How to get a cat to eat if he refuses to eat

Any rehabilitation of a cat after intestinal surgery includes correction of daily nutrition. It is also often difficult for owners to feed a cat that has recently suffered from stomach and other diseases. If your pet does not eat for several days, while its general condition worsens and other pathological symptoms are recorded, then you should immediately contact a veterinarian for help. To maintain the normal condition of a cat during illness, it is possible to feed it liquid food from a syringe and give it water in the same way.

Why force people to eat food?

Everyone considers a cat to be a fairly independent and intelligent animal, and if it refuses food, then there are significant circumstances for this. But some owners forget that the animal is not able to cope with everything on its own, and therefore it needs the help of its owner.

The cat may sit next to the bowl, but will not touch the food.

Important! If the cat is cheerful and looks healthy, and has not eaten for only a day, then you should not persuade it to eat something. It is better to first take a sick animal to a veterinary clinic, where you can ask the veterinarian how to get the cat to eat.

What not to do

Have you already chosen a way to wean your cat off food? Then remember a few rules:

  1. Take your time. Sometimes it can take months to relearn. A drastic change in the usual diet will discord your relationship, lead to a boycott and changes in the animal’s well-being.
  2. Don't spoil your pet. Of course, sometimes it’s not only possible, but also necessary to treat you to something tasty. But you should not “put” food into the animal’s mouth. You're not going to indulge all his whims for the rest of your life, are you? This is not the way to start. The attitude towards the animal should remain equal and friendly, as always.

Reasons why cats refuse to eat

Pet owners must monitor their pet's diet. Cats are characterized by moderation in food: they either rarely consume food, but in large quantities, or often in small quantities. If a cat has an appetite, this only means that he is healthy. However, if he refuses food for several days, then this is a reason to worry about his well-being.

Can humans eat cat food if it is liquid or dry?

You should pay attention to the animal not only if it refuses to eat at all, but also when the number of meals or serving size has decreased. You shouldn’t immediately start persuading him to eat; it’s better to try to find out the reason.

Fasting day

It's not uncommon for cats to eat less on a given day in an attempt to cleanse their intestines. Such fasting may be associated with habitually overeating the day before or previously consuming heavy foods.

A temporary problem with your cat's digestion may occur due to physical activity. A kitten sometimes expresses its protest in this way, demanding its favorite treat or expressing resentment towards a family member.

You should not pay attention to the fact that the cat does not eat for a day, if then everything returns to normal. There is also no need to try to persuade him to eat. It is recommended to monitor the animal's food intake the next day.

Note! If a cat does not consume food for several days, then this is a cause for alarm. It is recommended to take your pet to a veterinary clinic immediately.

If your cat has not eaten anything for several days, it is recommended to show it to a doctor.

Physiological features

Their nutrition also depends on the physiological characteristics of pets. Especially often, cats may refuse to eat during heat, especially if there is a cat living next door. This also happens with males. Approximately a week before the start of sexual hunting, the animals' appetite may decrease.

Pregnancy also leaves a certain imprint. The owner should monitor the condition of the cat and its nutrition. A pet may begin to refuse food during toxicosis or before giving birth, but not for more than a day.

After giving birth, the animal is also in no hurry to eat, as this is due to a number of factors:

  • the mother is afraid to leave the kittens;
  • the cat is experiencing postpartum stress;
  • difficult childbirth has exhausted the animal, and therefore it needs to recover;
  • The cat ate more than one placenta after giving birth.

If the kittens feel well, do not force the cat to consume food. However, if you refuse food for more than a day, have a fever, vomiting, drowsiness and lethargy, you should sound the alarm and seek professional help.

Note! Even fasting for 24 hours can lead to health problems. Obese cats have particularly severe liver damage. Therefore, even on a diet, it is necessary to regularly feed cats.

