What to do if your own cat doesn’t love you (or it seems to you that she doesn’t love you)

But don’t even think about strangling the cat in your arms.

Such a capricious animal, like a cat, loves freedom very much and cannot stand loud exclamations. This is why cats avoid communicating with children. Your furbaby needs a lot of time to sleep, which is why he loves to retire and hide inside comfortable boxes. If you see that your pet is not in the mood to play, leave him alone. Don't pick him up and don't force him to do anything he doesn't want.

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Be especially careful if your cat shows signs of aggression (dilated pupils, tail twitching, fur standing on end, hissing or howling). Just leave your friend alone until you see an improvement in his mood.

How to show your cat your love?

Kitten adoption does not include instructions on how to love cats. So how can you show your cats that you love them? As a responsible cat owner, look for the best way to show your kitties how much you love them.

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  1. Love cats with special attention . Special attention may be given to any or a combination of the following ingredients, as well as a variety of other ingredients specific to your special feline pet. It could be as simple as cuddling in your lap every night or laying on your bed at night. Sitting quietly with a cat looking adoringly across the room speaks volumes.
  2. Cats love massage . Simply stroking your cat from nose to tail provides a general massage that lowers your cat's blood pressure and yours. Pay special attention to the areas he likes best, such as the base of his tail and under his cheeks. Touching, petting, and massaging your cat also serves to check its health for any fur mats, lumps, lumps, or sores that require medical attention.
  3. Love your cats through training . These days, cats rarely earn their living. Many of them are tired of everyday life. We end up with crazy cats swinging from the curtains and playing gravity experiments with small breakable objects on the mantelpiece, getting into fights with other cats, clawing and bashing furniture with urine, etc. Think of training as fun, a challenge and opportunities to celebrate your pets' natural abilities and reward them by unlocking their full potential.
  4. Cat communication . Learn to understand what your cat is telling you with its meows, its tail, its ears, etc. How do you feel when someone ignores your attempts to tell them something? Your cat knows you love him and responds by purring when you respond to his tongue accordingly.
  5. Cat care . Cats spend half their waking hours grooming themselves. Some people cope with grooming, but most need help staying smart. Not only does the comb/brush feel great, like a massage all over your body, but it also clears fur from your skin, reduces hairballs, and serves as a bond between you and your cats. A good way to show your love for your cat.
  6. Correct introduction . Cats are creatures of habit, and a new pet entering the home may make your cat question your love. With the right introduction, your cat may agree that the new kitten/dog/cat/bunny was a loving gift after all.
  7. Treats for cats . Treats are a great way to “love” your pets because animals have no choice; they all have to eat. Although tastes vary, you can usually find something your cat will like. The ideal treat is tiny, smelly, unique (different from the usual) and rare (which makes it special).
  8. Cat mint . This harmless herb gives energy and a pleasant “high” to many cats. Combine catnip with a special toy and you will truly get more enjoyment out of your pet. Cats will love you back if you give them catnip.
  9. Cat game . Every pet has a favorite game. Interactive play strengthens your bond, builds confidence with shy pets, and keeps home pests at bay. Some cats enjoy puzzle toys where you hide treats because it allows them to use their brain, teeth and nose. Cat halls with climbing opportunities, claw areas and hiding spots will delight active cats. Empty paper bags or a wad of paper thrown into an empty bathtub are a source of pleasure for many felines.
  10. Stress relief . So many cats turn their tails because of changes in their world. Enriching the environment with cat trees, adding a bird feeder outside the window, or simply playing calming music helps a lot.

So, my final tip on how to show your cat that you love her is to accept her affection.

Let your cat wrap her arms around your legs and rub as much as she wants.

When you're trying to express your love for a cat, you have to be careful not to spoil it too much.

Remember to reward any behavior you want your cat to repeat and don't give in to your cat's every whim.

Featured by: Amy Shojai Amy Shojai is an animal behavior expert and award-winning writer with over 25 years of hands-on experience training and caring for cats and dogs. She has written 27 books on animal care and was named Writer of the Year.

