How to find a cat if it is lost on the street or hidden in the apartment, does not respond and is afraid of everything?

Why are cats so attracted to open windows?

Cats' instincts are well developed, but they work somewhat differently than those of humans. Moreover, it is the animals who become hostage to instincts in this situation.

No fear of heights

Cats are inquisitive creatures by nature, and their evolutionary lack of fear of heights prevents them from feeling danger. These animals are excellent at climbing trees, hunting birds. Therefore, nature made sure that hunting was as effective as possible, depriving cats of the fear of falling.

Life within four walls forces a cat to seek new experiences and sensations. The apartment is a completely explored space, there are no new smells or sounds, and most of the time nothing interesting happens. But there is always something interesting going on outside the window.

Lack of sunlight and fresh air

Not only people suffer from stuffiness and lack of light. Animals also need fresh air and ultraviolet light to stay healthy and vigorous. This need increases in domestic cats that constantly live in an apartment without the opportunity to roam freely.

How to find an escaped cat

If you come home and the cat is not there, carefully inspect all the rooms. It is likely that the cat could hide somewhere and fall asleep. There are often cases when a cat sleeps at home in a secluded place and does not respond to the call, and the owners decide that it has run away. As a result, a lot of wasted nerves, energy and time searching for the animal.

If you didn’t find the cat at home and it still ran away, don’t rush and run outside. Before you go searching, stock up on everything you need.

What to take to find a missing cat

  1. Cat bowl with food.
  2. Treat for a cat.
  3. The cat's favorite toys (preferably with a sound, for example, with a ball inside).
  4. Flashlight.
  5. Binoculars
  6. Net.
  7. Towel.

You should take a bowl of food if you feed your cat dry food. When searching, shake the food bowl a little so that the sound of food moving in the bowl can be clearly heard. Hearing familiar sounds, a hungry cat may come out of hiding.

You'll need a treat to lure your cat in when you spot her. Domestic cats are very shy. There are a lot of extraneous sounds and noise on the street. Even after hearing a familiar voice, the cat will not leave a secluded place out of fear. If the cat ran away more than a day ago, it will get hungry. It will be much easier to lure her out of hiding with a treat.

You can also use your favorite toy to lure your cat out of hiding. The toy's own scent will attract the cat.

You will need a flashlight if the search began late in the evening or lasted until night. You will also need a flashlight to spot a cat in the dark by its glowing eyes. You've probably seen how cats' eyes reflect light in the dark. This effect will greatly benefit you if you take a flashlight with you.

Binoculars will help you a lot when you are looking for a cat in the trees. Out of fear, the animal can climb very high and you will hardly be able to spot the cat behind the crown of leaves without binoculars.

You may also find a net useful in your search. A rare thing these days, of course. You can ask and borrow it from an animal welfare fund; today almost every city has such a fund.

You will need a towel to wrap your cat when you catch him. Firstly, you will immobilize her, thereby preventing her from running away again from the fright she experienced. Secondly, you will warm up. Domestic cats are not used to the cold. Thirdly, the cat may be dirty, or it could have been marked by cats, which is very unpleasant and happens quite often.

Where to look for a missing cat

  • As we have already said, first of all, inspect the apartment where the cat lives. It is likely that she fell asleep and simply does not want to come out of hiding.
  • If the cat escaped from the house through an open window, inspect the area under the windows. Sadly, falling from a height does not always end well.
  • Entrance. Cats, when running out of an apartment, usually run down the staircase. However, if someone is coming up from below or there is noise, the cat may also climb the stairs. Carefully inspect all floors, as well as all secluded places in the entrance. On the first floor, inspect the niche under the stairs, check behind the battery. If your home has a garbage disposal, inspect it carefully on all floors.
  • If the house has a basement, it is worth inspecting that too. This is a favorite and warm hiding place for cats. The cat could also have entered the basement through a window from the street.
  • Carefully inspect the yard, trees, bushes, nearby entrances, under parked cars.
  • Inspect the road and sides. A domestic cat not accustomed to vehicle traffic could have been hit.
  • Garbage collection area, containers. A hungry cat can look for food and hide there.

