Brown discharge in the ears of cats and diseases accompanied by them

Domestic cats are the ancestors of wild predators, so they have a lot of qualities necessary for productive hunting. One of the important criteria for a cat is hearing. The owner’s responsibilities should include not only timely and high-quality feeding, but also proper hygienic care of the pet.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the condition of the ears, regularly checking for discharge, redness or other pathological changes. The appearance of a specific brown plaque in the inner part of the auricle indicates insufficient ear hygiene. But if other signs appear, such as depression, itching, unpleasant odor from the ear, you need to contact a veterinary clinic for help. After all, these signs indicate the development of pathology.

Normal and pathological brown discharge in a cat's ears

Caring owners know about the need for regular ear hygiene in cats. Careful cleaning of the ear once a week is important for absolutely all pets - regardless of whether they walk outside or not. Indeed, in the warm season, in conditions of high humidity, air or indoor pollution, earwax can become a favorable habitat for pathogenic microorganisms. And its accumulation will lead to the formation of sulfur plug, which will block the ear canal, causing suffering to the animal.

But even if the owner ignores hygiene measures, suspicious brown discharge does not appear in the ears of a cat that is healthy. It’s just that the inner surface of the animal’s ear looks untidy: in places it is covered with ordinary earwax, reminiscent of a viscous yellow-brown coating. By making washing movements with their paws, especially diligent cats partially remove it. Therefore, at different periods of life, the amount of earwax that we see may increase or decrease.

If we are dealing with pathology, then brown discharge from a cat’s ears looks different. They resemble coffee grounds with admixtures of earwax, liquid exudate and dry scales. Pathological secretions accumulate in the external auditory canal, filling the space of the winding ear canal, and may have an unpleasant odor. Spreading along the inner surface of the auricle, they form crusts and a dark thick coating that gradually hardens.

Headband with veil

Such decoration will add mystery to the image, sexuality and romance, and is very easy to do. So, how to make a headband with cat ears and a veil:

  • prepare a familiar decoration as a base;
  • black lace;
  • threads with a needle;
  • wire;
  • mesh for veil.

If the base is black and looks good, then you don’t need to wrap it with a satin ribbon; if you want the product to look finished, then wrap it for beauty.

Now twist two cat ears from wire and cut them out of lace according to their size.

They will need to be sewn to the wire, and very carefully so that the accessory does not have a wrong side.

After you have finished with the stage of attaching the “locators” to the rim, you can proceed to the final stage - attaching the veil. Simply cut a rectangle of the required size and stitch it to the base. You will get this beauty:

Oh, how fashion models and stars love such accessories. And it really looks very interesting!

We invite you to watch another master class - a headband with ears to consolidate the result:

Causes of pathological discharge from a cat's ear

Uncharacteristic discharge from the ears of a brown cat can be caused by various reasons:

  • ear injuries;
  • mechanical damage to the ear canal;
  • entry of foreign objects, water or chemicals into the ear canal;
  • external, middle or internal otitis (ear inflammation);
  • benign polyps;
  • malignant tumors, etc.

However, in most cases, pathological brown discharge in a cat's ears appears as a result of the development of otodectosis - ear scabies caused by mites of the species Otodectes cynotis. Ticks settle on the inner surface of the auricle and in the external auditory canal, where they lead a parasitic lifestyle. They pierce the delicate skin of the cat's ear with their oral appendages to feed on the protruding lymph, cells and tissue fluid.

The vital activity of ear mites causes severe itching in the pet and causes unbearable suffering. Therefore, if you find suspicious brown discharge in your cat’s ears, you must begin treatment immediately.

What to use when cleaning

All items for cleaning ears must be prepared in advance:

  • Cotton buds. Factory products with limiters are used.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Special lotions. Can be found in veterinary pharmacies (Beaphar, Excel Ear Cleansing). In the absence of special solutions, they can be washed with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, and hydrogen peroxide. Oil is often used to remove wax plugs, but it is better not to use this remedy.
  • Flashlight. For a better overview, you can use a head-mounted one so that both hands are free.
  • Towel or sheet. Not all cats tolerate such procedures calmly; they begin to break free and are not allowed to be cleaned; they are usually restrained additionally.