Play with your pet

When your pet is in a great mood, alternate displays of affection and hugs with outdoor games. Give your cat the opportunity to show his hunting instinct in all its glory. Experts recommend playing with your pet at least once a day. This fun activity keeps your pet in great physical shape and stimulates his brain. Secret: Having games at the same time will help strengthen your bond.

Games with laser

How to entertain a cat if he is bored? A laser pointer will help you in this matter. Many cats are partial to a beam of light that moves chaotically. It is advisable that the room in which you plan to play is dark (at least semi-dark).

How to play with a pet with a laser? Very simple. You need to move the beam of light around the room and walls. Watch as your pet tries to catch the light phantom. It is advisable to direct the laser to a place where the cat can run without problems, without causing damage to itself or objects in the room.

Play by the cats' rules

You won't believe it, but animals, like people, also have different temperaments. Find out whether your pet likes passive play (sits and watches the toy you move) or whether he belongs to the category of active animals. Don't give up playing if your cat doesn't want to play by your rules. Remember that most natural hunters prefer to chase a moving object rather than roll balls.

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Wild and dangerous beast

Why are cats, even those raised in favorable conditions, friendly but not loving? This contrast is especially noticeable when comparing a cat with a dog. What's wrong with the mustachioed striped ones?

Good to know! The dog was domesticated 10 thousand years ago, and cats became pets only 5 thousand years ago. And even after taming, they had no contact with people for a long time, but simply lived nearby and ate what they could get.

The dogs were “trained,” bred, and adapted. They simply got cats, hoping that they would perform faithful “service.” As a result, humanity received a completely “decent” version of an independent, self-sufficient and unobtrusive pet - a domestic cat.

A cat should be treated like a “wild” animal, allowing for strong instincts and an innate desire for independence.

This is interesting! Cats become relatively slowly attached to their owners and value their territory and way of life more.

Nevertheless, the cat makes a lot of efforts to coexist normally with the owner. Adapting to the owner's lifestyle, the cat remains a jealous and territorial animal. If you have multiple animals in your home, your cat may become resentful of the lack of attention.

Feeding strategy

If your pet prefers to keep his distance from you, an effective feeding strategy will help. Leave food in the same room as you are, but maintain a respectful distance. When the kitten gets used to your presence and becomes bolder, gradually reduce the distance. While he is eating, talk to him in a soft, quiet voice. Cats hate harsh sounds, so they love men more than overly emotional women.

Who is the boss in this house?

Many owners of meowing pets will categorically declare that the cat is the owner of the house and it doesn’t matter that you fill the refrigerator and pay for heating. However, cats are solitary by nature; they do not live in packs, only sometimes uniting in small prides to obtain food for themselves. Therefore, representatives of the cat family do not know how to obey anyone, and do not tolerate demonstrations of superiority from others, therefore, the more confident a pet feels in the house, the less reason it has for aggression. It is not suitable to punish an animal with the usual spankings with a newspaper; you need to pretend to be an animal yourself - hiss and growl, sometimes gently coax and be sure to praise for the right actions.

Don't punish your pet

Even if you don't like the animal's behavior, you don't need to yell at the cat, spray water, or use violence. Any form of punishment does not work at all when it comes to interacting with animals. You are in different mental categories. The cat does not learn the “lesson”, but sees your aggression. This creates tension between you.

Therefore, focus your efforts on trying to train your pet to behave correctly. For example, if a cat jumps on a table, don't shoo it away. Try to make him want to go down on his own. For example, place a treat or toy on the floor.

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Hooray? Victory?

Goodbye scratched hands! Now my beast will surely become the most affectionate cat! We hasten to disappoint: failure to fulfill at least one of the conditions can lead to open aggression, but strict adherence to all recommendations does not guarantee a sociable character

The fact is that all the advice on the topic “How to make a cat affectionate” does not work in a number of cases:

Patience, attention to detail and the awareness that a cat has its own passions and interests will definitely help you raise a cozy pet from a small predator. Study the life of cats in nature - this greatly helps to understand the behavior of your pet in a given situation.

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