While searching, do not forget to constantly call your pet by name. Rattle her favorite toy, shake her food bowl. Listen to sounds from time to time. A hungry or injured cat may meow.

How does a cat recognize its owners? And how long does she remember them?

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Some letters from cat lovers who come to the editor express resentment towards mustachioed pets. We completely agree: yes, it’s a shame. Let's take dogs for example. They are always in sight, and the soul is wide open. The owner comes home from work, happiness shines on the dog’s faces, and the tail, it seems, is about to fall off and fly off. What about cats? Purely based on their mood, they might not even bother to look at you. And this is after a sea of ​​affection, tons of love and delicious food!

But don't underestimate cats. And even more so, be offended by them. Let us refer to the opinion of the world famous scientist from the University of Bristol, Dr. John Bradshaw. The honored scientist, himself a passionate cat lover, is confident that in terms of intelligence, cats are able to outshine their eternal competitors, dogs. Moreover, cats are smarter and more cunning - they are in no hurry to demonstrate to their owners all their skills. Everything is not just like that, but for a selfish purpose: whoever is lucky is loaded with it. Here are the simple-minded dogs who take the rap for two.

Do cats know their owners? The answer is clear: they know very well. Tailed animals remember both visual images and smells in all their diversity. Each of us has our own individual and unique scent, which allows us to identify its owner. Cats, no worse than dogs, “capture” the smells of their owners and introduce them to their extensive library of smells. Smells are stored in memory for quite a long time. Plus, mustachioed friends are actually smart. They know for certain in what mood this or that family member returned home. More specifically, whose legs to rub against, who to make nice to in order to beg for a tasty treat.

Many of you are interested in the question of whether cats recognize their owners after a long separation. Modern science has established one thing: long-term memory in cats really works. A little better or a little worse, but it works quite steadily. A great many facts are described when “lost ones” rejoiced at meeting their owners after years of separation. The first reaction is “incredulous study.” Then the purr will pass the smell through itself and consult its “library”. As soon as the identification is completed, you will be the first to know about it by the characteristic reaction of your pet.

What are the capabilities of a cat's memory? Many experiments and studies have been carried out on this matter. The verdict is this: cats have good memory. Both short-term memory (mustachioed people perfectly remember “recent” events that took place up to 16 hours ago) and long-term memory. How it works? You can meet some cat and expect that she will remember you after a maximum of 16 hours of separation. Without failures or stutters. As for long-term memory, everything is quite individual. If your paths with the animal quickly diverge, it is possible that over time you will be removed from memory. Sunk deeply and seriously into the soul of the animal - you can count on a long and good memory. Sometimes for life.

What is the importance of visual imagery for cats? We noted above that cats remember people's faces. But visual memory does not come to the fore: tailed pets form for themselves a kind of 3D picture, consisting of a person’s face, his smell, voice and behavioral characteristics. However, pets remember human faces with an A plus. If you suddenly decide to radically change the image (while maintaining the unique smell), your pet can be plunged into severe anxiety and confusion.

Voices of owners and other people. Bad luck: you call and call the cat, and she diligently pretends that what was said does not apply to her. The box opens simply: cats are smart and can quickly distinguish the voices of “their” people from “strangers.” It’s a completely different matter that a cat won’t budge without seeing a specific benefit for itself. The cat is full, tends to doze off and “pass out” - which means there is no reason to get up and run to the call. And it doesn’t matter at all who thinks what.

Let's summarize. Cats are well aware of the smallest details from the life of their owners. Not to mention the personality of these same owners. Tailed animals evaluate surrounding events through the prism of their own benefit. When a cat sees that this person gives tasty food, strokes, cares, protects, speaks kind words - it recognizes the person as its owner and becomes attached to him. Purrs have a wonderful innate feeling for good and kind people. Cats perfectly remember both good and evil shown towards themselves. And don’t forget the main thing: the mustachioed pets have perfect memory!

Material used: How do cats recognize their owners, even after years apart? Source: Photo:

Olga and Lilu

A cat always lands on all fours. But paws are just paws to carry the cat away. Lilu has been living with Olga for more than 2.5 years. The first floor, the open balcony, and the birds beckoning outside the window once played a cruel joke on both the cat and the owners. And if, as the saying goes, cats walk on their own, then Lilu, who was completely at home and had never seen the street, walked by herself along the balcony frame. The result is a fall and subsequent disappearance.