Stressful state

An animal can take on a sick appearance when there are changes in the house. This can be caused by repairs, rearrangement of furniture, the arrival of a new person in the house, the absence of the owner for a long time, as well as a change of place of residence. This unsettles the cat, causing it to refuse to eat.

A problem can be moving the animal's bowl to another place that he does not like. The cat will not eat if there is a source of noise, bright lighting or heavy traffic nearby. If this happens, then the cat is stressed, which games and affection will help to cope with. However, if it does not go away, then you should be careful, since it can aggravate chronic diseases.

A cat may not eat for many reasons.

Health problems

Deterioration of the general condition or the development of diseases can cause a lack of appetite in the cat. Most often this occurs due to the appearance of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, helminthiasis, foreign bodies in the digestive tract, gastritis, and the appearance of tumors.

Other reasons

Cats are finicky animals, and therefore may refuse to consume food if it is of poor quality. A sudden change in menu can be stressful for an animal, but it also does not accept routine like a human.

Important! You should not feed your pet the same thing for a long period of time.

The condition after surgery can also negatively affect the animal's appetite. Anesthesia drugs often suppress physiological processes. The period of recovery from anesthesia can take about 8 hours, but the animal will be lethargic for a couple of days after the operation.

Don't forget that cats are predators. They could refresh themselves during a walk with a caught mouse or just grass. They cannot finish several dishes in a row because they are full, and therefore in this case they should not be forced.

How to tell if your cat doesn't have enough water

1. Low water consumption

If you know your cat's needs and habits well, you can easily notice that the water in the drinking bowl is practically untouched. If you are sure that the cunning pet did not have the opportunity to slurp some liquid somewhere in an “unauthorized” place, a full bowl of water can serve as an alarming signal.

2. Frequent urination

A healthy cat's body should receive as much water as it loses. If the contents of the cat's litter box are obviously more than what the cat drank, there is a high risk of dehydration. Frequent urination deprives your cat of vital nutrients and may be a sign of a serious medical condition, such as diabetes or kidney failure.

3. Vomiting or diarrhea

Vomiting or diarrhea are even faster and more dangerous ways to dehydration. They usually signal a situation requiring emergency medical intervention - for example, poisoning. In addition to dehydration, these disorders lead to rapid weight loss - which is very dangerous for cats.

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4. Decreased skin elasticity

The elasticity of the mustachioed skin, or rather its decrease, can also signal that the pet’s body is dehydrated. There is a simple test - pull the skin on the cat's neck with your hand. If it immediately returns to its previous state, the animal is healthy. If the “peak” lasts for at least a few seconds, it is very likely that your cat is not getting enough moisture.

5. Shortness of breath

The absence of sweat glands forces the cat to pant to regulate its body temperature. Heavy “dog” breathing with an open mouth also leads to dehydration, as moisture leaves the body through the mouth. Additionally, shortness of breath is often a sign of heatstroke in cats. Be careful, this is very dangerous!

6. Slow capillary refill

Poor blood circulation can also indicate dehydration. This can be checked by pulling back the cat's upper lip and pressing on the gum with your finger. When you remove your finger, you will see a white mark. In a healthy cat it will disappear within 1-2 seconds. If the spot lasts longer, it is a sign of poor blood circulation. It may be caused by dehydration, heart failure or shock.

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Force feeding rules

A cat has a belly button: do cats have it, why not?

The owner of a sick animal is faced with an impossible task - how to feed the cat if it does not eat anything. The only way out of the situation is force feeding. How to do it correctly:

  • You should take a small piece of food and place it at the base of the animal’s tongue. After this, close the cat’s mouth and gently stroke the cat’s throat with careful movements. This will help make swallowing easier;
  • What to feed a cat if he doesn’t eat anything is liquid food. It is sent into the mouth using a syringe. However, this method can cause stress in the animal, and therefore subsequently it will not be handled at all. Feeding will then have to be done through a tube that delivers food directly into the stomach.

