear, the pet should be fed. The reason for the screaming may be a long stay without the owner

With the help of an ora, he wants to attract the attention of the owner, thereby receiving his portion of love and care. You can calm down the fluffy by playing and talking to him

Important! You cannot leave your pet alone for a long period of time. When leaving home, provide your pet with the essentials - toys and food.

Fluffies quickly become attached to their owners. Therefore, if you leave an animal alone, the pets become gloomy and sad.

Intestinal helminths

"Concerts" may be due to helminthiasis . Acute obstruction, pain and colic in the intestines accompany the active activity of parasites. After two years of life, preventive treatment should be regular. A constant feeling of hunger makes the cat wake up its owner even at night.

If the animal begins to scream, it must be examined. Feel carefully, if the cause of the cries of pain is in the abdomen, then increased discomfort will cause the cat to break out. There is no need to delay, you need to urgently take your pet to the doctor. The causes of pain can be very serious, and the consequences of negligence can be catastrophic.

Hormonal medications will help

Pet stores offer their own solution to these problems.

Hormone-based medications are sold in many pet stores. One drawback is that they are ineffective. The only one who calms down from these pills is the owner himself, while he is going home. The magic pill works something like this: The cat will scream less. The number of screams may decrease, even by half, but he will not stop screaming.

These sleepless nights, no matter what the owner will do to get enough sleep. So you have to turn to professionals at the pet store. Drugs come to the rescue, and not just one, there are many of them. There are also fakes among them, but that's another story.

It’s good if the product consists of chalk, but what if the drug contains hormones. Moreover, the quality and quantity for animals is not regulated by any standards.

It is difficult to imagine what side effects such drugs have. A pet store is not a pharmacy, and drugs are not sold by pharmacists. It is difficult even for a specialist to determine the effect of the composition of the drug on the body. What changes will occur in the endocrine system of the animal under their influence?

Very often, the manufacturer of veterinary drugs does not indicate the composition, indications and contraindications. Let’s put it simply: an incorrectly selected drug can harm your pet.

How not to behave

Of course, the patience of any person is by no means unlimited. Your cat has been treated kindly, fed, watered, neutered - and still continues to scream? Do not rush to grab a broom or, even worse, raise your voice at your pet. Violent measures will not help here. The cat may become frightened or offended, and in this case he may begin to take revenge. It is almost impossible to predict exactly how. Animals are subtle psychologists. They know your most vulnerable spots very well. Rest assured, this will not end peacefully. New wallpaper torn to shreds, puddles in the bed and unattractive piles in shoes are just a small part of what an angry cat is capable of.

What to do if a cat yells after castration? The cat yells after castration, what could it be?

As a rule, the screams of felines at night after the operation in question stop

If the cat still yells after castration, then it is important to find out why. Sometimes a cat yells after castration simply because hormonal changes in his body have not yet completed

Night concerts from domestic felines are probably familiar to all owners of unsterilized and uncastrated animals. It is commonly believed that this behavior is characteristic only of cats. In fact, cats demonstrate their sexual needs in a similar way. Pets scream from an unfulfilled desire, which gives them not only physical, but also psychological torment. It is possible to cope with such animal behavior only with the help of appropriate surgery. You should not torment your pet and, for example, lock him in a distant room so as not to hear the screams. Special hormonal drugs against sexual desire in animals are also very harmful. All of them have a very negative effect on the health of cats.

In general, after the castration procedure, the problem should be completely eliminated. But in some cases, the owners continue to hear the animal’s cries at night even after the operation. If after castration the cat continues to scream, then, most likely, the hormones simply have not yet finished their effect. This applies to cases where the operation was carried out very recently. The animal's body needs some time to complete its restructuring. Therefore, you just need to wait a little, and the problem will go away without a trace, and the cat’s owners will finally be able to rest peacefully every night and forget about the loud cries of their pet.

You should not scold an animal for screaming at night, much less beat it, trying to silence it. Such methods will definitely not help cope with the problem. It is necessary to find the reason for the behavior being discussed and try with all our might to help the animal overcome a difficult period for it.

If the castration procedure was carried out quite a long time ago, and the cat suddenly started screaming at night, then you should not associate this behavior with the desire to “communicate” with the cat. It may be a symptom of some dangerous ailments. For example, representatives of the cat family often cry when they have urolithiasis. In this case, the owner will also be able to notice the animal’s severe anxiety when urinating. Only high-quality comprehensive treatment can help your pet cope with this disease.