For five whole days, Lilu hid in the basement of her own house and did not respond to the call of her owners.

“Actually, she has fallen several times already,” Olga, Lilu’s owner, told us. “However, I always waited patiently under the tree by the balcony.” This time everything happened differently: they came to pick up the cat, but there was no trace of her. What to do? Search, of course! On weekends, several times a day they walked around their own and neighboring yards, calling him by name and the good old “kitty-kitty-kitty” method - there was no result.

Olga and her husband methodically searched for the cat for several days, mostly in the evening when they came home from work. We literally walked around every bush, but nowhere was there even a hint of Lilu’s presence. The Lost came herself five days later: she sat under the window, as if she knew that they should see her. And so it happened: Olga’s neighbor saw the cat in the window and immediately notified the owners. Olga’s husband, rushing towards the disappearance... missed Lila: the animal disappeared into the nearby basement.

“I took time off from work and rushed home. I armed myself with her favorite food in a bag and made my way into the basement, trying to feed her, but, apparently scared, she didn’t want to go into her hands at all. I didn't grab it on the first try. What’s curious: when I came to catch Lila, about eight yard cats came running to my call. Whether to feed or to respond to a call is unclear. So, maybe it was they who scared her so much and drove her into the basement? — Olga shares the story of catching a cat.

Five days of stress and searching are now behind us. Beautiful Lilu is at home - washed, fed, caressed.

Is it worth looking for a cat on social networks?

Yes, but general public areas for cat lovers in Krasnoyarsk are very public places. The likelihood that your ad will be seen by the cat person next door is zero. Strength lies in local communities like “Animals of District N” or just district chats (there are plenty of them, for example, in Viber). So a couple of enthusiasts whose cat was already hiding in the same basement can come to the rescue - their advice will make it easier for you to choose tactics.

This comrade spent three days in the basement. Ahead of a long sleep and thorough washing


The cat came into the house: signs

If you are lucky enough to find a kitten, this is a good omen. There is no need to rush to get rid of it or try to give it to other people. Perhaps this creature will bring good luck to your home. That's why you shouldn't rush to place the animal in the wrong hands.

Newlyweds who find a stray cat will soon be expecting a new addition to the family.

A pregnant cat came to give birth in someone else's house, which means she considers this place favorable with good energy. We need to help her give birth, and leave the newborn kittens at home. She will reciprocate kindness by attracting good luck for her owners.

Important! We need to shelter a cat that ran into the house. The animal senses when help is needed. Will be able to remove negative energy and prevent trouble

It will be able to remove negative energy and prevent trouble.

If a cat has found its way to the house, you need to take it home. It is believed that the beast will bring good, will divert the witchcraft powers that evil people sent to the family. The arriving animal must be fed, and if it wants to leave, it must be released. There is a belief that cats that come to visit are deceased relatives. This is how they visit their loved ones.

Since ancient times, the cat in all countries was considered a mystical creature, so it was treated with respect. In Ancient Egypt this animal was revered as sacred. An offended animal could punish the offender by sending misfortunes and illnesses upon him.

The house has positive energy and good treatment of animals - only under such conditions will a cat live here. If an animal shits, damages furniture and bites for no reason, it means that it will try to leave this place.

You can ignore superstitions, but you should know the signs for your peace of mind and try not to violate them. All beliefs were collected over many years, based on observations of animals. Many of them can be useful and protect you from troubles.

Action instructions

In the city

What to do if a cat goes missing in the city? If your cat is lost, the most effective time to find it is early in the morning, from about four to seven o'clock. It is at this time of day that there is silence, it is easier for him to hear your voice. Look under wheel rims and under cars. It would also be a good idea to look at the trees if your cat is lost.

Alternatively, you can take a treat that your pet loves or one that has a strong smell. This may make it easier for you to lure the animal out. Use different signals if your cat responds to certain sounds. For example, this could be the sound of food hitting a metal bowl.