Important! It is recommended that you consult your veterinarian about which method is best to choose.

Artificial feeding of a cat through a tube

Reasons why a kitten does not eat food

Let's figure out why the kitten doesn't eat anything? What made the baby starve?


No matter how proud cats are, they are very sensitive. It would seem, what’s wrong with moving or a change of scenery? But such little things can affect the psychological state of the animal. The animal needs a couple of days to adapt to the changed conditions. If possible, eliminate all possible sources of stress and provide your baby with peace. Let fresh water and some food be within his sight, but away from people. Perhaps the kitten needs a calm environment and privacy.

Too young

Some people buy kittens that are too small. Unscrupulous breeders are trying to “fuse” kittens as quickly as possible so that the cat goes into heat faster and gets offspring from her again. As a result, kittens do not yet know how to eat on their own. Hence the hunger strike.

The baby would be happy to eat a hearty meal, but he can’t, he doesn’t know how. To prevent the baby from starving to death, you will have to purchase a special cat's milk substitute (it costs a lot, but is ideal for kittens) and a bottle. Cow's or goat's milk are not suitable because the kitten's intestines cannot digest such fatty milk.


Cats are very clean (with rare exceptions), so they are uncomfortable with the fact that their feeding area looks untidy or dirty. The animal will endure to the last, but will not touch even its favorite food if the bowl is poorly washed or there is a lot of garbage around the feeding area.

Strong odor from food or bowl

Some bowls made of polymers, especially in the first days of their use, have a strong, unpleasant odor. Cats have a keen sense of smell. And such a “bright” chemical smell will repel the pet from food. In addition, food can smell like plastic and have an unpleasant aftertaste. But even if the bowl (in your opinion) no longer smells, the detergents you use to clean your cat's bowl may have a strong odor. do not forget that they also have a fairly diverse chemical composition. Still, it is better not to use chemicals when washing dishes for feeding an animal. If you want to kill the infection, then simply pour boiling water over the bowl (if the manufacturer and material of the dishes allow this).


Some types of parasites, on the contrary, awaken a brutal appetite in the baby. But still, in most cases, the tiny organism is not able to fight helminths. All the forces of the immune system are spent exclusively on the fight. Therefore, there is absolutely no money left for food consumption. Modern veterinary drugs can be given to tiny kittens. Some anthelmintics can be given just once, but it is usually recommended to repeat the procedure after 10-14 days.

This is due to the fact that during this time those parasites that were not affected by the first dose reach a different stage of development. And now on it they become sensitive to the active ingredient of the anthelmintic. Be sure to carry out 2 procedures for expelling parasites, even if you do not find any worms in the kitten’s feces or vomit. Perhaps his body contains just the larval stage, which is covered with a dense shell that does not allow the drug to kill the helminth.

Infectious diseases

The little kitten does not eat because an infection has raged in its body. At least remember yourself during the flu. Do you eat a lot? And a baby, especially if he is too early or has just been torn away from his mother, can have a huge number of life-threatening diseases. Any infection clings to his fragile body. The immune system is not yet very developed

That is why it is so important to carry out preventive vaccinations according to age on time. This can save the purr from a lot of problems.

What to feed

Nowadays there is a large amount of animal food on the market, but even with this, owners are faced with the question of how and what to feed a cat if it does not eat anything. It is recommended to give preference to ready-made foods that are specifically designed for use in the treatment of a specific disease.

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Most often, this is liquid food that can be fed to the animal from a syringe, or the cat itself can lap it up like water. This food is tastier than usual to attract the sick. In this case, the cat is more likely to prefer something liquid than solid food. In addition, this food is high in calories, so as not to force your pet to eat more often than necessary.

Note! Such food should not be considered a panacea and should not be grabbed from the shelves if the animal refuses food. You need to consult a veterinarian who can tell you what to feed your cat if he doesn’t eat anything.