It is very important that it is carried out under the supervision of an experienced and competent veterinarian.

The cause of a cat's screams at night can also be acute pain in the abdomen. To exclude or, conversely, confirm it, you should touch the suspected problem area. If there is abdominal pain, the pet will react extremely aggressively to such actions of the owner. In this case, the animal will require urgent examination by a specialist and appropriate medical examinations.

If a castrated cat, who previously always behaved as calmly as possible, suddenly starts screaming, then there is a possibility that he is worried about helminths. You can notice the problem by carefully examining the animal's feces. In addition, regular preventive measures against worms will help eliminate it. For example, a course of special medications every six months. You can purchase such products at any veterinary pharmacy.

If the animal does not have any health problems, then with night cries it can simply attract the attention of the owner. In this case, you should ignore and not encourage such behavior so that it does not turn into a bad habit for the cat.

A neutered pet may cry at night for a variety of reasons. For example, because too little time has passed since the operation or due to any serious health problems

It is very important for the owner to identify it correctly

Main nuances

First of all, let’s get one point out of the way right away. Castration does not necessarily involve the removal of the testes. Today there are methods of chemical, drug and radiation sterilization that do not involve surgical manipulation at all.

Moreover, the drug method can be used to temporarily sterilize a cat. Thus, castration is a procedure that involves suppressing the sexual function of an animal by suppressing the production of sex hormones. And this goal can be achieved in several ways.

Secondly, there is a widespread misconception among many breeders and veterinarians about the “normalization” of animal behavior due to sterilization. Unfortunately, this does not happen in all cases. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why your pet continues to scream, even after being sterilized.

Time is the best medicine

Firstly, when a week or two has passed after the operation, do not hope for a miraculous “healing” of the animal. It takes time to reduce the hormonal levels responsible for the “courageous” behavior of the pet.

The older and more well-fed the cat, the longer the period required for this increases. So, in kittens and young seals this happens within two to three weeks, while older cats may take several months. Thus, the owners can be advised to be patient: every day the screams will become weaker, and gradually the “vocal exercises” will disappear altogether.

Habit is second nature

Remember! If the cat was sterilized in adulthood and has already had matings, then you should not hope for any special changes in his behavior.

The problem is that the psychosomatic personality traits of the animal had already been fully formed by this time. Moreover, even many veterinarians overlook one important circumstance... In some older animals, some of the sex hormones are produced not only in the testes. Thus, the pituitary gland, as well as the adrenal glands, can partially replace the function of the testicles.

True, this does not always happen, and not every cat’s body is capable of such a “trick.” It is believed that the number of such “shifters” is about 5%. It is these individuals that are characterized by loud screams and attempts to copulate with females (often unsuccessful) even a year after the operation.

To solve this kind of problem, you can try using special medications that suppress the animal’s sexual activity. They are sold at any veterinary pharmacy and are used to calm the animal during the heat period.

"Unfinished Castration"

And this happens, albeit infrequently. Firstly, some owners use the services of visiting veterinarians, whose numbers are found in hallways and cheap newspapers. There is no need to do this. Such a “specialist,” for example, may leave part of the testis in the scrotum. Over time, most of the organ regenerates, and the reproductive function of the animal will also be restored. There is another problem, the consequences of which often appear after “self-made” castration. Cryptorchidism.

It is believed that approximately 2% of cats in the “wild” have a pathology in which the testes do not emerge from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum during puberty. Such “lost” testicles can only be removed through abdominal surgery. If no one examines the animal before castration, “awkward” moments may arise during the procedure itself.

Unscrupulous specialists simply keep silent about the missing testicle, as a result of which the animal owners begin to have problems in the future. Since the cat is “in fact” neutered, not every veterinarian, even in a clinical setting, will be able to suspect cryptorchid. By the way, what are the consequences of leaving one testicle in the abdominal cavity?

Lots of troubles. In particular, such cats not only constantly scream as if they were not castrated (in fact, they are). What’s worse is that their risk of developing testicular cancer increases by about 70%. In addition, even after surgery, such animals continue to selflessly mark their territory and chase cats, which shocks their owners.

If you see that within a year after “castration” your pet is still yelling, be sure to take him to a good veterinary clinic. It is quite possible that the cat needs another castration...