We call the cat in a gentle voice so as not to frighten him again. If a kitten is lost, you should ask grandmothers, young mothers and anyone who spends a lot of time outside. When talking, you need to describe the animal in detail, and leave a contact phone number just in case. Many people, when they learn about missing cats, happily agree to help. You can also ask the janitors, as well as those people who feed stray cats.

Most people respond well to such an incentive; some can help find a furry one for free. If the cat is lost and you think he is on the street, look for him in the pack. When a pet finds itself on the street, it experiences shock, and when it leaves, it can join the stray cats. Also, if your cat is lost, you can write a post on a social network and ask your friends to share it and help in the search.

In the forest

How to find a missing cat in the forest and what to do? There is no need to panic, you need to calm down and think about the reason for the loss of the animal. Maybe something really scared him? While combing the area, go and call the cat affectionately. Be sure to use a gentle tone so as not to frighten the poor animal even more.

Also, it is worth talking with residents of settlements that are located near the forest. Perhaps someone will see the pet, post advertisements. When searching, carefully inspect the trees, as the cat could easily climb there. In any case, do not despair, since pets in search of food will always go closer to people, to houses.

In the country

If it so happens that you took your cat to the dacha, and he got lost there, it is better to concentrate your search in the area. Unspoken statistics say that, for example, in the summer season, more than half of cats get lost in dachas. If you have the same situation, you need to post as many advertisements as possible in your dacha community and in neighbors. Be sure to ask your neighbors in the country if they have seen your pet, describe it in detail. What else can you do if a cat goes missing in the country?

If the cat has disappeared at the dacha, place a bowl of food for your animal. This will increase the likelihood that the furry animal will return. Don’t despair and don’t forget that anything can happen to your pet, not necessarily a bad one. So, a cat lost in the country can suddenly be found near a city house, waddling around.

Cat in the kitchen

If you just recently brought home a gentle and cute kitten, he will need games and entertainment for several months. The first thing any responsible owner should do is make sure that their pet will be safe. For example, you will have to get rid of some indoor plants that may be poisonous to your cat. Or do not let the animal leave the apartment without giving it all the necessary vaccinations.

Little kittens are known to be very playful and inquisitive by nature. That is, in the near future after their arrival, the animals will study their surroundings and explore unexplored corners of the premises. It is possible that your pet will look for a cozy place, in the role of which he can choose a dishwasher, washing machine, or near the stove. In order not to worry about the safety of your kitten, learn to close all devices before leaving so that your pet does not sneak into high-risk areas. For example, accidentally washing your cat in the machine can lead to disastrous consequences.

Cats by the fireplace

Oddly enough, opening the fireplace for a short time to clean it or add wood can put your pet in danger. Inexperienced kittens may not understand how a fireplace works. So be sure to look inside to see if your cat is hiding in the fireplace so you don't set her on fire with it!

The cat is hiding under the blanket

Soft, comfortable sofas covered with duvets are very attractive to cats. However, people also like to relax in a chair or on a sofa, posing a threat to their smaller brothers. You can crush the cat hiding under the blanket with your own weight or make some ridiculous movement that will cause physical injury to the animal.

What to do if you can’t find the cat right away

If you can’t find the cat right away, this is completely normal, and you should continue your search without becoming discouraged or losing hope of success. Very often, cats are found in places where the search has already been carried out, and more than once, this especially applies to basements. In 90% of cases, a cat that runs out into the street or jumps out of a window ends up there. Over time, the cat, adapting, will increasingly go outside in search of food, and this will increase the chances of its detection.

In addition, both widespread announcements about the loss of a cat and the number of people involved in the search and methodically examining the area, which must be done repeatedly, increase the chances of success.

If you receive information from people about the appearance of a cat that matches the description, you should definitely check the information in person, standing next to the placed food to see the animal.

How long will it take for the cat to return?

There are cases where cats returned after months, or even years. According to statistics, 50% of lost cats can be found by their owners; in 65% of cases, cats return on their own, especially if the cat disappeared after a recent move or from the dacha - it is worth looking for it in its old and familiar place - at the same address. The intensity of the search, the consistency and repeated nature of the actions greatly increase the chances of success, so you should not be discouraged.