Proper nutrition

A speedy recovery for a pet after intoxication is impossible without following a proper diet. What to feed a cat after poisoning is a concern for every responsible owner. As a rule, after an illness the animal loses its appetite for a long time.

However, special attention should be paid to nutrition issues

Due to the fact that many toxic substances are highly soluble in fats, at first you should not give the animal food containing them. Only vegetable fats are allowed in small quantities. This issue is especially relevant when phosphorus-containing substances (usually pesticides) and rat poison enter the body. For the same reason, you should not feed your animal milk. In addition, fatty foods will slow down the recovery of the liver, which suffers from any poisoning of the body.

Therapeutic food for a cat after poisoning should be gentle on the digestive system. Experienced breeders recommend feeding your pet during the recovery period 3 - 4 times a day for 1.5 - 2 months after poisoning.


If intoxication has occurred due to eating poor quality food, then after a daily fasting diet the animal should be given rice water. It is prepared in water.

After 2 - 3 days, the pet can be offered viscous porridge based on rolled oats and pureed buckwheat. You should not feed a sick cat pearl barley, semolina, or corn porridge.

Gradually, you can add boiled vegetables (carrots, broccoli, pumpkin) to your diet. After 5-7 days, if the pet’s condition is satisfactory, lean poultry and rabbit meat can be introduced into the diet. The meat should be given boiled, in small pieces or crushed in a blender until pureed. Fatty fish, table food, and canned food are strictly contraindicated.

You can give your animal low-fat cottage cheese. You should abstain from milk, cheese, and sour cream for the first 2 to 3 days. It is useful to give low-fat kefir if there is no digestive upset.

If before poisoning the animal was fed with ready-made formulas, during the recovery period it is recommended to give super-premium medicinal food, for example, Hills I/D for food poisoning, Hills L/D for liver problems due to toxic substances or K/D, if the kidneys were damaged by poisoning.

In the Royal Canin food line, you can use the Gastro Intestinal composition, which ensures maximum digestive safety, as well as Hepatic food, which supports liver regeneration. A veterinarian will help you choose one or another medicinal food, taking into account the type and form of poisoning.

Cat food recommended for consumption after poisoning

Owners often note that after poisoning the cat does not eat. After severe intoxication, this phenomenon is often observed. If there is no appetite for 2-3 days, you should not force feed the animal, as this may provoke vomiting. If the general condition of the sick pet is weakened, it should be regularly taken to the veterinary clinic for the administration of intravenous nutrient solutions. For this purpose, infusions of 40% glucose solution and saline are used.

How to make food more attractive

If the cat is picky, then you need to make its food more attractive to the animal. It is worth paying attention to the bowl from which your pet eats. Perhaps it retains an unpleasant aroma that is not washed off with ordinary water. It is not recommended to use regular detergent for cleaning. It is better to wash with dry mustard, which will disinfect, will not leave an unpleasant odor behind, and will also thoroughly wash away the remnants of old food.

A cat pays more attention to smells than to taste. It is worth giving preference to higher quality food, even if people don’t like its smell. Selection is carried out through trial and error.

Be positive

Approach your cat's treatment with confidence and a positive attitude. Pets are very sensitive to their owner. If you are indecisive or anxious, your cat may pick up on your anxiety and refuse the food you offer.

Faced with difficulties, some owners are reluctant to change their cat's diet. Especially at the early stage of the disease, when the symptoms are not so pronounced.

We looked at the possible reasons why a cat doesn’t want to eat medicated food and gave recommendations to help your pet get used to the new diet.

Remember that each cat is individual, has its own characteristics and preferences.

Timely changes in diet slow down the progression of the disease and prolong the life of your pet.

Features of syringe feeding

Before starting feeding, you should consult your doctor about the size of the syringe. You can ask him to give the desired option so as not to make a mistake. Most often its size is 2 ml.