It is important to choose treatment products carefully; for example, when using Frontline, which contains alcohol, cats often drool.

Treatment of diseases accompanied by brown discharge in the ears of cats

If brown discharge appears as a result of infection with mites and the development of ear scabies, then the pet is prescribed complex therapy. Treatment of the disease includes:

  • carefully cleansing the ears of mite secretions and waste products;
  • the use of special antiparasitic drops;
  • the use of symptomatic medications to eliminate itching (prescribed individually if necessary).

To clean the ears, it is recommended to use special lotions that are applied according to the manufacturer's instructions. Your veterinarian will help you choose the right antiparasitic drugs to treat brown discharge in your cat’s ears. In this case, the specialist faces a difficult task. After all, the animal experiences severe itching, perceives any touch to the ears very painfully, and upon contact with a person’s hand, presses them. In such conditions, putting drops into the ears of cats to treat otodectosis is a real torment. Moreover, both for the pet and for its owner. Therefore, experienced veterinarians practice a fundamentally different approach to the treatment of otodectosis - the use of Stronghold drops on the withers.

The drug Stronghold was developed by specialists from the pharmaceutical company Zoetis (USA). Selamectin, which is part of it, demonstrates a systemic effect aimed at destroying both external and internal parasites of pets: scabies and ear mites, fleas, lice, gastrointestinal nematodes, heartworms. Good tolerance by the animal's body and high therapeutic activity of the drug are confirmed by FDA approval (US Food and Drug Administration) and since 2003 it has been actively used by veterinarians all over the world.

One of the main advantages of Stronghold is its single application and ease of use. Unlike ordinary drops that need to be instilled into the ears to treat ear mites, the drug is applied only once to the pet’s skin in the withers area. Thanks to this, treatment of ear scabies is quick and very comfortable for the animal and its owner. In this case, the cat not only gets rid of ticks, but is also protected from infection by other parasites for a whole month.

As for symptomatic drugs to eliminate itching, they are usually prescribed in advanced cases of the disease: when there is an inflammatory process, in which it is extremely undesirable to scratch and injure the ears. In other cases, it will be enough to put a protective collar on the cat.

How to do it right

Kittens need to be taught hygiene early. Very small children are picked up, their ears are touched, and then they are carefully examined. This teaches a calm attitude towards cleaning. The first time the procedure can be performed at 8 weeks. The steps are the same as when treating an adult animal.

Veterinarian advice:

  • choose a moment when the animal is not sleeping, not eating, not washing, and is completely relaxed;
  • sit somewhere (can be on your lap), stroke it to calm you down;
  • fix your head, drop about half a milliliter of warm lotion into your ear (remove from the refrigerator in advance);
  • massage gently (for a minute), distributing the liquid evenly;
  • release the cat (due to strange sensations, she shakes her head);
  • then take the animal in your arms and wipe the inside of the ear (do not try to get deeper, this may be painful and cause injury).

Although cleaning your ears at home doesn't actually cause any discomfort, cats protest. They do not tolerate any intervention well. During cleaning, it is advisable to talk to the animal to calm it down. If the cat breaks out, she is swaddled or put on overalls, and an assistant is brought in. After cleaning, the animal should be praised and given a treat. In the process of getting used to the procedure, it is divided into 2 stages: do not clean both ears at once.

There should be no moisture in the ear. It will not be able to evaporate; there is a risk of inflammation due to the fact that bacteria will feed on the lotion.

It is important to remain calm during the procedure if the cat breaks out or meows. If you yell at the animal, the situation will worsen. Later, the cat uses all means to avoid the procedure.

Why is brown discharge from a cat's ear dangerous?

If you notice brown discharge from your cat's ear, you need to observe his behavior. If you notice that your pet:

  • shakes his head frequently;
  • presses one or both ears for no reason;
  • often tilts head to one side;
  • does not allow his ears to be touched;
  • scratches ears frequently and furiously;
  • shows concern, meows pitifully, etc.