Video: how cats find their way home

The loss of a cat is a serious test for both the animal itself and its owner. A lost cat should be searched nearby immediately after its disappearance, carefully examining possible hiding places and gradually expanding the search area. You need to scan the area many times, since cats are very good at hiding. When searching, you definitely need a flashlight, since the eyes of a hiding cat are very clearly visible in the dark. Calling the cat, as well as luring with food, can be used with varying degrees of success. The chances of success are greatly increased by both increasing the number of people actively involved in the search for the cat and distributing notices about its loss. The possibility of the cat returning on its own cannot be ruled out. When looking for a cat, you should never despair and lose hope.


The most important thing when trying to assess the likelihood of an animal returning home is to understand why it disappeared or ran away. Unfortunately, it is not always known exactly under what circumstances this happened, but you can at least approximately select the appropriate options.

  • Curiosity. People often forget to close a window, a window, or close the front door tightly, through which a curious cat might want to explore the world. If we are talking about an animal that has never gone outside before and does not know the courtyard territory well, then it can easily get lost. It is especially bad if at this moment he is scared and chased by dogs, and he has to run away from them. Of course, most likely, the cat will want to return home as soon as possible if he finds his way.
  • Instinct of reproduction. No matter how much a cat or cat loves people, the basic instinct comes to the fore, forcing them to rush outside. This reason is the most common. To prevent this situation, there are a variety of measures, starting with sterilization and ending with pills. The most acute period lasts from several days to several weeks, and when the emotions subside, the animal can return to where it is loved and fed.
  • Hunting. Cats are predatory animals, and hunting is in their blood. Even if a pet is well-fed and caressed, it is capable of coveting some bird. An animal may not eat its prey when it catches up with it, but the code of a real hunter orders it to go in pursuit. Often such a hunt ends in a strange yard and an unfamiliar place. Having come to its senses, the cat in most cases immediately begins to look for a home.
  • Atmosphere. The family environment is just as important for animals as it is for people. In a house where scandals, hysterics, and fights constantly occur, the pet is extremely uncomfortable. He may leave out of despair, and this step will be even more difficult for a cat to go through than for a person to go through a divorce. If the reason is an abnormal atmosphere for habitation, then most often you should no longer hope for an independent return.
  • Fear. Many loud sounds, falling heavy objects, explosions, fireworks cause a natural reaction in animals - to run away. For the most impressionable cats, such an occasion could even be a noisy holiday or a large number of strangers in the house. As a rule, after the pet calms down, he will want to return.
  • Disease. Many pets leave if they are very sick. People call this “gone to die.” In fact, the animal is engaged in self-healing, sometimes this really helps. Then, to the joy of the household, the recovered cat or cat returns after a few days or even more. But sometimes an animal actually dies, leaving only memories of itself.
  • Theft. Purebred expensive cats are sometimes stolen to be sold. Unfortunately, in most of these cases the pet will never be seen again. But we can hope that he is in good hands with good people whom he will love.

After your cat is lost, consider whether she has been feeling worse than usual lately and whether it is time to activate her reproductive instinct. Maybe you will understand what caused the loss and whether she will be able to return home.

The duration of the search for the missing cat

The search for a lost animal has no statute of limitations.

Remember this. The animal can be found in a week or six months. There are cases when pet owners have already stopped all searches, and the cat returned home. Therefore, do not get tired of looking at information on websites about lost cats in your city and announcements that an animal has been found. Perhaps it was your cat who was found?! Don’t be lazy to call back and clarify information about the animal you found, and maybe even drive up and look at it. Something bad could happen to the cat that changed its appearance. And, your beautiful fluffy white cat could turn into a dirty gray pathetic ball of fur.

Organization of searches

The sooner the search begins, the greater the likelihood that you can find your lost pet. In addition, if the search is started in a short time, then the cat or cat that ran away will not go far

It is important not to be upset: a bad mood will definitely not help in catching a runner or fugitive

Before going out and searching other places where a lost pet may be, it is worth looking through the entire apartment. No matter how trivial it sounds, the animal can be in the room - it’s just hidden. Where can I find a cat in this case? Every inch should be searched. It is worth looking not only where the pet previously liked to spend time, but also in places uncharacteristic for it.

So, you should pay special attention to the following “shelters” for your pet:

  • cabinets and cabinet space;
  • mezzanine;
  • space under the bathroom;
  • under furniture;
  • behind the curtains and others.