You need to cut off the tip of the syringe, pull the plunger out of it, and fill it with food. After this, you need to bring the tool to the cat’s nose so that the pet can smell the food. When the pet opens its mouth, lightly press the plunger, squeezing a small amount of food onto the tongue. If the animal does not open its mouth, then you need to do it yourself, since you need to force the cat to eat.

How to feed a sick cat with a syringe


Some sources recommend simply pouring dry food into your kitten's bowl. Do not give other food under strict prohibition at all! They say, if he wants to eat, he’ll gobble it up like he’s cute. Cruel, to say the least. This way you can drive your baby to starvation, because some kittens are very stubborn.

This method is more suitable for an older animal. And a cat child may simply not know that the bowl contains food and not a toy or litter. If you have already decided to take such an action, then we suggest you to simplify the task:

  1. Leave some of the dry food, soaking it with water. It is quite possible that the baby will like this mess more.
  2. Place several bowls of dry food from different brands. Let the kitten choose what attracts him.
  3. Break dry lumps into smaller fractions. It may still be difficult for your pet to chew through large balls.
  4. Do not forget that there should always be plenty of clean drinking water. Because dry food always makes the animal thirsty.

In the evening, when you come home from work, the first thing you do is inspect all the bowls. Based on the presence of content, you will already evaluate whether your idea has worked out or whether you will have to move on to the next step.

By the way, a hunger strike, which a pet may go on, can last no longer than 5 days without harming the kitten’s health. If by this time the baby has not started eating dry food, then you have failed. Get used to eating natural foods.

Advice. Do not try to accustom your kitten to economy class dry food. It's cheap food with little nutrition. If you decide to feed your baby dry food, then at least choose decent food so as not to harm the growing body.

how to properly feed a cat after castration

Force feeding a newborn kitten

Kittens are fed with syringes. But you should choose a size larger than 10 ml. The needle needs to be removed. Even a small kitten will try to escape, so before feeding you need to carefully wrap it in a towel so that the pet cannot move. In this case, you should not press down the paws too much or squeeze the body, as this will negatively affect the internal organs.

Note! The kitten will show the desire to eat only after it tastes the food. The owner's only task is to force the pet to take the first sip.

When feeding kittens, do not squeeze them too hard by the body.

Almost every owner of a four-legged creature will sooner or later have to learn how and what to feed a cat if it doesn’t eat anything. This is required not only in case of illness, but also due to any other reasons due to which the pet refuses to consume food.

Rules for artificial feeding

In addition to properly selected food, the baby requires strict adherence to the feeding method and schedule. To artificially feed a kitten at the age of 1 week, you must follow the recommendations of specialists:

  1. The break between feedings during the day should be 2 hours. The night break should not exceed 5 hours. At the age of 2 weeks, the kitten is fed at 3-hour intervals.
  2. The nutritional mixture is given from a special cat bottle with a narrow nipple or from a pipette. Some owners drip into their mouths directly from a syringe with a previously removed needle. In weakened kittens, a catheter is inserted directly into the stomach, but its placement requires appropriate experience.
  3. During feeding, the bottle is held at an angle of 45°, and the kitten lies on its tummy at this time. Feeding on your back poses a risk of choking.
  4. The hole in the nipple should not be too large, and “drip feeding” from a syringe should not be too fast so that the mixture does not enter the respiratory tract.
  5. You can tell that a baby is hungry by the way it squeaks loudly and crawls restlessly in search of food, and when it finds human fingers, it tries to suck them.
  6. Feeding time for a kitten is about 5 minutes. As the baby becomes full, he stops sucking and soon pushes out the pacifier or turns away from the syringe and eventually falls asleep.
  7. After eating, the baby should be stroked on the tummy with gentle circular movements, stimulating peristalsis.
  8. Bottles, syringes and nipples are thoroughly washed and dried after each feeding.
  • what to feed kittens at two weeks;
  • what to feed kittens at three weeks;
  • how to raise a kitten.

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