Urolithiasis disease

If you have castrated your pet a long time ago, and at the time of the procedure his age was already far from “infant”, it makes sense to check the animal for the presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Especially when you did not prepare a special diet for your pet and often fed it fish... It is quite possible that screams at night are not a consequence of preserved hormonal levels, but of a serious illness, and cat screams are a consequence of severe pain experienced by the animal during an attack.

This is also indicated by long “meetings” of the cat on the tray. It happens that pets with ICD sit on the toilet for almost hours, but during all this time they are not able to squeeze out a single drop of urine. Sometimes pet owners are sure that their pet is “marking,” although involuntary urine discharge is also characteristic of urolithiasis.

Please note that without promptly contacting a veterinary clinic, your pet may die from painful shock or critically severe intoxication (uremia).

So don’t delay contacting a specialist. It is very possible that after timely treatment, the cat will not only stop yelling, but will also maintain its health and even life.

Bullies forever

Finally, people often forget that their smaller brothers are also alive, and they also have their own psychosomatic characteristics. It happens that a cat constantly howls and marks its territory not because of an illness or an “off-scale” level of sex hormones, but... just like that. Because he wants it that way.

It also happens that some “uniques”, in addition to all of the above, also poop anywhere. Unfortunately, there are very few animal psychologists in our country. But in vain, because in such cases (after excluding diseases of the genitourinary system) you should turn to them.

Sometimes sedatives (Cat-Bayun, for example), which we have already indirectly mentioned above, sometimes help to partially cope with the situation.

Thus, a cat screaming after castration is far from a unique phenomenon. Since some cases of such behavior indirectly indicate dangerous pathologies, the question “what to do” should not arise among the owners. First, they should take their pet to an experienced veterinarian.

Secondly, there is a widespread misconception among many breeders and veterinarians about the “normalization” of animal behavior due to sterilization. Unfortunately, this does not happen in all cases. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why your pet continues to scream, even after being sterilized.

How often does heat occur?

After giving birth, some pets ask for a cat within a month and a half

The process of “spring” in a cat is divided into three periods:

  • proestrus;
  • estrus;
  • metestrus.

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The beginning of estrus is proestrus. This period lasts 4 days. Already at this time, the cat’s genitals secrete a clear liquid, the cat is not yet accepting the cat, but external signs of hunting are present.

The first symptom of approaching heat is increased tenderness towards the owner and others.

Duration is on average 7 days. The older the animal, the longer the hunting period lasts.

Medicines to calm you down

In order to calm an angry cat, there are many medications:

  • calming tablets;
  • drops;
  • solutions for injections.

The most popular of them:

  • Fitex - soothing drops with motherwort, valerian and hops, help relieve stress and normalize heart function;
  • Stop-stress – quite strong tablets and drops that reduce the activity of the animal’s brain, but are not addictive;
  • Cat Bayun is a powerful sedative in the form of a solution and tablets, intended to relieve aggression (especially in cases where the cat is marking the apartment and is overly nervous), as well as to relieve estrus in cats.

All other drugs pose a danger to the health of cats, so it is better not to use them.

Conclusions on the reasons for meowing

If you do not understand why a neutered male or female cat is yelling for no reason, contact your veterinarian. Thanks to adequate therapy, bringing your pet back to normal will be much faster and more reliable.

If you suspect that the cause of the vomiting does not lie in injuries or illnesses, but is a consequence of mood, purchase calming medications for cats that contain herbal ingredients. But again, check with your veterinarian first.

Remember! Animals should not be mistreated. Don't yell at your cat and he won't yell at you in retaliation. After all, the pet does not understand the reason for the bad attitude. If the problem is not with you or other factors described above, determine the reason causing the meowing. Sometimes just paying attention to the animal is enough for the cat to stop yelling and start purring.

  • Puberty of cats: when and how long does estrus last?
  • Sterilization of a cat Anti-worming tablets for cats
  • Deworming tablets for cats

Trying to scare me doesn't help.

A “folk” recipe for combating night screams from amateurs.

There is an opinion that after scaring a cat well:

  • Bath your head in cold water;
  • Release a stream from a water pistol;
  • Scare with a vacuum cleaner.

Organization of discomfort in any form, primarily for the cat, but the whole family will experience it. The only shame is that in fact, the effect is very short-lived. It will scare you, and he will probably shut up, but only for a while. With the onset of silence, the animal will come to its senses and again begin to sing.

Most likely, the cat’s memory will not fail and in the morning a small gift will be discovered in the shoe . Cats do not forgive insults and take revenge at every opportunity.

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