How can I make the search easier if this happens again?

Unfortunately, domestic cats disappear quite often: they fall out of windows and balconies, run away through doors out of curiosity or under the influence of sexual instincts. Most often, owners have to look for pets that have free access to the outdoors. It is necessary to start catching a missing animal as soon as possible. If you discover that your pet is not at home, you should prepare the necessary tools and devices that will help facilitate search efforts.

Things to find a pet Rationale Flashlight At night, the optical system of a cat's eyes reflects light from a lighting fixture, making it easier to find a missing animal. During the event, you will have to explore secluded and dark corners, so you cannot do without lighting. Finding themselves in an unfamiliar environment, cats most often leave their shelter when darkness falls, so a successful search is impossible without a flashlight.

But its presence is important not only in the dark. A flashlight will help you thoroughly check basements, ventilation and other technological openings in a residential building

Binoculars and other optical instruments Allow you to survey the search area at a considerable distance. In addition, the use of magnifying optics will not scare away an animal in a stressful situation. Using binoculars, it is convenient to view thickets of dense trees, hard-to-reach buildings and places. Favorite toys Often, once in an unfamiliar environment, a pet hides in secluded corners, watching what is happening from a hiding place. Having seen or heard its favorite toy, the animal can independently leave its temporary shelter, following a familiar mouse or ball. Pet's favorite treat If your cat loves dry food, you can periodically shake it in the jar. A familiar sound will lead a hungry traveler to the owner. Clicker This is a sound device that a cat associates with receiving a treat. If your pet has developed a stable reflex to the sound of a clicker, its use will help in searching for the loss.

In addition to various useful devices and devices, the owner must pull himself together, calm down and be patient. Only endurance and lack of panic will help return the missing animal home.

In Europe, microchipping is a common procedure that is done along with vaccinations. In our country, many have never heard of the method of identifying animals using a microchip, but veterinary clinics already offer this service.

Another advantage of microchipping is that the microchip does not need to be replaced. It is installed only once. And when the animal is found, it will be possible to easily determine the coordinates of its owner. In addition, in controversial cases, you will be able to prove that this is your pet.

Let you always have a current photo of your pet at hand. Don't just take a cute photo with your face. Take a photo of the entire animal so that you can easily identify it from the photo if necessary.

Possible places where an animal can hide

If a cat accidentally fell out of a window or jumped out of it in the excitement of the hunt, you should start searching for it in the nearby area. Serious injuries are likely if the animal falls from 8 floors or higher; lower options, as a rule, allow you to limit yourself to stress. The domestic cat doesn’t want to run anywhere; he dreams of returning to home.

How to find a dog if it runs away and gets lost

The main places where a missing pet can be found are:

  • spaces under balconies;
  • bushes;
  • basements.

It’s worth starting your search by visiting these places.

It is important to understand that a domestic cat that finds itself in the city for the first time experiences fear, stress, and strives to hide from people, cars, and other animals that fill the streets, so you should start looking for your pet from secluded corners. Often a fallen cat is injured, albeit slightly, so it may not come to the owner’s call.

Important! During the search, you need to listen carefully; it is possible that the lost pet will make itself known with a barely audible meow. When learning what to do if a cat is lost, many owners use all available means: from visiting all basements to performing magical rituals and reading conspiracies.

It can be very difficult to find a kitten, since passers-by who see the baby on the street may decide that the owner has kicked him out and take the cat home with the best of intentions. Kind people can publish announcements about their findings on forums or in groups on social networks, so such posts should also be monitored when searching

When learning what to do if a cat is lost, many owners use all available means: from visiting all basements to performing magical rituals and reading conspiracies. It can be very difficult to find a kitten, since passers-by who see the baby on the street may decide that the owner has kicked him out and take the cat home with the best of intentions. Kind people can publish announcements about their finds on forums or in groups on social networks, so such posts should also be monitored when searching.

When developing a behavioral strategy and deciding what to do if a cat goes missing, you should not fall into despair. You can only return a fugitive home through active actions; tears cannot help your grief. Therefore, you shouldn’t be lazy, you need to walk through the surrounding yards every morning and evening after work, calling the cat by name, completely ignoring the sidelong glances of passers-by who are amused by someone else’s grief.