Then immediately seek help from a veterinarian! The specialist will determine the cause of changes in the pet’s behavior, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

It is important to understand: pathological brown discharge from a cat’s ear is a dangerous symptom. It won't go away on its own! Especially when it comes to parasite infestation. After all, their population is growing every day, and with it the amount of their waste products and ear discharge is increasing. Without treatment, ear scabies will develop into a chronic or more severe form, which will inevitably provoke the development of serious complications: purulent otitis media, inflammation of the inner ear, hearing loss, perforation of the eardrum, nervous disorders, etc. Further progression of the disease will lead to inflammation of the membranes of the brain and death of a cat.

Do not forget that ear scabies is a contagious disease. In search of their owner, ticks can easily migrate from one pet to another. They can parasitize the ears of cats, dogs, ferrets, and foxes. Parasites pose a particular danger to small kittens. Therefore, all future cat mothers must undergo preventive antiparasitic treatment.

The cat eats earwax - reasons

Is your cat such a foodie that she hunts your earwax like crazy? Some tailed animals go so far as to, while a person is sleeping, begin to crawl into his ears with their paws and lick them in order to get a little “drug”. What is the reason that a cat eats sulfur?

It turns out that it is not the taste that attracts him, but the smell. After all, cats do not have as many taste buds as humans do. But they have much more olfactory receptors, and it is they that encourage the animal to hunt for sulfur. The fact is that sulfur is dead cells consisting of protein and a special aromatic secretion. This blend of scents reminds cats of a nourishing source of protein that can fill them up. This is what the cat does.

In fact, sulfur actually contains a lot of useful substances, so you shouldn’t scold your cat for such addictions. It's another matter if she hurts you. Then, at the very moment when the cat begins to tear your ears, start hissing at her. This is a great move that helps without yelling or hitting. Cats instinctively know that the one who hisses is desperate and is ready to take the most drastic measures if the harassment does not stop.

Prevention of ear diseases in cats

Prevention of diseases accompanied by pathological discharge from the pet’s ears includes the following list of measures.

  • Maintaining hygiene of the animal's external auditory canal.
  • Protecting your pet's ears from injury, mechanical damage, water, foreign objects and other negative influences.
  • Regular examination of the auricle to detect redness, crusts, scratches, seals, areas of inflammation, etc.
  • Regular disinfection of cat housing, care items, and toys.
  • Suppression of contacts with homeless relatives.
  • Timely antiparasitic treatment of all pets living in the house.

The last point is especially important! Antiparasitic treatment of pets is carried out regardless of access to the street. After all, ticks can enter the apartment on the owner’s shoes or clothes. Stronghold drops on the withers will provide reliable protection against them. After applying them for a month, even during a walk, your cat will not be afraid of ear parasites.

Diagnostic measures

The animal's hearing organs are subject to a thorough examination by a doctor.
To find out why the ear turns black, the veterinarian performs an external examination. A specific crust, scratching and greasy black discharge help in making a diagnosis. To confirm otodectosis, plaque scraping and examination under a microscope are performed. The procedure takes little time, is painless and non-traumatic. An otoscopy is also performed to find out how much the inner ear is affected.

Carrying out the procedure

Perform all actions carefully and gently so as not to damage the ear. Take your time, pet the cat and talk in a calm voice.

Turn the eyelet out so you can clearly see the surface to be cleaned. This way you will have complete control over the process and will not hurt the cat. Then start cleaning:

  • Dip a cotton swab into the gel or medicine;
  • Carefully and shallowly insert the stick, scraping the dirt out;
  • Do not rotate the stick in your ear and do not push dirt inside;
  • Clean the outer part of the ear with a cotton pad;
  • The safe depth of ear cleaning is no more than 1 centimeter.

Replace the wand every time, otherwise you will put wax back in your ear. Clean only the visible part of the organ: this way you will definitely not do any harm.

If you are afraid to get into your ear, try the following technique. Pour a couple of drops of saline solution warmed to body temperature into your ear and massage. Allow your pet to shake its head, and then use a cotton pad to clean up the leaked wax.

A cat should not shake its head constantly - this is one of the signs of ear disease. If wax builds up too quickly or is black or other unusual color, contact your veterinarian. Take care of your cat's ears!

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