Note! In winter, the cat strives to warm up, so it can run into the next doorway in search of warmth. You can go around all the entrances of nearby houses

The most common places where missing cats try to stay warm are basements or porches

In the summer, it happens that a forgetful owner did not close the windows on the balcony, which is why the cat could fall, not onto the street, but onto the balcony of the apartments below. You can start your search with your neighbors. A cat can only enter the forest if it is located near the house.

What to do if you couldn’t find the cat right away

How to wash a cat: options if he is afraid of water and scratches

Owners need to know what to do if a cat is lost, and where to start searching for their pet. First of all, you need to determine exactly how the small pet left the home. Possible options:

if he was released by careless guests, then it is likely that the cat is now in the entrance or has ended up in the attic, if there is access there; if a pet falls out of a window, pay attention to which side it happened from. The animal is scared and seeks privacy, so you should look from the side where the fall occurred

Very often it was possible to find the animal under the balconies above the owner’s apartment; the pet itself responded to its name.

Note! The more time passed since the fall, the greater the distance the animal could cover. If the search “hot on the heels” is not successful, other measures need to be taken

There are several tips that will tell you how to find a cat if it has run away

If the search “hot on the heels” is not successful, other measures need to be taken. There are several tips that will tell you how to find a cat if it has run away.

Don't despair, if the cat is alive, you can find it with some effort.

Spreading information about a missing cat

In addition, it is important to print and post missing notices. In some cities they are immediately torn off from notice boards and poles, in this case distributing leaflets to passers-by will help

How to create an ad:

  1. Indicate the cat's breed and approximate age.
  2. Note the distinctive features that will help distinguish the animal from similar ones, for example, a triangle-shaped birthmark on the neck.
  3. Indicate contacts, preferably several people (for example, husband and wife), in order to always be in touch and be able to respond urgently.

Note! It’s very good if you can post a photo of the missing cat, preferably in color. Posting advertisements is an old method, but effective.

Posting advertisements is an old method, but effective.

Taking steps to get the cat to come back on its own

When studying the question of what to do if a cat goes missing, it is important to understand that only active actions will help return the runaway to the apartment. You need to regularly walk around the yards, call your pet by name, even if it is a non-standard one like Cosine or Pouf, the main thing is that the cat hears the sound of its owner’s voice

It is necessary to check all the basements of nearby houses, because if a cat accidentally fell or jumped out during heat, then, trying to hide, she could crawl into the basement and sit under the pipes. You need to call the cat loudly and clearly in the wording that is used at home. For example, if Melissa for some reason became Fenya, then Fenya must be called, otherwise the pet will not respond and may disappear forever.

Note! If during the search the cat itself does not speak, but the owner hears the meowing of other cats, you need to check this place. Perhaps this is how males react to a cat in trouble

Where to get information about accidents involving animals

This is one of the worst-case scenarios, but it is important to be prepared for anything. Some owners allow cats to roam freely, but traffic rules cannot be explained to the animal.

Therefore, if an animal runs away from an apartment or private house onto the street, it is important to conduct a check in this direction.

Important! You should not think that irresponsible drivers who drive thoughtlessly kill their pets. It also happens that the animal is so afraid that it runs out onto the road suddenly, which is why it is impossible to stop the vehicle.

What to do if your cat goes missing

Your cat was basking on the sofa 15 minutes ago, but now she’s gone? You searched every corner of the apartment and only now remembered that the front door was not locked and, most likely, the animal jumped out into the entrance, and from there into the street? If you find yourself in this situation, you will not be envied. You have lost your cat.

When to start searching for a missing cat

As soon as you discover your pet is missing, immediately begin searching for it. Remember that the efficiency of the search is in your favor, as is its thoroughness.

Therefore, if a cat disappears in the evening, do not put off searching for it until the next morning. Arm yourself with a flashlight, ask your friends for help and go look for a missing cat in the area.

How long can it take for a missing cat to return?

Real-life cases show that lost cats can return home after several months or even years. According to statistics, up to 50% of lost owners find their pets healthy and unharmed.

65% of cases confirm the fact that cats return home from distant places (cottage, village or other places where the animal was early). Intensive searches, patience and perseverance increase the chances of finding the loss within a short time.

Therefore, if the cat suddenly disappears, then you need to immediately start searching in all possible places. In this case, the animal can return home on its own after some time. Much depends on the pet and the circumstances of each specific situation.

It's best to do your best and try to check all your options. The loss of a beloved pet is an unpleasant matter, but it can be resolved if you follow the recommendations presented.

How to protect your pet from falling

The fact that there are risks does not mean that you need to live in a tightly sealed apartment and deprive yourself of fresh air

It is enough to take precautions in advance:

Do not leave your cat unattended. For example, if you go out onto an unglazed balcony, make sure that the animal remains in the apartment. All cat owners know about the almost mystical ability of these creatures to “leak” into the most unexpected places without being noticed; Install a net on the windows, strong enough to support the weight of the animal; Let the cat go for a walk. It has been observed that free-ranging cats rarely fall out of windows.

Even if your pet can feel free only in the summer, during the summer season, this will completely allow him to gain the necessary experience for more careful behavior. If you don’t have a summer house, regular walks can also give the desired effect.

How to look for a missing cat

First of all, hope dies last - a lot also depends on your attitude. And if a cat gets lost, runs away, falls out of a window or slips into the entrance, this does not mean at all that it is completely lost. There is a chance. And you should definitely give your cat this chance to be found. Of course, if you don't look for her or give up too early and stop looking for her, you shouldn't be surprised that you won't find her.

But, you will do this?! And we’ll tell you how to look for a cat correctly so that the chances of finding it increase several times, and what specific steps need to be taken...

If you find yourself in a situation where your beloved cat has disappeared, do not remain silent. Call the cat by name (a lot in your search also depends on how correct and euphonious the name you have chosen for your cat - by the way, you can read about how to choose a nickname for a cat here), say “kitty-kitty”, ah, If her favorite sound is the sound of shaking food in a jar, arm yourself with this “rattle” and shake it as often as possible. Perhaps you will be lucky and you will find your cat in a few minutes - scared, cold, dirty, but so loved. And, perhaps... you will have to go searching the next morning.

If luck is not on your side, and you were unable to find the fugitive in the evening, get up early the next morning - after all, the earlier you get up, the fewer distractions there will be on the street, there will be no passersby, no cars. Ask the janitors in your yard if they have seen a cat? Give them a description of the animal (it is advisable to print out leaflets overnight with a description of the cat, its photo, and your contacts) and promise a reward for their help in the search (the latter is a strong enough argument to help you find it). However, if you are looking for a cat early in the morning, remember that you shouldn’t call the animal too loudly - people are still sleeping... And, instead of help and participation on their part, you will only embitter them.

Involving helpers in the search for a cat

By the way, do not waste the time that you can devote to searching for a cat on useless calls and panic. From your long-distance calls to all your distant relatives, your cat will definitely not be found faster. But asking friends and relatives for help is possible and necessary. The more people looking for your cat, the more likely it is to be found.

So quickly organize a mini search group, and go ahead.

What to do when your pet is found

Having figured out how to find a cat if it has run away, you need to consider this issue. You should not scold, much less punish, your pet; it is an animal, and physical violence is unacceptable for it. It’s better to show the cat how much you love him, that you missed him and are sincerely glad that he was found.

Note! You can buy your pet a treat, but give it only a little, otherwise he may decide that running away is the easiest way to earn a treat.

Care and attention will help the cat understand that he is loved and expected

The escape or loss of a cat is very stressful for both the animal and its owner.

Therefore, it is very important to surround your pet with love and care after returning. Most often, unneutered and unsterilized cats escape. Therefore, if breeding is not part of the owner’s plans, then it is worth considering surgery

It will become an invisible cage that will keep the animal within the house. In addition, it is a well-known fact that sterilized cats love their owners much more and have a calm, good-natured disposition.

Therefore, if breeding is not part of the owner’s plans, then it is worth considering surgery. It will become an invisible cage that will keep the animal within the house. In addition, it is a well-known fact that sterilized cats love their owners much more and have a calm, good-natured disposition.

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